The Origins of Homosexuality

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didn't say it wasn't important - said sometimes, what is policy and what actually happens are two different things. Most things are not "black and white".

nor did I specify all soldiers - I wrote "our soldiers" which infers a general idea that soldiers historically have and do commit crimes in war, sometimes against other soldiers "on the same side" <specifically I'm thinking of sexual assault and rape that has been reported by current female vets>

lots of gray areas, really - no illusion of glorious patriotism
Going to Heaven or Hell has nothing to do with the frequency of church attendance.

Please tell my parents!!! I'm tired of listening to their lectures about this topic. :shock:
since I don't own any Christian concepts, nor do I want to, guess I will continue thinking of lake fellowship in the Fire Pit....
Actually, no. Each person is alone, in the dark, in Hell. There is no fellowship there.

Ok, this one is news to me. Maybe don't talk to my parents... they already have enough ideas... :giggle:
Cheetah, you're welcome to join us in the hot tub....
Actually, no. Each person is alone, in the dark, in Hell. There is no fellowship there.

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the dichotomy of you expecting others to prove or back up their statements with references and facts and specifics then in the same post or the next, you talk about Hell and burning lakes of eternity where it's always dark and one is always alone, as if it exists, even though no one has been able to prove whatsoever that there is any life at all after death, scientifically and factually.
I wonder why the idea that we simply cease to exist is so troubling to humans? I'm not saying that's what happens. It's a distinct possibility. :hmm:
I wonder why the idea that we simply cease to exist is so troubling to humans? I'm not saying that's what happens. It's a distinct possibility. :hmm:

It's scary to think that way. It's more comforting to think that your loved ones are watching over you. Although in some cases I would be more concerned with some of my relatives watching over me. But, it's also believed that the deceased will be given a new (perfect) body and will spend eternity praising God. As to what I believe? I am content to let happen what happens. I am secure in my belief in God and that is enough for me.
Yea, but that's what the church said to keep the peasants from revolting. The kings and pope wanted to take the focus of the peasant's current misery so that they would buy into delayed gratification in the form of a paradise in the next life.
Yea, but that's what the church said to keep the peasants from revolting. The kings and pope wanted to take the focus of the peasant's current misery so that they would buy into delayed gratification in the form of a paradise in the next life.

I'm not sure I buy into this as applied to today. These days for the most part it's your choice to participate in a religion. There are exceptions, children raised to believe one thing (and only one thing). and the religious doctrine that requires the teaching of the religion to children.

Coincidentally it's this teaching that often re-enforces the belief that homosexuality is wrong. the US is mostly founded on the Christian ideals. Yes, we have a practice of legally separating Church and State, but that has not stopped religion from influencing legislation.

I personally know of 3 dogs that are going to hell for their practice of homosexuality!!! :giggle: I was so proud of my dog for being the one on top and not in the middle or on the bottom. :giggle:
since I don't own any Christian concepts, nor do I want to, guess I will continue thinking of lake fellowship in the Fire Pit....
I guess I'l join you in that fire pit.
I wonder why the idea that we simply cease to exist is so troubling to humans? I'm not saying that's what happens. It's a distinct possibility. :hmm:

I guess the unknown is frightening to many. I figure it will be like before I was conceived.
I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the dichotomy of you expecting others to prove or back up their statements with references and facts and specifics then in the same post or the next, you talk about Hell and burning lakes of eternity where it's always dark and one is always alone, as if it exists, even though no one has been able to prove whatsoever that there is any life at all after death, scientifically and factually.

that is why I hate religion...

"If you dont do this or that, you will go to hell."

Makes me feel that I cant live my life the way I want to so I dumped religion as a child and havent regretted it since then.

That was part of my reply to #548.

You cannot prove Bible actually word of God (or even that God exist) so therefore the Bible cannot be proof of anything. Circular logic. Bible true because God write it, God exist because Bible say. :roll:
You cannot prove Bible actually word of God (or even that God exist) so therefore the Bible cannot be proof of anything. Circular logic. Bible true because God write it, God exist because Bible say. :roll:

That's the trouble with relying on the Bible and your convictions as your sole sources of information even in the face of contradicting evidence that counters what's written in the Bible and what you believe.
Agreed 100%. It seems the only thing people can focus on is the sex that may be occuring between 2 homosexuals. They can't see past that to the fact that it is a loving relationship that includes so much more than just sex. the same as a heterosexual relationship does.

AFREAKING-MEN jillo! My second mother's relationship with her girlfriend is one of the sweetest things ever. The sex is secondary. It's just a way for them to express their love intiminatly! The two souls are the same....Love is love! Love is blind and does not discrimatate. God is love. He does not look at human relationships and decide arbitarily that just b/c two humans love each other, it's automaticly evil?!?!
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