South Carolina House passes illegal immigration bill

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What does that have to do with the Supreme Court being part of the Federal Court system?

Oh, I were referring only to the last part of the quote. In that case.....there is always secession.....or as you would say sucession. :lol:
Duh, but see post 96

Ok, you should mention federal court of appeals or federal district court, or lower federal court to avoid the confusion.

Yup, I believe that US Supreme Court did overturn the decision from lower court sometime.
Oh, I were referring only to the last part of the quote. In that case.....there is always secession.....or as you would say sucession. :lol:

Yeah, right. Worked really well the last time Texas threatened it, didn't it?:giggle:
Yeah, right. Worked really well the last time Texas threatened it, didn't it?:giggle:

How would you thought they signed away the right in 1812. :)

I think there would be a different outcome this time anyway.....
How would you thought they signed away the right in 1812. :)

I think there would be a different outcome this time anyway.....

Sure there would. You just keep believing that.:laugh2::laugh2: You do know the definition of insanity, don't you?

So, that is discriminatory and racist. I mean, do you honestly think they would suspect I am an illegal? No. They would think I am American just because I am white. I get the break. They'd never ask me for proof. But they can ask someone who is not white for proof of citizenship just because they are suspicious based on their race or language or whatever...

The federal court will throw that bill out of the window.

Yep. When I read that part, I didn't bother reading any further, because this is like an algebra problem: if you get the beginning wrong, what follows is equally wrong. This bill is sunk.
It doesn't matter how many bad cops are out there. It concerns me that ANY cop can CHOOSE to use it.
A bad cop can use any existing law in the wrong way. Does that mean we should toss out all laws because one cop might misuse it? Of course not.
A bad cop can use any existing law in the wrong way. Does that mean we should toss out all laws because one cop might misuse it? Of course not.

no. it means we should not allow this bill to pass. beside... it's a federal duty.
I'm sure they had to speak to him to request the documentation, now didn't they? What, they pulled him over, and then used a bull horn to demand he step from the car and show his green card? Get real.

Of course they did - speak to him to request documentation, that is. Beowulf was making the assertion that "white boys" wouldn't be asked to show citizenship papers. My point is that any white person here who's ever been stopped by a cop would know that's ridiculous. You get stopped, you show your driver's license (and in hubby's case, he showed his green card too), and if you're legit, all is well. Or as well as it could be, depending on what you did.

His white color and dulcet British tones didn't save him from anything; being legal and having the papers to prove it made sure it wasn't any worse than it had to be. If he'd been without valid driver's license and green card, he would have been SOL, white or not.

I have no idea what point you're trying to make about his accent.

no. it means we should not allow this bill to pass. beside... it's a federal duty.

This is true, and most likely the grounds upon which this law is likely to be struck down. The fact that the Feds aren't doing a great job of it is irrelevant; it IS a Federal obligation.
They did but not good enough because politicians are deadlocked and lack of fundings.

Then let the states give them a helping hand. :). It's not like the states plan to deport anyone.
Then let the states give them a helping hand. :). It's not like the states plan to deport anyone.

If it is unconstitutional by federal court so states are out of lucky.
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