Since we're at it...Happy Early Birthday Jiro

You are just getting started Jiro - Happy Birthday for the 10th :)
HAHAHAHAHA..I was about right by guessing your age. At diner on Oct 28th, I guessed 30 and you said no, 29. Well, you will be in a week. Join the 30s club.
Dammmit...happy birthday Jiro. Whatever...

Just kidding! Hope you had a great day!
Now I feel like it.

Happy Birthday.


I think that's in Korean. If not, it must be close enough for you to understand. :P
^^^ It's in chinese, babe. And it says happy birthday.
生日快樂 JIRO!! :P

Pretty sure he doesn't understand that :lol:
please cease this Occupy Jiro Operation. go home.
Happy Birthday, Jiro!

30 isn't such a big deal. Sure, you're now on the down slope and picking up speed, but the feeling the wind pushing the skin back on your face is fun. ;)
Well Jiro hope you recovered from reaching the "old age" of 30. Better check under your bed- is Old Age hiding there?

Nice to get the first piece of your birthday cake!

Enjoy Cheers Bill

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Jiro, did you get any good presents for your birthday?