Super Bowl XLIV Predictions

Its going to be easy for the Saints to beat the Colts :nana:
Im changing my superbowl pics: Im going to have to say it will be the Lions and Jaguars getting in :lol:
that was a fine game between Jets and Chargers
I'm sorry for AD members fans of Cowboys lost the game. You guys hope Cowboys would beat Viking. What happen?? I can't believe that Brett Farve is 40 years old as brave. Is he plan to be retirement for this year or next year?? He is good healthy and strong.

Oh well, not cool about Cowboys lost.

In superbowl, if Colts vs. Saints so I'm going rooting for Saints because of my area is 5 hours away from New Orleans.
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shel90 said:
Its going to be easy for the Saints to beat the Colts :nana:

Yes, I hope the Saints beat the Colts and kick them out of the playoffs.

Not if the Vikings gets to beat the Saints. :nana:

Although, I'm a bit surprised to see that the Bolts lost. I thought they could have played better. On forward to see the Jets vs Colts -- I'm definitely rooting for the Colts!
Oh well, not cool about Cowboys lost.

In superbowl, if Colts vs. Saints so I'm going rooting for Saints because of my area is 5 hours away from New Orleans.

Please not the Saints. The fact that they are close is even MORE reason to hate them.
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Not if the Vikings gets to beat the Saints. :nana:

Although, I'm a bit surprised to see that the Bolts lost. I thought they could have played better. On forward to see the Jets vs Colts -- I'm definitely rooting for the Colts!

Yes, anything can happen. If Favre and company out do the Saints, we will see. I thinking , Saints and Colts for the SB.
Colts v Saints in Super Bowl.

Colts gets Championship over Saints. easy. so easy. no question.