Spoooooooky stuff...

have you heard about things down in south america where there were giant signs/icons/communications that could only be seen from the sky? these were made in the time of the myans or incans so that got people thinking about space visitors thousands of years ago

Yep...sure have. Just watched a show called Ancient Aliens that addressed that subject. Have you ever seen the one's they have on the chalk downs in England? One of them is very obviously male. LOL:giggle:
Fair enough. ;)

When you get access to the PM feature (once you've made 50 posts), I'll be glad to PM you some of what I've seen and what not. I just don't want to put it on the internet for anyone to google. Its very personal to me. But, yes, I've seen some paranormal things.
When you get access to the PM feature (once you've made 50 posts), I'll be glad to PM you some of what I've seen and what not. I just don't want to put it on the internet for anyone to google. Its very personal to me. But, yes, I've seen some paranormal things.

Okie. That's cool. (Query, how do I get that VIP status?) Love the pic of yer little dog btw. :)
She looks like such a sweetie! What type of dog is she? My hubby and have a little pug mix dog. He's about 4 years old and a bottomless pit for food! LOL

Thanks for the link too.

She's a Havanese. We also have a male pup that's also a Havanese. Both of them are sweethearts, but, also little clowns.
Then ... I am going to copy it and send it to wikileaks ...

(That was a joke too).

edit: The OP did ask to talk about spooky stuff ....
Another question to one and all...has anyone ever seen any weird creatures or dealt directly with what was probably a non-human being? I know I have. And frankly to this day I don't know what the thing that looked like an old man was for sure. All I know is that my hubby and I were on this hell-ride with one of my sisters trying to help her find a place to move to in another part of the state of Ky. We got stranded with a flat tire and no spare,(my sister isn't good at planning for anything), out in the middle of some bum-fucked nowhere place. Oddly, there was this fire house in the middle of no-where where we pulled the car into. Of course no one was there. Then out of no where this old man shows up wearing heavy denim overalls, a flannel shirt, heavy work boots and a cap. Folks, it was 90 degrees in the freakin' shade that day and this dude wasn't sweating a drop! Well, as you can imagine that struck me and me hubby as pretty odd. But, we didn't make too much of it and just tried to figure out how to help. My sister, and her two kids were sitting over on the firehouse porch and chatting with the old guy. This dude looked like he was in his 70s or 80s...but he was pretty damned spry. He got to talking and ramblin' on about family and such, like older folks is apt to do, and got to talking about some of his family he had buried some years ago but he didn't know where they'd gotten off to. My hubby and I looked at each other and had a serious WTF? moment. And, you just know I had to say it, "Uh, bodies generally stay where you bury them. They aren't known for getting up and walking off." That's when he just looked at us and gave a queer sort of laugh. At that point I jumped up and walked over to the car and started fiddling with the wheel just to have something to do and the old creep followed me and said, "Let me see if I can do something." He got pretty close to me at that point and I about heaved. Dude had really sickly sweet stink to him that I later found out was the smell of something that had been dead for a while. That's when I also noticed something else really wrong. This old dude and I were out in the full sunshine and he wasn't casting a shadow. I decided to go and freak quietly and wondered if the heat wasn't getting to me.

My hubby decided to get the old freak to walk up to the saw mill with him and so off they went. While they were gone some folks pulled up and asked if we needed help and I said yes. I told these people that my hubby had just walked up the road to the saw mill with this old guy who called himself Earl,(for that was the name this "person" gave.), and they literally blanched white and said, 'Well, I hope y'all get out of here alive." and sped off as fast as they could. As you can well imagine, I was really wigging at this point.

Shortly there after, me hubby and this old creep came back. My hubby was looking a bit unnerved and I could guess why. He pulled me over to the side away from everyone and asked me if I had noticed anything else really weird about the old guy. My reply was, "You mean other than the fact he ain't casting a shadow?" And Me hubby's reply, "Yep, thats the one."

Finally, we got lucky and some folks came by and helped us call a tow truck. It got there just before sunset. We got away. I don't know what would have happened if we hadn't. But it gives me the screamin' mimis to think about it.

Anyone got any ideas what this could have been?
ok, I'll bite. What part of Kentucky were you stranded in?

About 15-20 miles away from the Red River Gorge area...I can't remember the name of the town...although I think it started with a P.:hmm:

Ky. is a freaky state.:shock: Weird shit there. I guess there's loads of reasons why the Native Americans of the surrounding state areas called it the Dark and Bloody Ground. That's what the name Kentucky means. Comes from the Cherokee, Shawnee, and the dialect of some other tribes. Can-tuck, Can-tuck-kee or Kain-took-kee. They all mean the same thing.:shock:
Ok. My logical explanation for what happened to you was the comment made about his family wandering off may have been the descendants (children) of his family members he buried. I have had old timers make comments like that to me.

The person who said "well, I hope he comes back alive!" could have been a comment in regards to where they were going, an old sawmill (sawmills are notorious for being accident prone).

As for him not having a shadow ... well .. no logical explanation for that. I could make another joke here and say Wendy just needs to sew it back on.

The death smell? Hmmm :hmm: Maybe he needed a bath.

Look for haunted stories for the area you were stranded.
About 15-20 miles away from the Red River Gorge area...I can't remember the name of the town...although I think it started with a P.:hmm:

Ky. is a freaky state.:shock: Weird shit there. I guess there's loads of reasons why the Native Americans of the surrounding state areas called it the Dark and Bloody Ground. That's what the name Kentucky means. Comes from the Cherokee, Shawnee, and the dialect of some other tribes. Can-tuck, Can-tuck-kee or Kain-took-kee. They all mean the same thing.:shock:

RRG is pretty. I want to learn more about this, and I want to find Earl.
About 15-20 miles away from the Red River Gorge area...I can't remember the name of the town...although I think it started with a P.:hmm:

Ky. is a freaky state.:shock: Weird shit there. I guess there's loads of reasons why the Native Americans of the surrounding state areas called it the Dark and Bloody Ground. That's what the name Kentucky means. Comes from the Cherokee, Shawnee, and the dialect of some other tribes. Can-tuck, Can-tuck-kee or Kain-took-kee. They all mean the same thing.:shock:

My grandfather was from Salt Lick, KY. Looking up hauntings in the area you described.
you said "P"

Powell County is the most haunted area in Kentucky and is near Red River Gorge. Supposedly haunted by the spirits of dead loggers.
oooookay...lovely. Sounds like this would definitely be the place for doing paranormal research. And WHY would you want to find Earl!?:-o

Um...what about him not sweating in 100+ degree heat? And they said, "I hope y'all get out of here alive." not "I hope he gets away alive." I've smelled raunchy B.O. before and I never smelled any that smelled like dead rotting meat. LOL

Honestly, I have no explanation for what we dealt with. And believe me, me and me hubby have been trying to come up with reasonable explanations for years.