Teens and Suicide

suicide lol

I fail to see the humor in this....

Can you please explain to me exactly what is so funny here? :squint:

I don't know, something about teens killing themselves being terribly depressed and in emotional turmoil being bullied or god knows what and ending their lives early because people like you that don't take crap like this seriously seems to be funny somehow, I would definitely like a break down to see the humor in it... please, enlighten me.
One of my classmate got hanged up in her bedroom right after her boyfriend dumped him for another girl. It was only high school, and my understanding is that he was her FIRST boyfriend, and it didn't last long.
I have a couple of classmates I grew up with since preschool committed suicide. One had problem with drug addiction. Suicide tears up families and friends... it's not helping anyone nor solve a problem. It just sad when people take their own life just because of bullied, or broken relationship or any reasons.
Suicide is never funny, and it destroys families. :(
Yes, Reba....sadly, it does...my niece committed suicide several months back...leaving 4 children...(drugs)...and another relative is barely hanging on...drugs have almost destroyed her Liver and she has seizures.....along with so many other health problems. (loss of her teeth, etc.)....
:( RR and all impacted impacted directly by someone killing themselves, I'm so sorry...kids trapped in such a downward spiral tend not to think about those left behind...

In high school when I was about 15, a friend of mine gave me a poem one day while we were in class. I read the poem and it had lines about killing herself. I thought and thought about it and when I got home I told my mom, who called the school guidance counselor. My mom talked to her briefly and hung up and said the counselor was very abrupt and "strange" on the phone.
A while later, counselor called back and explained that when my mom called her, the student who gave me the poem, happened to be in her office and they were talking about the thoughts in the poem.

There was a time when I did think of killing myself....but I knew how much my folks loved me and also the the situation in which I found myself was temporary.
Yes, Reba....sadly, it does...my niece committed suicide several months back...leaving 4 children...(drugs)...and another relative is barely hanging on...drugs have almost destroyed her Liver and she has seizures.....along with so many other health problems. (loss of her teeth, etc.)....

:( RR and all impacted impacted directly by someone killing themselves, I'm so sorry...kids trapped in such a downward spiral tend not to think about those left behind...

In high school when I was about 15, a friend of mine gave me a poem one day while we were in class. I read the poem and it had lines about killing herself. I thought and thought about it and when I got home I told my mom, who called the school guidance counselor. My mom talked to her briefly and hung up and said the counselor was very abrupt and "strange" on the phone.
A while later, counselor called back and explained that when my mom called her, the student who gave me the poem, happened to be in her office and they were talking about the thoughts in the poem.

There was a time when I did think of killing myself....but I knew how much my folks loved me and also the the situation in which I found myself was temporary.
I fail to see the humor in this....

Can you please explain to me exactly what is so funny here? :squint:

I don't know, something about teens killing themselves being terribly depressed and in emotional turmoil being bullied or god knows what and ending their lives early because people like you that don't take crap like this seriously seems to be funny somehow, I would definitely like a break down to see the humor in it... please, enlighten me.

I am waiting to see to where the humor is this too. .

The person that made that statement could be trying to see what kind responses they'll get. People like this are not really worth our time.
:( RR and all impacted impacted directly by someone killing themselves, I'm so sorry...kids trapped in such a downward spiral tend not to think about those left behind...

In high school when I was about 15, a friend of mine gave me a poem one day while we were in class. I read the poem and it had lines about killing herself. I thought and thought about it and when I got home I told my mom, who called the school guidance counselor. My mom talked to her briefly and hung up and said the counselor was very abrupt and "strange" on the phone.
A while later, counselor called back and explained that when my mom called her, the student who gave me the poem, happened to be in her office and they were talking about the thoughts in the poem.

There was a time when I did think of killing myself....but I knew how much my folks loved me and also the the situation in which I found myself was temporary.

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saw young girl this week jumped in front of train did not work left her lost arm half face gone and blind...she say going to get it right next time....awful way to go but what of the train driver he gave up his job and is jabbering depressed man now..suiceders should think before actions
Knew a young intelligent man from my private school. He committed suicide after he found out he lost a scholarship. My great uncle had lost two sons to suicide by swallowing rat poison contents, because they both lost their mother when they were young. The other two sons (through my great uncle's second wife) had no suicide tendencies at all. It was very unusual situation. They tried everything to help two sons cope with the death of their mother.
Knew a young intelligent man from my private school. He committed suicide after he found out he lost a scholarship. My great uncle had lost two sons to suicide by swallowing rat poison contents, because they both lost their mother when they were young. The other two sons (through my great uncle's second wife) had no suicide tendencies at all. It was very unusual situation. They tried everything to help two sons cope with the death of their mother.

I met a woman in Northern California and she had a bad accident on her horse and it left with her a limp . I only met her a couple of time and I was very sad to learn she shot herself . She was only in her 20's . There where some nuns that lived in Whitethorn and they let all the women friends come to their house and everyone said something nice about the woman so her spirit would be at peace. It was very moving . I was told after her accident she was not the same , she became depress. A friend of her found her and thought she was sleeping and tried to wake her up. :(
saw young girl this week jumped in front of train did not work left her lost arm half face gone and blind...she say going to get it right next time....awful way to go but what of the train driver he gave up his job and is jabbering depressed man now..suiceders should think before actions
Suicides don't care what happens to other people who witness the death, find the victim, or have to go on living without the loved one. The tragedy effects many more people, some who were just innocent bystanders. It is so sad to see the pain, sorrow, and trauma continue on, for years, to many people. :(
One of my classmate got hanged up in her bedroom right after her boyfriend dumped him for another girl. It was only high school, and my understanding is that he was her FIRST boyfriend, and it didn't last long.

One of my ex brother's friend committed suicide after his g/f broke up with he was a senior in high school. The guy cashed his car into a tree. I was very sad. The guy was a lot nicer than my ex brother.