Suicide Girls

I have a tendency to avoid making short sentences, I usually try to write something that's worth posting.

Even when it's inaccurate? Seems that would hurt it's worth.... lol
Alright, come on dudes. I did not realize I had to be meticulous to what I have to post on a message board for conversation. I even said right at the end, the intent of my paragraph: "People have their own similar interests together etc." unless that does not comprehend into any sense.

Of course I understand what you're getting at; all I said was which groups came to the top of my head at the moment I posted a response.

Unless you guys are implying those are not groups.. come on. You're saying "OK, so this group is better than that group so you can't really say this is a group". Is black, white, orange, pink not their own colors? Now we gotta bring details like "Sepia" or "Fuchsia" into the mix. Tell me exactly what is it you want..

How's this for a "Better" example if it doesn't twist your pants into a bunch:
It's just a newer culture group. Nothing more than SAW lovers, Jason Voorhees fan club, stuff like that. People have their own similar interests together etc.
Even when it's inaccurate? Seems that would hurt it's worth.... lol

It's not inaccurate at all to me, in it's own definition as a group it's right in there.. But if you want to bring semantics into it then do so, I'll let you know if you hadn't noticed that wasn't my intention nor do I intend to debate about the differences between the groups I listed.

Nope, just wowed some people took what I said seriously like I intended to do some harm against those groups or something. All I was trying to do was have a conversation.
I don't go on there. Only time I've ever been on it was when a girl wanted to show off pictures of her modelling career to me; and a few nudies.

No offense, but if I want to look at that stuff... I can get it in real life at a local punk or metal show.

I am not an ugly old fart yet.
I don't go on there. Only time I've ever been on it was when a girl wanted to show off pictures of her modelling career to me; and a few nudies.

No offense, but if I want to look at that stuff... I can get it in real life at a local punk or metal show.

I am not an ugly old fart yet.

Was that an hidden insult? If so, I am offended.
Some of my girlfriends really like Suicide girls. I believe it is involved with the fake bloods too. Not me, I guess I am combined with the old fashion with lame modern style. LOL however my girls do get pierced and tattoos, not me. lol. I keep wondering why they like to hang out with me because i am all virgin (tattoo free and almost pierced free) :P What do i think of SG, i think they look so cool. Love their colored appearances very much. =)
I had no idea about the SG until my friend sent me a link to check a young lady donning a Montreal Canadiens jersey. I went ahead to check on other ladies on the site and I thought they were cool and artistic.
I'm just the messenger, I didn't mean they are as respected as the NRA or any of those groups. Just that they're a group.
You called them culture groups. That's the difference. They aren't all culture groups. NRA and Greenpeace are political action and lobbiest groups.

If you're trying to explain what SG is, calling it a "group" isn't informative at all. The KKK and the Red Cross are both "groups" but that explains nothing.
My girlfriend and I like SG. OF course we are not registered users with them. Who wants a porn virus? The other reason why, we are not registered is because a good chunk of those girls are over done with tattoos and piercings. Reba, you are right to say that they are a group, but they are part of the culture they promote. Taboo culture, tattoo culture, piercing culture, and of course porn culture.

My girlfriend and I are pierced and tattooed just a bit, no biggie. SG are just a spectacle to look at in awe. Who else does stuff like them? Just them!

There are many other more serious or maybe disgusting cultures than SG, SG is just plain cute. Just to make my point, try looking up "body suspension". (Not for the faint of heart or children) There are also many many fans that go to gore websites too. Now that is just sick!
wow - body suspension, I saw a tv program on that once. It was actually a program on various "sub-cultures" in the U.S. that are involved in things like body suspension, extreme piercing, fire-eating, and doing things like exaggerating or adding body parts like sharpening or adding canines <teeth> and adding hair and whiskers to their bodies and so on. It was an intriguing show.
Why arent' these threads about porn in the adult section? We do have some teen members. :ugh3:
I'm sure I've heard that group before a long ago. I'm not a fan of that but I know a few people who love it.