Sotomayor's views on guns prompt questions

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...Which one do you prefer - a small round hole in the gut (while suffering possible massive internal injury) or horrifying mauled body parts and face by guard dog?
Or being mauled by a mad chimp! Remember what happened to that poor woman?
You made alot of negative impact about our country, you need worry about your country because you never live in America, it means you don't have much experience as us does then straight it up yourself.

Please handle agree to disagree instead of take my POV personally. This Forum is public for everyone from different countries to share their exchange POV with respectful agree to disagree.

If you complaint about negative then tell that to American ADers who created the threads why they disagree with U.S. system, not me. I can share my support for them.

If you have problem with foreigner´s POV then you are free to create a new thread with poll to suggest ADers that this Forum should be for America, not outside of America.

we have driver license exams here as well and yet there are accidents everyday because of ignorant drivers who passed the test

Accord American ADers in several driving threads which is very different as here in Germany. I learn a lot from ADers over U.S. driving system. U.S. driving system is tooooo easy for me...

Driving theory in America is too easy - just answer few questions and driving few lessons, then is done. Here in Germany.... Oh noooo... tooo cruel.... It took me a year to study thousand questions before I applied for driving theory test. It cost me awful a lot of money that´s why I studied for one year on driving theory. The thousand of questions are very, very, very twist and complication. sooo cruel. During driving theory test, I was very nervous that´s time I was 3 months pregnant with my first child. I answered over 200 questions. I passed it... *phew* and then took driving lesson for 6 weeks then passed and got driving liescene... It cost awful a lot of money that´s why I am sensible driver. I know that it´s not just me but a lot of Germans did the same because it´s very expensive if they disowned vehicle law. I was like wow when my friends told me how easy to get driving liescne there in the USA. I learn from ADers as well... wow... and also very cheap there in the USA. wow

It´s legal for the parents to teach their teenage children how to drive in America, not here in Germany.

That´s why I have in my opinion that it should be the same for gun owners if they want to get liescne to be gun owner.

It look like what anti-gun people view pro-gun people as if they have no common sense and are too stupid to own a gun. =/

If you don't trust gun, I won't trust you either. =/

It´s not my responsible that you misinterpreted my post.
Accord American ADers in several driving threads which is very different as here in Germany. I learn a lot from ADers over U.S. driving system. U.S. driving system is tooooo easy for me...

Driving theory in America is too easy - just answer few questions and driving few lessons, then is done. Here in Germany.... Oh noooo... tooo cruel.... It took me a year to study thousand questions before I applied for driving theory test. It cost me awful a lot of money that´s why I studied for one year on driving theory. The thousand of questions are very, very, very twist and complication. sooo cruel. During driving theory test, I was very nervous that´s time I was 3 months pregnant with my first child. I answered over 200 questions. I passed it... *phew* and then took driving lesson for 6 weeks then passed and got driving liescene... It cost awful a lot of money that´s why I am sensible driver. I know that it´s not just me but a lot of Germans did the same because it´s very expensive if they disowned vehicle law. I was like wow when my friends told me how easy to get driving liescne there in the USA. I learn from ADers as well... wow... and also very cheap there in the USA. wow

It´s legal for the parents to teach their teenage children how to drive in America, not here in Germany.

That´s why I have in my opinion that it should be the same for gun owners if they want to get liescne to be gun owner.

they can teach their teen children when the teen has a learners permit
yes, he took the names and address with mandatory gun registration.

Hitler than went to all their homes and took there guns...

For all jews, other races and German anti-Hilter, homosexually, anti-social... Yes.

and well the genocide that followed doesn't pertain to the thread. my focus was about a "ban & gun grab"

Nobody here suggest that the gun should be banned.

you always seem to take the mention of Hitler personally

Huh`? :confused:


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." ~George Santayana

the subject of guns were brought up on this thread and we are discussing it.
Hitler's mandatory gun registration is a prime example guns restrictions being used to the extreme

The fact is Hilter/Nazi and gun history is over 65 years old and has nothing do with this thread here. Fact is Nazi law was being destory after WWII.

no :roll:

Why not?
I find interesting to talk about gun history. :shrug:

The fact is Hilter/Nazi and gun history is over 65 years old and has nothing do with this thread here. Fact is Nazi law was being destory after WWII.
The fact is, governments trying to disarm their citizens is a continuing process, before, during and after WWII. The principle is still the same. An unarmed civil population is at the mercy of an armed military and police force that is controlled by the government.

ref: Death by "Gun Control"
Why do I have to answer your questions if you don't answer mine?

I explained that it depends on the situation. Daytime v. nighttime, which room/floor of the house, is the other person armed or not, etc.

I did once see a strange man in my back yard (which has a 6-ft wood privacy fence). I saw him from my sliding glass doors at the back of the house, so I ran out the front door, to the street. Some other people had already called the police, so I just waited out front until they came and took care of the situation. That's the closest I've come to your scenario.

What you doing is right but that´s not what I want to ask you about. I asked you if an intruder sudden is front of you in any room. It´s too late for you to run to get gun from safe lock to defend yourself. That´s why I said that Jiro answer over dog is fast and better than run to get gun from safe lock.

I personally think gun is not solution because an intruder would stop you from run to get gun from safe lock.

I've owned large dogs in the past. They were very protective of us but they weren't trained guard dogs. I wouldn't want to depend on them for protection. .

Yes I second that.

Besides, they spent a lot of their time out in the back yard, so they wouldn't be any help inside the house at any given time

See my response post to Jiro over my friend´s family dog. Most family dog bark to get the owner attention...

So, what would you do?

Nothing but just do what he wants for sake of my life.

Accord the stastic, you will get hurt/killed if you try do something to defend yourself for get gun or any weapons against intruder.

All what I do is make sure my house to be safety before go to bed. That´s all.

For all jews, other races and German anti-Hilter, homosexually, anti-social... Yes.

The fact is Hilter/Nazi and gun history is over 65 years old and has nothing do with this thread here. Fact is Nazi law was being destory after WWII.

as I said before:
the subject of guns were brought up on this thread and we are discussing it.
Hitler's mandatory gun registration is a prime example guns restrictions being used to the extreme

Nobody here suggest that the gun should be banned.
we are also discussing the anti-gun lobby in this thread. many anti-gun believers are all for going house to house and taking the guns away from law abiding people. that is why it is part of this thread

Why not?
I find interesting to talk about gun history. :shrug:

than start your own thread. some of us are just fine with the discussion here
Please handle agree to disagree instead of take my POV personally. This Forum is public for everyone from different countries to share their exchange POV with respectful agree to disagree.

If you complaint about negative then tell that to American ADers who created the threads why they disagree with U.S. system, not me. I can share my support for them.

If you have problem with foreigner´s POV then you are free to create a new thread with poll to suggest ADers that this Forum should be for America, not outside of America.

Accord American ADers in several driving threads which is very different as here in Germany. I learn a lot from ADers over U.S. driving system. U.S. driving system is tooooo easy for me...

Driving theory in America is too easy - just answer few questions and driving few lessons, then is done. Here in Germany.... Oh noooo... tooo cruel.... It took me a year to study thousand questions before I applied for driving theory test. It cost me awful a lot of money that´s why I studied for one year on driving theory. The thousand of questions are very, very, very twist and complication. sooo cruel. During driving theory test, I was very nervous that´s time I was 3 months pregnant with my first child. I answered over 200 questions. I passed it... *phew* and then took driving lesson for 6 weeks then passed and got driving liescene... It cost awful a lot of money that´s why I am sensible driver. I know that it´s not just me but a lot of Germans did the same because it´s very expensive if they disowned vehicle law. I was like wow when my friends told me how easy to get driving liescne there in the USA. I learn from ADers as well... wow... and also very cheap there in the USA. wow

It´s legal for the parents to teach their teenage children how to drive in America, not here in Germany.

That´s why I have in my opinion that it should be the same for gun owners if they want to get liescne to be gun owner.

It´s not my responsible that you misinterpreted my post.

You are not just only person who trying to ruin our American culture and society, so is just some Americans who don't have much faith, especially far left wing and you are very left wing, again, you never have been resident in America and don't make up any stories or insult our country.

It's not fair because you made solely point about our country, why does you don't point at India, China, UK, Brzail, Japan, etc.

You are left wing person, get it and you will be face in big debate, regardless if POV is value or not, America is great place for any people who is moderate/centrist and right wing.

It will be return to old thing in few years when Obama admin lose the election in 2012 or term expire in 2016 and handover to next republican president to reverse the policies into conservative because majority of Americans are tends to be more conservative than in Europe and you can't complain if anything is reverse.
You are not just only person who trying to ruin our American culture and society, so is just some Americans who don't have much faith, especially far left wing and you are very left wing, again, you never have been resident in America and don't make up any stories or insult our country.

Huh? I´m sorry that your post make no sense.

Accord AD´s rule
"Even though we support freedom of speech, show some respect, use common sense, and keep an open mind when participating in discussions."

It's not fair because you made solely point about our country, why does you don't point at India, China, UK, Japan, etc.

Yes I have.

It´s not just India, China , UK and Japan but I also create threads about Africa, Russia, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Germany etc as well but I recieved very few replies. :shrug: I have posted in Russia vs Georgia threads, Isreal vs palastinen, etc. I really don´t know why you overlook it. :shrug:

You are left wing person, get it and you will be face in big debate, regardless if POV is value or not, America is great place for any people who is moderate/centrist and right wing.

Huh? Where´s your common sense?

I am ME who entitle my POV as you and your POV as well.

Again, Accord AD´s rule
"Even though we support freedom of speech, show some respect, use common sense, and keep an open mind when participating in discussions."
Huh? I´m sorry that your post make no sense.

Accord AD´s rule
"Even though we support freedom of speech, show some respect, use common sense, and keep an open mind when participating in discussions."

Yes I have.

It´s not just India, China , UK and Japan but I also create threads about Africa, Russia, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Germany etc as well but I recieved very few replies. :shrug: I have posted in Russia vs Georgia threads, Isreal vs palastinen, etc. I really don´t know why you overlook it. :shrug:

Huh? Where´s your common sense?

I am ME who entitle my POV as you and your POV as well.

Again, Accord AD´s rule
"Even though we support freedom of speech, show some respect, use common sense, and keep an open mind when participating in discussions."

My post does make sense but you just don't understand what I was said.

You will still face serious debate in anytime because you are left wing since other members like Reba is right wing, left wing vs. right wing.
It´s not my responsible that you misinterpreted my post.[/QUOTE]

Well, in your words. =/

Yes you are right that I can´t understand some Americans´s POV over gun control since I know a lot of innocent people including teenagers/children were being shoot by senseless gun owners and police officers and often use those "accidently" as an excuse... and also many school shooting as well. Yes, I can´t understand why Americans still support gun control which they knew very well that it´s unsafety...

Sorry, I see different because there´re tooo mannnyyyyy shoot due lack of common sense since January 2009.

I know you are very anti-gun and you certainly didn't like our America gun-friendly policy. What I see... all you did was critically gun system in America, just cos you do think it's a lack of common sense and, probably, you do think it should make it illegal. Well, if the government makes a law to ban guns and force polices (or guardians or whatever) to take all guns from gun owners, leaving them defenseless. So criminals could take a nice advantage for that. Even this - if government becomes an 'evil person' in future, which would force all soldiers to get ruin of what gov'ment dislike about a race. What a beautiful move! =/ I don't want to see guns are taken by under the new law in future...

Like, you force your cat to have no claws and the cat is not able to protect itself from any creature. If the cat is killed, who will protect it's little kittens? Yeah... If guns are illegal and a woman's husband, who is pro-guns and knows how to use properly (but no guns), is killed by stranger, how would she protect her kids if a woman is completely defenseless against a criminal? Weapons are not always answer, either.

Okay. I know you would disagree what I said. That's fine. :) And, for your information, my pervious post is not completely referred you alone.

Peace. :)
On most cases regarding home self-defense? nope! it's just a small round hole in the gut where blood will be coming out. You must be thinking about wars. Those are different because it's a high-powered weapon. Now that's the nasty gun wounds.

Which one do you prefer - a small round hole in the gut (while suffering possible massive internal injury) or horrifying mauled body parts and face by guard dog?

Massive internal damage and death from a bleed out are hardly "clean".
Accord American ADers in several driving threads which is very different as here in Germany. I learn a lot from ADers over U.S. driving system. U.S. driving system is tooooo easy for me...

Driving theory in America is too easy - just answer few questions and driving few lessons, then is done. Here in Germany.... Oh noooo... tooo cruel.... It took me a year to study thousand questions before I applied for driving theory test. It cost me awful a lot of money that´s why I studied for one year on driving theory. The thousand of questions are very, very, very twist and complication. sooo cruel. During driving theory test, I was very nervous that´s time I was 3 months pregnant with my first child. I answered over 200 questions. I passed it... *phew* and then took driving lesson for 6 weeks then passed and got driving liescene... It cost awful a lot of money that´s why I am sensible driver. I know that it´s not just me but a lot of Germans did the same because it´s very expensive if they disowned vehicle law. I was like wow when my friends told me how easy to get driving liescne there in the USA. I learn from ADers as well... wow... and also very cheap there in the USA. wow

It´s legal for the parents to teach their teenage children how to drive in America, not here in Germany.

That´s why I have in my opinion that it should be the same for gun owners if they want to get liescne to be gun owner.

It´s not my responsible that you misinterpreted my post.

Strict driving policies wouldn't going be any difference and driving policies in US are administered by state, it means different states can set up the driving exam, some could be tough when compare to other state.

Cell phone and driving at same time isn't DUI.
Driving under the influence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, it's best way to teach teens to how to driving, I would be same thing if I have child.
It look like what anti-gun people view pro-gun people as if they have no common sense and are too stupid to own a gun. =/

If you don't trust gun, I won't trust you either. =/

Your not thinking correctly...

So, if I don't trust people with guns then you won't trust me?

What would you say about a gun owner who had shoots and kills a teenager for walking across his lawn? What would you say when a gun owner had blew the back of his wife's head off while she was sleeping? What about the Columbine High School shooting?

What is so wrong with keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, children, dangerous and irresponsible persons? I'm not one of an anti-gun people. I do respect the Second Amendment law, I just want to keep those guns out of the wrong hands by limit access to people who should not have guns. And for gun owners to locked up and stored their guns to keep out of reach of children. If we had smart gun technology to prevent others to use guns that belongs to an authorized person, then I wouldn't put up a fight. I would rather to see a reduction in violent crime in this country.
Your not thinking correctly...

So, if I don't trust people with guns then you won't trust me?

What would you say about a gun owner who had shoots and kills a teenager for walking across his lawn? What would you say when a gun owner had blew the back of his wife's head off while she was sleeping? What about the Columbine High School shooting?

Erm, I thought correctly cos I trust wise people with guns. Secondly, you misunderstood me. The typical stance is "What is the point to have guns? Let's call a police!". It would not helpful at all. If you don't trust guns, and want to call before do something, how would it take a time to bear the high risky situation? The survival chance is so slim for you. That's my point.

What is so wrong with keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, children, dangerous and irresponsible persons? I'm not one of an anti-gun people. I do respect the Second Amendment law, I just want to keep those guns out of the wrong hands by limit access to people who should not have guns. And for gun owners to locked up and stored their guns to keep out of reach of children. If we had smart gun technology to prevent others to use guns that belongs to an authorized person, then I wouldn't put up a fight. I would rather to see a reduction in violent crime in this country.

Excuse me. I support the responsibility and wise choice people had, besides, I was talked about guns should keep legal. I do think the gun restriction is less effective, and the gun regulation is more effective. Stricter gun laws do not make any better. I stand on that.
So? Why are you so concerned for these thugs? Ever seen what the thugs did to innocent? rape? murder? Makes me wonder that you let them in and take whatever they want. Meanwhile - did you offer them a milk and cookie? :roll:

Mind you - it's not people. It's thugs.

btw - tell me more about that guy who got killed in your hometown. Was it the case of home self-defense or some gang fight?

These "thugs" you speak of are still people, whether you acknowledge it or not.

Most of the time, they're victims of poverty and bad judgment. Would gangs exist if poverty didn't exist? Would people still be driven to desperation in a society that valued equality over greed and arrogance?

I love it when people have a one-dimensional view of other people. That's how we're conditioned and until we remove that conditioning, our society will continue to be stuck in a negative, three dimensional rut.
As for the argument against stricter laws? You can't have your cake and eat it too.

You can have your guns but you also have to make sure that lunatics don't get their hands on said guns. That is the point of background checks and stricter gun laws.

We can't predict when people will snap or who will snap. However, if the person has a history of mental illness or violent behavior, the last thing we need to be doing is putting a gun in their hands.

The average homeowner does NOT need a M-16 or other assault weapons. What's wrong with a simple handgun?
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