Technology in digital hearing aids


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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For those that have a hearing loss and are in need for a hearing aid or two, check out the digital hearing aids, not the analog ones. Digital hearing aids are the newest technology available to those in need for quality hearing.

Although digital hearing aids are advanced and complex it is user-friendly and easy to operate. Some of the cool features available in digital hearing aids are, for example, the beeper that beeps to alert the user when to change the battery.

If the user wears two digital hearing aids, they both can communicate with each other and adjust the volume themselves according to the user's preference. In other words, if the volume is adjusted in one hearing aid, the other hearing aid automatically adjusts itself. Back then users had to inconveniently adjust each hearing aid seperately. It's a hassle.

Moreover, digital hearing aids respond to hearing environments like no analog hearing can, like talking to someone in a crowded area, listening to music, talking on the phone, etc. Digital hearing aids have directional microphones which analyzes the sound qualities and applies it to the user's level of hearing loss.

On top of these cool features available in digital hearing aids, they also come with a small remote control where you can adjust these features. The remote even shows how much battery life there is left.

So forget analog hearing aids, they are a thing of the past. Next time you go hearing aid shopping consider obtaining digital hearing aids.
Alex said:
For those that have a hearing loss and are in need for a hearing aid or two, check out the digital hearing aids, not the analog ones. Digital hearing aids are the newest technology available to those in need for quality hearing.

Although digital hearing aids are advanced and complex it is user-friendly and easy to operate. Some of the cool features available in digital hearing aids are, for example, the beeper that beeps to alert the user when to change the battery.

If the user wears two digital hearing aids, they both can communicate with each other and adjust the volume themselves according to the user's preference. In other words, if the volume is adjusted in one hearing aid, the other hearing aid automatically adjusts itself. Back then users had to inconveniently adjust each hearing aid seperately. It's a hassle.

Moreover, digital hearing aids respond to hearing environments like no analog hearing can, like talking to someone in a crowded area, listening to music, talking on the phone, etc. Digital hearing aids have directional microphones which analyzes the sound qualities and applies it to the user's level of hearing loss.

On top of these cool features available in digital hearing aids, they also come with a small remote control where you can adjust these features. The remote even shows how much battery life there is left.

So forget analog hearing aids, they are a thing of the past. Next time you go hearing aid shopping consider obtaining digital hearing aids.

I have a digital hearing aid, great sound for noise alerts ie; sirens, horns, train bell at train station and etc..

I use for 2 years now it's pretty expensive than analog one..
I had a digital hearing aid once. I had to take it in to be tuned-up cuz it stopped working. This happened about 6 months after I got it. I then had to take it in to get tuned-up again... a little after 5 months after my last tune-up. After that, I couldn't get it tuned-up any more cuz the warranty had expired. What good is it if it requires a tune-up every 5 to 6 months... at my own expense? The one I am wearing right now is analog and hasn't needed a tune-up for over 10 years. It broke once and I fixed it... 3 years ago... myself. I had to fix it myself because the place said they couldn't fix it nor did they have the parts to replace it. I simply took one of their old tossed-away hearing aids and used a part from that to fix this one. Now, it works... still. ;)
Brand new hearing aid techoglies.. quite so awesome but.. *whistle* Expensive.. My hubby really wanna buy it so badly.... but he has to save his money to buy.... certinally yes he has sunlife insurance can pay and also ADP can pay half of price amount.. left money.. He has to pay left money amount.. Nearly 1,300 dollars..
VamPyroX said:
I had a digital hearing aid once. I had to take it in to be tuned-up cuz it stopped working. This happened about 6 months after I got it. I then had to take it in to get tuned-up again... a little after 5 months after my last tune-up. After that, I couldn't get it tuned-up any more cuz the warranty had expired.
Wow, I'm surprised you had to go through a lot of tune-ups with your digital hearing aid. Makes me wonder if all digital hearing aids need a tune-up constantly these days. When did you have it? Besides the constant tune-ups, how was the sound quality compared to your analog hearing aid? Can you tell the big difference between the two?
Well, ten years ago must have been the "infant" stage of digitals.....
Alex said:
Wow, I'm surprised you had to go through a lot of tune-ups with your digital hearing aid. Makes me wonder if all digital hearing aids need a tune-up constantly these days. When did you have it? Besides the constant tune-ups, how was the sound quality compared to your analog hearing aid? Can you tell the big difference between the two?
The digital hearing aids were not as strong as the hearing aids I had now. The only thing that was good was the fact that I could hear quieter sounds in a crowded restaurant.

As for when I got it, I got it during the summer of 1999.
Digital is yesterday's news. I'd like to see what the manufacturer's are looking at in the near future.

I'd like to go see a CIC with bluetooth to sync up with my Blackberry for voice calls.

Let's not stop there. Let's go bluetooth on TV and stereo receivers too! Why stop at separate FM and IR auxillary aid systems?

Oh, I dunno Alex, I think that a top of the line analog is almost as good as a digital aid. My Pico-Fortes rawk! I mean the sound quality is damn fucking amazing! I can hear knitting needles, snow falling and stuff like that......and I could not hear that with my old Siemens aids. The only upside of digital is that they come in a choice of colors! I know...I've heard horror stories of digital aids constantly breaking down, and the sound quality not being the same. I think it's different for different people. Hey....I can't hear shit with the old lady ITE aids, but another person with a loss that is more severe then mine might be able to get a lot of benifit out of ITE aids, and another person might not be able to get benifit out of BTEs but have to resort to body worn aids!
I've used digital hearing aids in the past (Oticon DigiFocus II super power BTE) but never seemed to get enough power from them. I also found their sound quality to be inferior to my Oticon analogs (Oticon 380Ps). If given the choice between digital and analog, I'll take analog. :)
My Oticon DigiFocus II super power BTEs (that I received in 2001) had to be sent in for repair once to replace a damaged microphone. My Oticon 380Ps have not required a single repair, are now 15 years old and still work perfectly.
deafdyke: I didn't think body worn aids were still being made. Wish I would have known that before I got my CI. Don't get me wrong...I love my CI, but perhaps a body aid would have made communication/hearing a little easier for me -- especially when I could no longer hear well enough to use an FM system/ALD with my BTEs. :(
I suspect battery life is improved with digital aids. Anyone confirm this?
My analog CIC uses size: 10 and they only last 5 days.

Also, my aid is all programmed with a fixed setting. No adjustments are made by me. Just close the battery door and stick it in.

The battery life does seem longer with digital. I am getting almost 2 weeks out of my Phonak BTE comparing to 4-5 days out of my old analog which was a Telex.