Shots Fired at National Holocaust Museum in D.C.

The U.S. is a republic not a democracy. We vote for representatives who, in turn, make policy decisions on our behalf such as our senators, representatives, etc. Remember the Pledge of Allegiance, "...and for the Republic for which it stands..."? And it is spelled out in the U.S. Constitution as well - "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" (Article IV, Section 4)."

Thank gawd the U.S. is not a true democracy else'd we see chaos. Many people simply do not have the time, wisdom or level-headedness to make complex decisions. Yet the U.S. continues to move away from their republican roots to a more "democratic" society.

As for a socialist government and democratic government, there can be a mix of both. In fact there is an organization that wants to see a democratic socialism in America. Which is all about attaining greater and greater control over America by our government when it comes to socialism in the United States. And that will eventually spell trouble into the future.

As I said before, a mix of the two is neither a democracy, nor a socialist government. It is a mix of the two.

If you are talking ancient Rome, America is not a true democracy. However, we are not talking ancient Rome, and America is still classified as a democratic government.

Republican roots? Like republican ideals are anywhere close to where the party started.:laugh2:
My, how far this topic has gotten off-course. Just checking to see if there has been any new input, but alas....Elephants vs Donkeys still prevails. I am done here. Sorry if I ruffled any feathers.
Agreed. We need to get back on topic. My apologies for feeling the need to respond to the diversionary posts.
:grouphug: agreed

this is a national tragedy especially on Jewish people. Holocaust was one of the greatest crime ever committed on humanity. The museum was set up to educate people on it and to ensure that this kind of holocaust-like incident won't ever happen again.
:grouphug: agreed

this is a national tragedy especially on Jewish people. Holocaust was one of the greatest crime ever committed on humanity. The museum was set up to educate people on it and to ensure that this kind of holocaust-like incident won't ever happen again.

And it looks like we now have an addendum to the horrific history associated.
remember a while ago about the string of shootings at Jewish nursery schools and arson attacks on synagogues?


Yes and even here we had our Reform synagogue graffiti. Some churches came to help clean it.
and America is still classified as a democratic government.

"Democratic government" does not describe a government that is run by elected representatives. Again, according to the U.S. Constitution, America is classified as a republic government.

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" (Article IV, Section 4)."
Avalon Project - U.S. Constitution : Article IV

Until you find somewhere in the U.S. Constitution that says that each state is guaranteed a Democracy Form of Government then I'll retract what I said.

Hence, our republican roots...not the party per se. :roll: Thought you knew.

Of course we have a democracy in action at town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums do we see democracy in action. However, we vote for elected officials to represent us in local, state and national government. Hence, we have political parties. If the United States is a true democratic government then there'd be no need for political parties.
:grouphug: agreed

this is a national tragedy especially on Jewish people. Holocaust was one of the greatest crime ever committed on humanity. The museum was set up to educate people on it and to ensure that this kind of holocaust-like incident won't ever happen again.

Still it is sad even with over-whelming evidence and documentation many people continue to not acknowledge that the Holocaust existed and was real.
This is all very sad. I also heard that the guy who did it was in favor of Euniths (sp?).

It's not about left verse right wing. It's about someone who is really sick in the head killing someone else. It's against diversity. I would have voted Republican if I was american but I condemn this act he did just as much as anybody else would too.
"Democratic government" does not describe a government that is run by elected representatives. Again, according to the U.S. Constitution, America is classified as a republic government.

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" (Article IV, Section 4)."
Avalon Project - U.S. Constitution : Article IV

Until you find somewhere in the U.S. Constitution that says that each state is guaranteed a Democracy Form of Government then I'll retract what I said.

Hence, our republican roots...not the party per se. :roll: Thought you knew.

Of course we have a democracy in action at town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums do we see democracy in action. However, we vote for elected officials to represent us in local, state and national government. Hence, we have political parties. If the United States is a true democratic government then there'd be no need for political parties.

Yes and even here we had our Reform synagogue graffiti. Some churches came to help clean it.

Fortunately, it is more usual for individuals to put aside their differences and come together for the greater good. It is only the fringe element that spreads such hatred based on those differences. As horrid as these instances are, they should not serve to destroy our faith in the basic good of humanity.
At the Reform synagogue where I go some years back there were a couple of incidents....hurts all......
I am not surprised that a White Supr. would go after a holocaust museum. It is always known that Nazis, KKK, etc. are always violence people who want something to feed their hates (or find reasons to hate just so they can hate. If christians didn't exist, they will find something else, like ELF organization or something like that. Even Buddhism have hate groups). But we have less violence from them today than years ago.

David Duke denied the holocaust as well.

I support the Jews (pro-isreal) but some religion believe in replacement theology which sometimes put people in a negative view of the jews. Sometime dangerous.
This is all very sad..... It's not about left verse right wing. It's about someone who is really sick in the head killing someone else. It's against diversity.
Amen! Well said. Who cares if the guy even voted? He killed!