Texting, emailing in ASL grammatical format


New Member
Apr 23, 2007
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Hi...I'm new to this site. I have begun dating a deaf man. We text and email between times we see eachother. I get very frustrated because I do not understand his texts or emails as he writes in ASL format. I want to understand. I've been taking ASL classes since September. Any hints, clues, insight to help me understand?

exactly. i have a hard time deciphering some of my friends texts too occasionally. i actually just browsing this site have found a bit of the same kind of thing. its like when i tried to learn spanish (a disaster in itself), grammar is completely different. you just have to focus on the topic, and the concepts.
texting is of course harder without the emotional aspect or emphasis aspect on words or phrases... practice practice.
I don't have any suggestions.

I also have the same problem from time to time. The only time I ever talk without using proper punctuation, spelling, etc... is through AIM.

Other than that, I'm picky about grammar and spelling when it comes to emails, messages, text messages, etc.
Heh I've ALWAYS used proper English even through texts... The other day a friend of mine was using my phone to text someone and their replies was just horrible, I cringed.
Think conceptually, not word for word.

I agree..it helped me a lot. When I first got involved with the deaf community and started making friends, I had the same problem with understanding their emails or instant messaging. I asked my brother what should I do? He said the same u just said Jillo. Yes, I have to work at interpreting their messages but better than being frustrated and not understanding it at all. Hope that helps!