THAT makes a sound!??!?

I never thought of this until today when my DD pointed this out.

The toilet in my bathroom has a habit of hanging up so if you don't move the flapper back in the right position, it will just run for eternity.

Well, today, she asked me how can I tell if it will hang up or not. I told her that the toilet makes a thud vibration on the floor that I can feel if it's going to flush as normal, and if it doesn't then it will hang up. She looked at me like "Have you lost your mind?"

I had to explain it to her that sometimes things don't make unusual noises, they just make a different vibration and you can tell what it's doing just by the vibration.

She still looked a bit confused, but I think she got the basics of what I was trying to explain. She's only 8 so in her world, toilets don't vibrate, they just flush. :lol:
Can I ask question?

Do zip make noise? Cos I zip my jacket fast and mum jumped asked me what was that. No one was doing anything, or moving or anything, just me zip jacket. :hmm:
Can I ask question?

Do zip make noise? Cos I zip my jacket fast and mum jumped asked me what was that. No one was doing anything, or moving or anything, just me zip jacket. :hmm:

Yes they do make noises.. sometimes can be quite loud too.
^^Yes, zippers make noise. It's not unpleasant, and, like many items that make noise, some zippers are louder than others. I'm not sure if it's because of their size or what they're made of.
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

If you keep zipping up and down repeatly and that would be real annoying. Zzzzt. Zzzzf. Zzzzt. Zzzzt. Zzzzt.
Just thought of another question.

My parents sometimes do overreact with sounds I make, even it not loud, just annoying. My grandparents told me my parents just overreacting some sounds that not even loud.

I remember one sound my parents HATE is spring thing on wall for door near the floor. I used to flick it (I was only 5-7 years old). Is it really that loud? It gives strong vibration, vibration is different depending which way you flick and how hard, that why I was playing with it very young. :lol:
Your parents sound oversensitive. The door spring makes a great sound, lasts several seconds. Br-r-r-r-r-r-o-i-n-n-n-n-n-g! Its sound varies, kind of like a wave on the water.

My mom was sensitive to noise, too. I wasn't allowed to use nail clippers in her presence. And gum! Crack your gum (popping the small air bubbles in your mouth), and she'll crack your skull. LOL!
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Yea I remember playing with the door spring, too. It does make that noise like mbrek mentioned.

My parents hated when I type fast and loudly on the computer keyboard at home while they were sleeping. They told me to try typing quietly lol.
Your parents sound oversensitive. The door spring makes a great sound, lasts several seconds. Br-r-r-r-r-r-o-i-n-n-n-n-n-g! Its sound varies, kind of like a wave on the water.

My mom was sensitive to noise, too. I wasn't allowed to use nail clippers in her presence. And gum! Crack your gum (popping the small air bubbles in your mouth), and she'll crack your skull. LOL!

Well I do know this from experiencing it with other people making noises.. If it is only done couple of times, not a big deal. However, when someone keeps making same noise over and over and over, it will eventually grate on nerves. it is not the loudness or quietness of noise, it is the repeating of same noise over and over that will get to people..

Think of it this way, you have a kid that would come and taps you on your shoulder lightly couple of times. Not a big deal correct? What if that kid keeps tapping your shoulder over and over with out stopping? How would you feel after that?

Same thing with noises..
True. Yes, doing the door spring over and over and over and over - is irritating. But a few times it's a fun sound kids (all ages) like.

My husband's sister used to complain as a kid that he breathed too noisily some times. She was ultra sound sensitive!!! Yikes - I'll take HoH any day over that.
I remember not believing someone when they told me they could hear my breathing. It took a whole team of people to convince me.
I didnt read all posts in this thread.

Ppl can hear rain inside of their homes.

Brushin' yo' teeth makes a lot of noise. Door shut, hearin' ppl can hear you brushin'.

Shoot, ppl can hear ppl masturbate. :lol: Especially male masturbation.

EDIT: Ppl can hear their walkin, ya' know footsteps. I think a lot of deaf ppl doesnt know that.
Well I do know this from experiencing it with other people making noises.. If it is only done couple of times, not a big deal. However, when someone keeps making same noise over and over and over, it will eventually grate on nerves. it is not the loudness or quietness of noise, it is the repeating of same noise over and over that will get to people..

Think of it this way, you have a kid that would come and taps you on your shoulder lightly couple of times. Not a big deal correct? What if that kid keeps tapping your shoulder over and over with out stopping? How would you feel after that?

Same thing with noises..

I have recruitment and there are many noises that to this to me..they aren't noisy I just can't STAND hearing them..makes me wanna scream, punch someone, or hide lol
Flags flapping in the wind. The fabric makes like a popping sort of noise that is short and repetitive.
People have told me that I'm a very noisy eater even though I eat with my mouth closed. Never realised that eating can be noisy as I can't hear myself chew. As kids, we used to eat popping candy that makes popping and fizzing noises in your mouth. Obviously I couldn't hear it (though I pretended I could!).
I'm working toward a degree in counseling, and last night in class we watched a video on child counseling. The client, who was a little girl, was drawing a picture with markers. The markers kept making a sort of screeching sound as she dragged them across the paper- being HoH, I could barely hear it, and it didn't bother me. Must've been highly annoying to my classmates though- it was hard not to laugh as they kept putting their hands over their ears and cringing!
