So new!


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I am from Mich.. I used to go to NITD last year (01-02) .. so Now i am back home and going to school..

So I met my best friends and i was at her house other night ago.. and she was showing me this site.. and i ask her it is free .. and she say yes.. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i thought maybe this will be good for me to check things outs... so I hope that you guys will see me around... and Hope we will help each other out... SMILE!! .. I hope that i will get some help from your guys!!
I dont get this.. i hope you guys will help me out with this.. this is sooo DIFFERENt than others.. champs!!
Originally posted by Purple82moon
I dont get this.. i hope you guys will help me out with this.. this is sooo DIFFERENt than others.. champs!!

haha don't worry, we will help you out! :)
your friends with daprilz??? we will try not to hold that against you.
Hey Wecome to AD! :wave:

Make sure you make some posts to make yourself more interesting. :D