Sweetheart and I welcome a new family member in our life.

I think he's depressed because he won't listen to me when I call his name, he probably misses his owner. I wish I knew his orginal name from the other owner who lost him and didn't claim him. I will find out more when I take him to a visit with the vet on Tuesday. I hopefully that everything will be good. I took him out time to time for walks and we took him for a ride, too.

I don't think he is depressed, When people buy a new pet, bring the pet home for the first time, Pets needs time to adjust to a new environment, Charlie was the same way, He was so shy, he wouldn't even go near me or my children, he intended to hide, in a few days, he came around. If you keep taking your dog a walk through the neighborhood, play with him and he would admire you, and feel comfortable around you. Just how when a person meets a person for the first time, that's the same feelings with pets when they're in a new home, new environment,. So, give your new dog a chance to love you, and give him a chance to learn what you want from him. How do I know all this, From Charlie's previous owner, she told me what I need to know and what's to prepare for. ;)
I don't think he is depressed, When people buy a new pet, bring the pet home for the first time, Pets needs time to adjust to a new environment, Charlie was the same way, He was so shy, he wouldn't even go near me or my children, he intended to hide, in a few days, he came around. If you keep taking your dog a walk through the neighborhood, play with him and he would admire you, and feel comfortable around you. Just how when a person meets a person for the first time, that's the same feelings with pets when they're in a new home, new environment,. So, give your new dog a chance to love you, and give him a chance to learn what you want from him. How do I know all this, From Charlie's previous owner, she told me what I need to know and what's to prepare for. ;)

IT would be different if you adopt a pet that was a stray and there's no history about him and it's much more harder to know what's his diet, his real behavior, etc. :)
IT would be different if you adopt a pet that was a stray and there's no history about him and it's much more harder to know what's his diet, his real behavior, etc. :)

Yep that's true, Seq. ;)
Yep that's true, Seq. ;)

Yeah, I can't wait til Tuesday to take him to a vet so they can reveal more about him. Of course, I don't want to hear bad news. I'm just thinking positive and give him a great doggy life! ;)
I am sure he'll be allright. :) Important is stay positive which you said that. :)

So how is he doing so far?

Yeah, I can't wait til Tuesday to take him to a vet so they can reveal more about him. Of course, I don't want to hear bad news. I'm just thinking positive and give him a great doggy life! ;)
Yeah, I can't wait til Tuesday to take him to a vet so they can reveal more about him. Of course, I don't want to hear bad news. I'm just thinking positive and give him a great doggy life! ;)

Good luck, :thumb: I too hope nothing negative, and I know you'll give your dog a happy loving life. You know why I said that? Because you got him a vet appt as soon after you brought him. That shows me that you'll be a great owner.

Some pet owners, I've seen on Animal planet, Animal cops, where they make excuses why they couldn't take their pets to the vet for a check up or injuries, or avoid to call for an appt. Money plays a big part of their reasons or they're just plain lazy, but when you're a pet owner responsible comes along with it, proper care comes in that package. ;)
Good luck, :thumb: I too hope nothing negative, and I know you'll give your dog a happy loving life. You know why I said that? Because you got him a vet appt as soon after you brought him. That shows me that you'll be a great owner.

Some pet owners, I've seen on Animal planet, Animal cops, where they make excuses why they couldn't take their pets to the vet for a check up or injuries, or avoid to call for an appt. Money plays a big part of their reasons or they're just plain lazy, but when you're a pet owner responsible comes along with it, proper care comes in that package. ;)

Thanks Cheri! Yes, that's right I saw lot of esipodes of Animal Cops, those owners sure are cruel! I felt sorry for those pets being abused, anaboned, etc. I noticed most of them come from Miami, Detroit and some other cities. It seems that it mostly happens in high crime city with nothing better to do.

I have the free voucher for first vet check up with Sam because all animals that come from the animal shelter recommend doing that. I can take him to any vet in King County limits. I've found a good vet because my friend had 2 dogs and took them to that vet for many years so that's how I know that vet is good for dog and cats.

Besides, I have another good vet that is for my pet rats. It's too bad it's not in King county, it's up in Shohomish County which I can't get my dog in for free first check ups.
I don't think he is depressed, When people buy a new pet, bring the pet home for the first time, Pets needs time to adjust to a new environment, Charlie was the same way, He was so shy, he wouldn't even go near me or my children, he intended to hide, in a few days, he came around. If you keep taking your dog a walk through the neighborhood, play with him and he would admire you, and feel comfortable around you. Just how when a person meets a person for the first time, that's the same feelings with pets when they're in a new home, new environment,. So, give your new dog a chance to love you, and give him a chance to learn what you want from him. How do I know all this, From Charlie's previous owner, she told me what I need to know and what's to prepare for. ;)

Hello Cheri, it's Sweetheart. Sam is depression and unhappy because I could sense his feelings every time I hold him or looking in his eyes. He's just not happy because he might miss his owner OR freedom in outside. And, we will try to be there for Sam and such like that to having him to understand that we are his present owners and such like that, it's very hard for him to accept it becuase his behavior toward to food, things even darkness.. And, I had around more than 50 dogs in whole of my life, that's how I know and learn about their feelings and such like that. Once, my baby Lucy gave up by my parents and I can sense that she's happy right now because she got better family since my family don't have time for her and Im living here now.. But, I wish I could see her for one more then I can say good bye. And, I'm very close to any animals because I love animal and, Im Native American, that's Native American believe that they could talk with animals, read their minds, can sense their guts/feelings/etc and even can become animals like them.
yea i think he is depression and unhappy but he will be okay abt 1 or 2 weeks to accpet u and seq.. smiles
Most dog food websites online have free samples for you to try with your dog and see if he likes it. You will have to wait 2 or 3 weeks for the mail to arrive but it saves you money with not having to test many whole bags.
We exchanged and bought Iams dog food, that's what they fed him at the animal shelter....guess what? He refused to eat it, even with gravy on it. I guess there's nothing else we can do until we take him to the vet on Tuesday and see what's going on with him. He may be on hunger strike, who knows. We tried to convince him to eat it, doesn't work. The only thing he would eat is regular cold hot dogs and water. I believe the owner of that dog has been giving him people food in his whole life so that's probably why he will not eat dog food at all, not even a bite. It's now impossible to tell what's up in his mind. If nothing else works out, we will have no choice, but return him to the animal shelter and have them take care of him. We are not going to live with the world's pickiest dog in our lives.
We exchanged and bought Iams dog food, that's what they fed him at the animal shelter....guess what? He refused to eat it, even with gravy on it. I guess there's nothing else we can do until we take him to the vet on Tuesday and see what's going on with him. He may be on hunger strike, who knows. We tried to convince him to eat it, doesn't work. The only thing he would eat is regular cold hot dogs and water. I believe the owner of that dog has been giving him people food in his whole life so that's probably why he will not eat dog food at all, not even a bite. It's now impossible to tell what's up in his mind. If nothing else works out, we will have no choice, but return him to the animal shelter and have them take care of him. We are not going to live with the world's pickiest dog in our lives.

Oh wow sound like it is hard to get him to eat by dog food not people's food :( if not work it out and will return him back to animal shelter and get another dog who are not eat by people's food ??
Oh wow sound like it is hard to get him to eat by dog food not people's food :( if not work it out and will return him back to animal shelter and get another dog who are not eat by people's food ??

Why would you want the dog to send back to the animal shelter and get another dog ? Sorry, I have to tell you this that I don't agree with you on this part.
I gave away my 4 puppies last summer, but I kept 2 puppies with their parents here. One of my deaf friends want one and I gave her one out of 6 puppies. Guess what ? In a few days later, she gave her away to the animal shelter. I was soo pissed off and told her to pick her up from there -- so she did and paid them $ 40 dollars ( that was her penalty for givin' her away ) and brought her home to me. I gave that puppy to someone else ( hearin' friend ) that I know who worked at one of the agencies. That deaf friend of mine changed her mind and wanted her back. I told her that she will NEEEEEVER see her puppy ever again. Damage is done. And, of course it breaks her heart. That's her consequence. Of course, she stopped contactin' me. The friendship was gone..............

The way I see all my puppies, they are just like " children " to me. Supposely, if you want a child from surggrate ( sp ? ) parents and you change your mind about not wantin' to keep your child --- will you give that child to the Adoption or just give that child back to the suroggate parents ? You tell me which one you think is right ?
Why would you want the dog to send back to the animal shelter and get another dog ? Sorry, I have to tell you this that I don't agree with you on this part.
I gave away my 4 puppies last summer, but I kept 2 puppies with their parents here. One of my deaf friends want one and I gave her one out of 6 puppies. Guess what ? In a few days later, she gave her away to the animal shelter. I was soo pissed off and told her to pick her up from there -- so she did and paid them $ 40 dollars ( that was her penalty for givin' her away ) and brought her home to me. I gave that puppy to someone else ( hearin' friend ) that I know who worked at one of the agencies. That deaf friend of mine changed her mind and wanted her back. I told her that she will NEEEEEVER see her puppy ever again. Damage is done. And, of course it breaks her heart. That's her consequence. Of course, she stopped contactin' me. The friendship was gone..............

The way I see all my puppies, they are just like " children " to me. Supposely, if you want a child from surggrate ( sp ? ) parents and you change your mind about not wantin' to keep your child --- will you give that child to the Adoption or just give that child back to the suroggate parents ? You tell me which one you think is right ?

I just Opinion or guess if I am wrong or right that is all and dont need to jump conclusion on me okay? thanks!
I just Opinion or guess if I am wrong or right that is all and dont need to jump conclusion on me okay? thanks!

Gee - I don't jump into conclusion. Re-read my post again. I was askin' you a question. I know about your opinion. I still don't agree with you about " givin' Sequoias' dog back to animal shelter " thing.
Sam the Corgi

We exchanged and bought Iams dog food, that's what they fed him at the animal shelter....guess what? He refused to eat it, even with gravy on it. I guess there's nothing else we can do until we take him to the vet on Tuesday and see what's going on with him. He may be on hunger strike, who knows. We tried to convince him to eat it, doesn't work. The only thing he would eat is regular cold hot dogs and water. I believe the owner of that dog has been giving him people food in his whole life so that's probably why he will not eat dog food at all, not even a bite. It's now impossible to tell what's up in his mind. If nothing else works out, we will have no choice, but return him to the animal shelter and have them take care of him. We are not going to live with the world's pickiest dog in our lives.

Eventually Sam will eat -- Please don't give up on him! Take a while for Sam to get familiar with you and your new home! He looks timid and scared in the pictures. Give him a time. At my work, a few dogs who were there for boarding refused to eat in a first few days -- We had to pamper them, play, chat and many more. I even put some soft food on tip of their nose! The dogs finally ate .... with their tail wagging. Woofly, Dino
Eventually Sam will eat -- Please don't give up on him! Take a while for Sam to get familiar with you and your new home! He looks timid and scared in the pictures. Give him a time. At my work, a few dogs who were there for boarding refused to eat in a first few days -- We had to pamper them, play, chat and many more. I even put some soft food on tip of their nose! The dogs finally ate .... with their tail wagging. Woofly, Dino

He hasn't eaten any dog food since Thursday. He's been drinking some water, though. We are going to talk to the animal shelter tomorrow and see what they say (not going to return him). We will also take him to the vet appointment on Tuesday, too. The odd thing he was energtic when we we met him for the first time in a outside fenced room at the shelter, but when we picked him up next day, he acted sick right after we left the shelter with diaherra, refused to eat dog food, shy, throwing up, coughing, etc. Sometimes I wonder if animal shelters do A to Z check ups on them to be sure they're not sick in the first place. Poor Sam, if he could talk we would know his real story...that'd be interesting.