Talk about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


New Member
Nov 16, 2003
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Hey, we want discuss about book 6th by "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. We wonder who battle by? There is no Harry VS Voldemort. I wonder who going to be battle?

We find out. I let you know when it open release date. When I get e mail. So, we can keep discuss and what will going on next 6th book and we want to hear about what real a new clues.
It's "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince", not "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". As you can see on JK Rowling's website, there is no hyphen in the title.

But I can't wait for the book!
No, it Publisher told us about English explain to us. Because we are in American, It publisher told us about this title make clear for that. That is why they make clear about this Publisher book told us so. Yes, it is what J.K Rowling say about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. That what she in England you know.

In our America need more clear and English for that. As you see like Hafl Blood. They have to be called Hy... you know. Half Blood suppose to be together for that called Half-Blood. I do not say that why? Publisher did it. Not me. They Publisher work for best of clear the English. I don't know why. I am certain of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince yes. But, he say it change look better title called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
CANT WAIT FOR 6th BOOK!!!!!!! hurrry hurry i'm dyingggggggg jokin no

Awsome i didnt know 6th is comin up
Probably will be next year. But, J.K Rowling still not say it yet. But, they ask her how long she wrote this 6th book. She say that they was around half of book. I felt that it will be around next year. She hope and get finish as soon. She won't long time. It will be soon.
Announce: the JK Rowling web site told us that they ask questjon, "is there characters will be killer off into 6th book." "JK Rowling said yes, sorry!"

That is very surprise about happen. We find out who will be character killer.
scottw said:
Announce: the JK Rowling web site told us that they ask questjon, "is there characters will be killer off into 6th book." "JK Rowling said yes, sorry!"

That is very surprise about happen. We find out who will be character killer.
Are you saying that someone will be killed in the next Harry Potter?
Actually, in the first two books, there has been clues leading us to believe that there will be several casualties in the future books and we were proven to be right. It has been confirmed that more will be killed off in the sixth novel, and probably the seventh novel.

I am very much so looking forward to the next installment.
Yes, that true! Any else have you been more announce that you something you heard? Let me know. I am happy to hear them.
J.R. Rowlings indeed says there will be a beloved character getting killed off in the next book. But of course she wouldn't say who. Just like the last book...we guessed who it was killed until we found out it was Sirius Black who got killed off. :( Oh well, we'll wait and find out who will be the next to die. (I'm hoping it is Dobby :twisted: .... but I doubt it.)

By the way, have you visited this website?
Toonces said:
J.R. Rowlings indeed says there will be a beloved character getting killed off in the next book. But of course she wouldn't say who. Just like the last book...we guessed who it was killed until we found out it was Sirius Black who got killed off. :( Oh well, we'll wait and find out who will be the next to die. (I'm hoping it is Dobby :twisted: .... but I doubt it.)

By the way, have you visited this website?

I already heard before I talked about this post. Thank you for informaiton, any else more question and talk about next 6th book...
I let you know that still not anything new report yet. We will let you know.
No one know who care will die? We find out when I will buy to get book 6th as soon!
I got a new announce for them. The JK Rowling is open door last October 31. You can go look at it!!! I will tell you later. I never heard of this chapter title, it was 2, 6, and 14. But, not all chapter. Just a short. Thank you JK Rowling for new 6th book chapter title!!!!!
Okay, Here:

Enjoy it! Use click on hair black tie you know like circle black that use wear hair tie near on computer keyboard over on top. And then wait till Peeves come a few min, then the flower can fall, then you have to get key like PS movie before. Then, get drawer to get maget and find the folder. Then enjoy it.
scottw said:
Okay, Here:

Enjoy it! Use click on hair black tie you know like circle black that use wear hair tie near on computer keyboard over on top. And then wait till Peeves come a few min, then the flower can fall, then you have to get key like PS movie before. Then, get drawer to get maget and find the folder. Then enjoy it.

Oh, I thought it was another link....I've looked at this website earlier but I have no idea what I am supposed to look for...thanks for the tip, I'll look again!

1. Go click with computer on table okay. When you see circle black like ring hair. Then click it.

2. Wait when Peeves will come and flowers hold fall, till a few minutes and be patient.

3. When you see wing keys many, you have to take one and go into unlock the door.

4. Go pull the drawer from the desk.

5. Find the magnet (large reading).

6. Find a folder

7. Put type answer (Chapters).

8. Pull the file that you will see the title of chapters (only 3 name of titles.

That is all (The end). That surprise. I hope that I help you.