so yeah... I got two asian girls waiting to marry me....

Oh? sorry PFH. From what I see in you, it shows me that you do not have any interest in getting married right away. Only if youare in real love with someone so special you would. I dont hear much about your talking about gals at all, but Beer or good times with people or your darling daughter, nothing else.
Oh? sorry PFH. From what I see in you, it shows me that you do not have any interest in getting married right away. Only if youare in real love with someone so special you would. I dont hear much about your talking about gals at all, but Beer or good times with people or your darling daughter, nothing else.

:) I do have a gal friend that I'm "pursuing" ..

But yeah, marriage of convenience = I marry the asian girls in asia to allow them move here.
change of mind - since I failed the Japanese Eye test, I'm willing to accept them.
Did they required you to make deposit of several thousand dollars before go ahead and marry you?
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

I smell....never mind. *walks out of the room*
Did you notice any girl is waiting for guy to date to marry if not she will find another ivy guy make me upset what it happened few years ago. My girl is enemy with her cuz of that.

I suggest that go for it if they wait for you. If passed three years she will find other.
Did you notice any girl is waiting for guy to date to marry if not she will find another ivy guy make me upset what it happened few years ago. My girl is enemy with her cuz of that.

I suggest that go for it if they wait for you. If passed three years she will find other.

I told them to find someone else.