Teen Questioned Over Bush Threats on MySpace

The President didn't send the agents to question the girl. I doubt that Bush was even aware of the girl's blog. I think he is too busy to surf myspace. :roll:

You never know that he can surf myspace in anytime.
U.S. Sercet Service is doing their stupid job to handle with teenagers, that impossible. :fu2:
I applaud the parents... I hope the rest of America is watching this.

But Bush can say what he wants.... Didn't he say he was going to kill Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein....
Guess that's OK !!

My guess is that this is all legal.
They could legally have tortured her.. That was approved a while ago...!!

America agreed that this is OK !!
America voted for this !!
Why is America surprised ??

What hell are you support USA and Bush since you are from Norway? :crazy:
I find this method by secret agent a overkill! OVERKILL yeah I said that! They should simply surviel her and send a "21 jump street" type person into school to feel around before taking her out.

you ask "what is '21 jump street'..." ?
"21 Jump Street" (1987)
What hell are you support USA and Bush since you are from Norway? :crazy:
:stupid: Typical that you think that USA is alone in the world. :stupid:

Don't you think that the screw-ups of Bush & Co. are affecting us?? Wake up and look beyond the borders. There's a whole world outside!!
:stupid: Typical that you think that USA is alone in the world. :stupid:

Don't you think that the screw-ups of Bush & Co. are affecting us?? Wake up and look beyond the borders. There's a whole world outside!!

LOL... Just little joking around here. :lol:

It's alright for support USA.
Is very simple for them...

This proves you that is very simple for the Secret Service to find out information about someone saying things about the President. The first interception is done by the NSA = National Security Agency and if they hear or read words against the President they will then escalate to the Secret Service for them to investigate.

Just keep in mind we are being watch all the time. Every email, every post you write on a forum, myspace etc is intercepted. And since the Secret Service don't know the person they have to follow with an investigation is their job to protect the President.
The President didn't send the agents to question the girl. I doubt that Bush was even aware of the girl's blog. I think he is too busy to surf myspace. :roll:

Well, Bush employ his people to take care of him, don´t they? It´s their job to take care of Bush´s safety...

Hello yourself. Posting whatever you find on the web doesn't make it so. I read your post and the entire link. You statement is still incorrect, as is the bizarre link that you used.

The link is:

Dramatic? Yes.
Inflammatory? Yes.
Promotes anti-American feelings? Yes.

Accurate? No.
Hello yourself. Posting whatever you find on the web doesn't make it so. I read your post and the entire link. You statement is still incorrect, as is the bizarre link that you used.

The link is:

Dramatic? Yes.
Inflammatory? Yes.
Promotes anti-American feelings? Yes.

Accurate? No.
I know you don't like to be wrong, but this article was not written by me.....

It should be .... dramatic,
It should be .... Inflammatory
It should promote anti-government policy feelings!!!

I thought it was AMERICAN to have freedom for the people. Not freedom for the government to do whatever they want...

The ARTICLE shows that YOU are wrong..!! And again... I didn't write it; someone who knows this shit analised it and wrote it....
LoL!! Agreed:laugh2:

What can I say? There's too much Bush haters out there, with what's going on with the war in Iraq, cannot blame them nor that 14 years old teen. :whistle: You should have seen my "myspace", I got some labels for Bush up there. :giggle:
The ARTICLE shows that YOU are wrong..!! And again... I didn't write it; someone who knows this shit analised it and wrote it....
That "someone" also believes that the Nick Berg killing was a CIA job ( The Nick Berg Execution Psy-Op: Alex The Nick Berg Execution Psy-Op: Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson Discuss the Evidence ) and is anti-Jews/Israel ( Burning Babies Are Child's Play To Israel's Ethnic Cleansers ), among other things.

I read the whole link, not just the part you pasted in AD. It was not truthful.
I read the whole link, not just the part you pasted in AD. It was not truthful.
The way the article is presented might be exaggertated, the facts appearently are:
Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the L.A. Times,
"The compromise legislation....authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights."
Similarly, law Professor Marty Lederman explains:
"this [subsection (ii) of the definition of 'unlawful enemy combatant'] means that if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant -- using whatever criteria they wish -- then as far as Congress, and U.S. law, is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have had any connection to 'hostilities' at all."
We have established that the bill allows the President to define American citizens as enemy combatants. Now let's take it one step further.
So stop looking at the wrapping... look at the message!!
The way the article is presented might be exaggertated, the facts appearently are:
So stop looking at the wrapping... look at the message!!
It is important to consider the messenger (source) and the message. It goes to credibility.

So, that's the opinion of two lawyers. There are probably just as many lawyers who would say the opposite, or yet a third opinion. That doesn't prove anything.