Thank You Alex

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:applause: 2hot4you :applause:

I´m glad that you stood yourself here and know what you doing right... I :applause: you for that.

Yes I know you are a friendly and mature person...

Yes I can understand that you like to chat with mature people than invole with boys at your own ages. I know what it is because I´m like that when I was your age. I like to chat with few years older people. I see no problem for that but unlucky you wasn´t realized that you pick wrong guy whom you like to chat with. You stop it after realized what really Steve is... what you doing right thing... I know you are mature and know what right and wrong...that´s what I said in my previous post about.

Logical yes, like what I said in my previous posts that you know what right or wrong because you know that you can´t sex with men who is old enough to be your father.

It doesn´t mean that we don´t like you.. .We like you and care about you... It scare us to death after learn what Steve did to you. What Steve did is definitely sick in pain... I´m glad that Alex doing right thing to ban him... I am also glad that you stood yourself here... I would love to have you around here because I enjoy myself to read your posts...

I :applause: you for stood yourself here... your post make us understand better about you.
what about if a woman in her 20's goes to a party. Flirting, dancing and having a good time... Then ends up sexually assualted. Is she part to blame? Flirting Dancing and carrying on... was she asking for it?

It happens to many women every year.

That is an adult too.

A 14 year old even if they are intelligent are still niave. This kid was smart enough to go to the police. That is really smart so she didn't end up a real victim.

Yes you are right but you can´t compare your post with this situation here because what you said is sexual assault like what Gemtun tried explained in her post. What Buckie did is sexual harassment. This is a difference.
I never said sexual stuff to him and then he started asking for pictures. I sent him picture and he replied saying I was sexy and stuff. I also later saw the chat he had with police and detective was saying nice things and he kept asking for naked pictures and to put on black stockings and stuff. I never asked him if he wanted to see me in stockings. that was him asking for it. when he said he wanted to meet me at hotel which was detective, detective told him she was 14. he started talking about ways to get around law and to see if she had a fake id that said she was 18 so he would not get in trouble...

That makes my blood boil. I had to walk away for a whiole after reading it...

steve keeps sending me messages to tell alex to let him back in. maybe alex should let him back in and everyone just watch him.
I would like to see him back her just to watch him respond to most of these posts. That would show everyone just how sick his little mind is.

You did the right thing. I have nothing but respect for you as do many of us....take care.
Yes you are right but you can´t compare your post with this situation here because what you said is sexual assault which different as Buckie... What Buckie did is sexual harassment. This is a difference.
what do you think would have happened if he wasn't met by cops?
would they have played Candyland? i don't think so. Steve was and still is obsessed..

good thing 2hot4you is so smart
Hey girl.. I am proud of what you did.. Steve is a sicko and he should be out of our socity as well as online and our forum! :hug: for you!
I am also proud of what you did! If you're uncomfortable being on the forum right now, thats understandable, but please don't leave.

I support you completely. What happened WAS NOT your fault.
See? Steel X is very responsible and made the right decision, he is sane enough. I bet Steel X is much younger than loseRS, why can't this loseRS do the same thing?

I am not saying that this 14 years old should be ignored. She do deserve some attention and make sure she gets the discipline she needs, otherwise banned til 18 or whatever.

Yep I'll be 22 on the 16th and he's like, 45.

Pathetic eh? lol
Anyway, kid...I know you werent trying to flirt with me or anything but I remembered you telling me that you somehow like to talk to other people like in the 30s or so, etc...I dunno but of course I did feel concerns for you because obviously, you are still a kid! 14 years of age and still in high school, and I thought you should just hang out with kids from high school...not out of high school where you would be in "the real world" where there would always be voilence, drugs, sex, rape, murder, I've contacted the moderator for you cause I care. and I hope you have completely understand the dangers about meeting other people online...which I think you already did and I'm proud of you so...take care and take it easy.

People, if you seen the movie "Hard Candy" about a 14 year old girl meeting a 30-something guy off the net...this is something you should definetly watch cause it's one of the best movies I ever seen in a long time.
glad the whole thing is out on the open, now i suggest that since we all did alot of thanking to alex and to spice maybe its time for us to close the chapter and start healing... my 2 cent... :)
glad the whole thing is out on the open, now i suggest that since we all did alot of thanking to alex and to spice maybe its time for us to close the chapter and start healing... my 2 cent... :)

Yes, That's true . Let's leave the saddening drama in the past !

I respectfully disagree.

This wasn't the typical drama that we usually see. The overall topic of internet safety needs to dealt with openly.

I just think it's sad that it took something of this magnitude for it to be brought to light.

I actually hope the thread remains open, so that people can express their views as they see fit.

We can ALL learn from what has transpired in these recent days/weeks.
2hot4u, you did the right thing and I am proud of you for exposing Steve for what he is really like. Take good care of yourself and stay safe :hug:
I respectfully disagree.

This wasn't the typical drama that we usually see. The overall topic of internet safety needs to dealt with openly.

I just think it's sad that it took something of this magnitude for it to be brought to light.

I actually hope the thread remains open, so that people can express their views as they see fit.

We can ALL learn from what has transpired in these recent days/weeks.
:werd: This thread should even remain a stickey for a while. So that new members get a chance to learn from it.
i disagreed with closing this thread. This is important especially kids under 18 . they need to be open and talk with us about internet dangers and all the advices we need to share with and not be closeminded. The predators out there are perverts sadly. Perfect example as 2hot4u was not afraid and ask for help. We all should be proud of her! Who knows there are more that are scared and dont know what to do? They can look at this thread and ask for help?

I was thinking off the topic.. but maybe 2hot4u should change the username cuz that is calling out to them to come to her? would that make a big difference, i wonder? hmm What you think?
Wow 11 pages long! Now I know why Steve is more sicker now.. I wanted to say thanks to young lady who alert the mods, few others too.... We don't need peverts being online. Sometimes 14 years old boys tried to IM me on Yahoo Messenger, I just look at their profile, or ask them how old they are then I simply block them. I don't talk to minors online because I don't want to get in trouble.. Unless if my younger cousins or nephews or neieces want to so, its ok if its family members not strangers...
Why Buck is still here?? I don't see "BANNED".... I tought he got banned?
2hot4you, I applause for your bravery and please do stay here with us as I enjoy your post. :hug:
I'm very impressive and applauding for SpiceHD who created the posting "Red Flag Alerting mode" which as far concern best welfare protection this site which penopnile swarming after young teenager girls. Now finding really true color came out the horrible penopnile Buckdodgers aka steveox aka steve wha..ever

Quite My eyes already popped it out while I'm on reading this thread thru first pages til end cuz I'm using my pager.. and cannot repiled here.. Until finally today I got my computer hooked up internet provider! Now, I'm here to reply rest of all everyone.. should have applauding to SpiceHD did right thing publish this thread as far best welfare protection interest for young teenagers girls whoever members on this site and stay firmly banned for Buckdodgers. I'm glad Alex put him banned permantly!


Impressive what you did spoke straigthenforward every details. I'm very happy for you totally. I'm mother of 3 children and they are teenagers now. No matter what, how much I'm responbile and kept eye on my teenagers on using net.. So You're very quite enlighten smart young girl honestly.. Yes!

You're the most welcome here anytime you can enjoy posting. As long please don't keep touch contact w/Buckdodger.. I advise you block him list permantly.. which he's very sick man and wanted have sex with young teenager girls.

Rest of Mod/Admin need increase monitor this site properly everyday pretty please carefully with wheover have penopniles still walking on net..

I'm glad Taylor still keep contuine vulture on this site and make sure... Is that safe for everyone.


btw I recommend this thread needs to remain closed reason concern about her sn... btw Up to her if she willing change her sn.
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