The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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Diehardbiker, not anymore... epic fails, I'll be back in a bit. :devil:
Now, am I bold enough to give it back to Jiro, si?
how much price for reward of Jiro? :lol:
It is rather boring tonight...

Start a fire in some threads! :lol:

Hope everyone is having a good day!

I ran for 2 miles with my friend/coworker after work...oh man, it was challenging cuz the trail had several steep inclines...I had been running on a flat surface so I wasnt used to all those inclines! Good to challenge my body! Hopefully, if I keep this up, by next year I will have no fat on my body!!!! :lol:
No, I just decied to update the reward to 1 Billion dollars :D
It will be a deal, if I wil the 'Epic Win' championship, deal?
I don't pay you in real life dollars, this is forum and this is the real billion dollar note, believe me!
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