Sprint allows fraud


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Here's what happened.

Last week, Hubby noticed that there were three withdrawals from his business account that he just couldn't track down. He had the statements from the bank but they don't show details; just dates and amounts. So he went to the bank and requested a detailed print out, and a manager to assist him.

After reviewing the statements, and having the manager look deeper into the transactions, they figured it out. Sprint had made three automatic withdrawals for phone service payments from Hubby's business account, for over $500. Here's the problem. We don't have, we NEVER had a phone or account from Sprint. Also, the bank found out that the Sprint customer's name was not our name. It was a person we never heard of. That person was using our bank account!

Sprint paid back to our bank the last two withdrawals. But Sprint said the first withdrawal was made over 60 days ago and their policy is to not pay back anything over 60 days.

We say, huh? We are not customers with Sprint, never signed a contract with Sprint, so we aren't under Sprint's "policy." Hubby told them there is no 60-day limit on stealing.

Here is what you should know: Sprint admitted that they don't verify the bank information that their customers give them. The only thing they check is that there is money in the account. They don't care if their customer's name doesn't match the name on the bank account. They only care if they get the money, even if it doesn't belong to them. The Sprint manager said that to my Hubby. I heard their conversation. :mad:
Wow something need to be done about the bank account and verifying that it is YOUR name on the bank account instead of someone else. This is wrong. I cant believe that Sprint allowed this to happen?

You need to sue Sprint to get your money back cuz you never signed a contract with them in first place? It was not you or your hubby who did this? Now I am sure your hubby will keep an eye out on this from now on to prevent any more drawing of the money from the account.
That why my brother warned me about sprint service are dirty business. We rather use verizon and AT&T service.
Hubby requested the police subpoena Sprint for the name, address and phone number of their customer. Also, Hubby is taking Sprint to small claims court. Small claims court doesn't require a lawyer.

This is such a hassle. Hubby had to close his old bank account and open a new one. He had to buy new boxes of checks. He had to contact all the businesses that he pays from that account to change the information.

We still haven't figured out how the guy got the account number.
Actually, this isn't the first time I heard about an incident involving Sprint because of their lax policy. I can't remember where I read it, but it was just like yours.
We say, huh? We are not customers with Sprint, never signed a contract with Sprint, so we aren't under Sprint's "policy." Hubby told them there is no 60-day limit on stealing.

That beggars beyond belief! ... :shock: ... That's a no-no! it's your money. If all fails, threaten them by taking the matter to whatever the name of your Business Trading complaints office (we have 'Office of Fair Trading'/'Office of Consumer & Business Affairs' in Oz), or the local TV/Newspaper to publish your story.

Do hope in the end, you will obtain a full refund ... *fingers crossed*
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Geez, Reba -

I'm sorry your husband and you had to go through hassles just because Sprint is being lax on their policy. What they did was wrong.

To my surprise, I'd have thought Sprint is a reputable company and would excel to meet their consumer's needs, even though you never were their consumer, they should have been able to comply that within a professional matter. Apparently they didn't.
Hubby requested the police subpoena Sprint for the name, address and phone number of their customer. Also, Hubby is taking Sprint to small claims court. Small claims court doesn't require a lawyer.

This is such a hassle. Hubby had to close his old bank account and open a new one. He had to buy new boxes of checks. He had to contact all the businesses that he pays from that account to change the information.

We still haven't figured out how the guy got the account number.

People steal account numbers from computers.. Please be sure that you are not a victim of Identity theft. Check all your accounts and credit cards. and make sure no one compromised your computer. It is one of the dangers of owning a computer with internet access. Just a thought.
That sucks!

I had a similar problem with Netflix. I signed up for a trial membership and had less than 30 days to cancel if I changed my mind. Well, I canceled a couple weeks later... half the 30-days. A month later, I got my credit card bill stating that I was charged $20 for Netflix membership. I called Netflix and told them that I did cancel. They said they had no record. They did agree to remove the $20 charge and asked that I cancel again. So, I did. The next credit card statement came... $20 charge again. When I called, they said that I never canceled. They said they would cancel for me. A month later, another $20 charge! I called and yelled at them telling them that I didn't appreciate them fooling around with me. They promised that it was really canceled. Well... it was finally canceled... but not after $60 total was charged! :roll:
Ughh!!!! Sheesh!!!! :roll:. you know its waste your time to court etc.. Jeez!!!!
People steal account numbers from computers.. Please be sure that you are not a victim of Identity theft. Check all your accounts and credit cards. and make sure no one compromised your computer. It is one of the dangers of owning a computer with internet access. Just a thought.
Hubby (unlike me) doesn't do any of his banking online. He doesn't even have an online account set up. He and I don't use the same banks.
Actually, this isn't the first time I heard about an incident involving Sprint because of their lax policy. I can't remember where I read it, but it was just like yours.
I've been doing some web research, and apparently Sprint has a bad reputation for its business practices.
That sucks!

I had a similar problem with Netflix. I signed up for a trial membership and had less than 30 days to cancel if I changed my mind. Well, I canceled a couple weeks later... half the 30-days. A month later, I got my credit card bill stating that I was charged $20 for Netflix membership. I called Netflix and told them that I did cancel. They said they had no record. They did agree to remove the $20 charge and asked that I cancel again. So, I did. The next credit card statement came... $20 charge again. When I called, they said that I never canceled. They said they would cancel for me. A month later, another $20 charge! I called and yelled at them telling them that I didn't appreciate them fooling around with me. They promised that it was really canceled. Well... it was finally canceled... but not after $60 total was charged! :roll:
Customer no-service; it's sad, isn't it?
Oh my dear! That's sucker!!!

I hope everything goes smooth for you both.

What Sprint is? I tried to find with the help from dictonary but it doesn't match your post here?

I am surprised that the bank allow to withdraw $ from your hubby's business account over to Sprint company automatic without get your hubby's written approval when you said that your hubby do not know and never even contact Sprint ?

How? It amaze me how clever Sprint is to use your bank account ???? Bank must have recogonize your hubby's signuature... or bank must have check your hubby's approval in writing to allow the bank withdraw $ from your account over to Sprint.

What Sprint did is a fraud!!!
People steal account numbers from computers.. Please be sure that you are not a victim of Identity theft. Check all your accounts and credit cards. and make sure no one compromised your computer. It is one of the dangers of owning a computer with internet access. Just a thought.

yes, that's right... we never use bank online... but Paypal via Ebay is the one, we use for transfer money to the world...
Whoa.. You should sue their ass! Also arrest those people who use your bank account too.
and to think i was going to get a blackberry from Sprint now I am afraid to get one from them. I better get one from AT&T instead.