This is awful.

Thank to News Media, Activists are pressuring prosecutors to add "Hate Crime" charges on those bad people.
Thank to News Media, Activists are pressuring prosecutors to add "Hate Crime" charges on those bad people.

Good! Get the issue out in front of the public and make the prosecutors look like a bunch of heartless bigots for not pursuing hate crime charges. It may not add much to their sentence, but it certainly will bring some sense of dignity to the victim, and make the public aware of the fact that things like this are still going on in our so-called "enlightened age".

Thanks for the update, PlateCafe.
Ugh sick! Sounds like something out of a graphic novel - not real life. But then again nothing is beyond the human imagination anymore.

I hope these sickos get beaten and tortured by inmates in the Federal Prison System.
It's because the other crimes these people are being charged with carries stiffer penalties, however, the last I seen or heard about this is that they're still looking at the possibilty of adding the 'hate' crime as well. ;)


yeah but what if the prosecutor doesnt want to prosecute the abusers cuz they are whites? bribed them and they dont charge them for whatever crimes they do and get away with it. its well known common everywhere if you have money..

like my sister and the kids father.. the kids father bought the judge off and judge let the father take custody of kids instead of my sis.. i know thats wrong but thats what the most of them would if u have money! jeez. the judicial system sucks big time! thats my opinion...
Thank to News Media, Activists are pressuring prosecutors to add "Hate Crime" charges on those bad people.

Good! PlateCafe, thanks for letting us know! Might I also add that this woman, if any of those men were her lovers, deserves better than that. I am so glad someone is standing up for her . . . just because she's a woman doesn't mean she doesn't have the right to live life without being sexually attacked.
yeah but what if the prosecutor doesnt want to prosecute the abusers cuz they are whites? bribed them and they dont charge them for whatever crimes they do and get away with it. its well known common everywhere if you have money..

like my sister and the kids father.. the kids father bought the judge off and judge let the father take custody of kids instead of my sis.. i know thats wrong but thats what the most of them would if u have money! jeez. the judicial system sucks big time! thats my opinion...

These lowlifes to me don't sound like they have much money, especially if they are electing to take state appointed defenders.

It was a bloody awful thing to do to anyone irrespective of race or colour.

Sounds like Mom is a real ratbag with a violent criminal past.

I can think of anything to add to that, I'm shocked and speechless. This is also typical of gangster behaviour.