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Sep 16, 2005
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my bf hit my bestfriend today and now i'm really scared of my bf what should i do?
Lil_country_gal said:
my bf hit my bestfriend today and now i'm really scared of my bf what should i do?

Report to her and your parents NOW and break up with him. Cut off any ties with him period.
Um, what exactly happened?

What provoked your boyfriend to hit your best friend? Not to say that I'm on anybody's side, but it's necessary that the story be told for us to get a better understanding of what had happened.

For all I know, he could had been trying to protect himself from an assault or something. Or he was just being an ass and trying to dominate a woman's body.

The details you gave are quite vague and sketchy.

Gemtun, you don't know what happened. Yet you made such a blunt advice without knowing for sure. Just because a man hit a woman doesn't mean he attacked her in the first place.

At least let us know what happened. Were you there when it happened?

If he did attack your best friend and you were present, you should break the ties with him. But if there's more to it than you told us or are aware of. I suggest that you look into it more.

If you weren't there at the time of the incident, then be careful of what people may tell you. Witnesses aren't always the more reliable when it come to being accurate.

Hey, before some of you decide to make ridiculous accusations toward me. I'm just trying to find out what happened.

I do have my reasons on why to treat this with such an approach. I'm not supporting any sides till all are accounted for.
ok my friend i were being stupid teenagers and playing the game mercy for those of you who don't know it where you grab each others arms and twist them as hard as you can. well she was saying stop really quietly and i was facing away so i didn't hear it or see it and so she started kicking me really hard in the ribs and now i have bruised and cracked ribs but anyway as soon as my bf found out that she had kicked me didn't bother to listen to the other side of the story smacked her really hard across the face i heard it through a closed door when i came out she had a red mark on her face
I hear you Banjo but either way- violence is not the answer. Why stay with a man who thinks violence is the best way to end all means, whether it is his fault or not?

It shows that he resorts to his fists, not brain or heart, to resolve issues.

She may have hurted her friend accidently thus getting hit herself but her boyfriend has no reason to strike out at the best friend, whether he was doing it because he wanted to get back but anyway in a nutshell, REAL MEN DO NOT HIT PERIOD!

That applies to women too so dont come slamming me saying that I am anti men - I do know that women do hit so REAL MEN OR WOMEN DO NOT HIT!

Everybody's at a fault here. Sorry.

You decided to do play a game that isn't safe to begin with and your best friend kicks you in your ribs for it provoking your boyfriend to hit your best friend.

Everyone here resorted to violence.

While you three are all teenagers, y'all are still young and have a lot to learn. I do hope that all of you folks learned something from it. These games shouldn't be played and that both of your best friend and boyfriend learned a lesson from it.

Everybody was pretty much at fault for it since they ALL engaged in violent activities as I said.

Seriously, don't engage in such a thing ever again. It's no excuse for what your boyfriend did to your best friend. But you two have no excuses for doing such a stupid thing to begin with too as well. Violent activities, even if they are "fun" shouldn't be done... ever.

Especially these choking games.

Gemtun, thanks for the clarification. I do agree with what you had said. Though one does reserve all the rights to defend itself when one's life is in dangers but that's a rare situation to be put into and only enough should be done to get out of the situation without inflicting serious injuries on the others if possible. It should be used as the absolutely last resort.

Too many women had died to not being able to defend themselves well enough from their aggressive husband/boyfriends. I know men can be reversed as the victim, but it doesn't happen as often but it does.
Lil_country_gal said:
Ok, everyboy i've ever dated has abused me that's why i'm tweaking so bad over it

Then break up with your boyfriend if you feel he's too aggressive with your friends and the others which did happen according to you.
Honey then it is time to stop dating and ask yourself hard questions why you allow yourself to do this.

Please go seek some professional help - you are a brilliant young woman who has so much to look forward to - I ve been there and finally rose above such illusions that Im no good.

If I was in your shoe then I would break up with him cuz no man should abuse me physical, emotional, and mental. I have been abused by my exh and I divorced him and I am glad I made the right move.
Lil_country_gal said:
my bf hit my bestfriend today and now i'm really scared of my bf what should i do?

DUMP HIM! He isn't worth guy. Because he hurt ya by physical. If u dont break-up with him. He will continue to abuse u in anytime. :crazy:

Love isn't supposed be abuse.

Good luck and hope u will made a right decision.... ;)
Lol all great advice well i'm leaving for the weekend with my boss so i'm gonna think abou t it over the weekend and on sunday i will give you my verdict
Lil_country_gal said:
Lol all great advice well i'm leaving for the weekend with my boss so i'm gonna think abou t it over the weekend and on sunday i will give you my verdict

Hey, I know that Love is very power ! If u love that guy. I know it s really hard to leave him. But it isnt right thing what he done to u by physical.

Be strong lady ! ! ! :mrgreen:
I second that! Assumptions is motherhood of all funksup! After reading this thread. Seems that the fight was unintended and was not part of the plan. None of the aruguments or fights was started. What started was from a game, and misunderstand CAN and have been happened.

If the violence were stemmed from the argument, then this relationship should be cut off.

I was in very similiar situation myself, and NEVER hit woman, but that woman screamed that I had hit her face on dresser 5 times. Did report to the cops, but because of lack of evidence that I did to her, and I can't believe if I had done that because I can't recall single moment that I did this such thing. I really doubt I did. What I suspect is that this woman had major flashback and had images of her ex that hits her badly, and thought it was me.

So, from my experience it is BEST not to jump into conclusion BEFORE all the fact shows and we all will know. Cut off abruptly CAN leave mystery questions yet to be answered to each other.

Banjo said:
Um, what exactly happened?

What provoked your boyfriend to hit your best friend? Not to say that I'm on anybody's side, but it's necessary that the story be told for us to get a better understanding of what had happened.

For all I know, he could had been trying to protect himself from an assault or something. Or he was just being an ass and trying to dominate a woman's body.

The details you gave are quite vague and sketchy.

Gemtun, you don't know what happened. Yet you made such a blunt advice without knowing for sure. Just because a man hit a woman doesn't mean he attacked her in the first place.

At least let us know what happened. Were you there when it happened?

If he did attack your best friend and you were present, you should break the ties with him. But if there's more to it than you told us or are aware of. I suggest that you look into it more.

If you weren't there at the time of the incident, then be careful of what people may tell you. Witnesses aren't always the more reliable when it come to being accurate.

Hey, before some of you decide to make ridiculous accusations toward me. I'm just trying to find out what happened.

I do have my reasons on why to treat this with such an approach. I'm not supporting any sides till all are accounted for.
ScubaladyTx said:
Hey, I know that Love is very power ! If u love that guy. I know it s really hard to leave him. But it isnt right thing what he done to u by physical.

Be strong lady ! ! ! :mrgreen:
Your right love is extremely hard to leave he's a great bf except he has violent tendancies i mean he got into lots of fights and now he's going to anger mangement but idk i just don't feel safe around him anymore but i love him so much and i just don't wanna leave that
Domestic violence should not be tolerated....I think you should dump him or he will end up hurting more people, including you.

I am glad you got rid of him....abusing others is NOT love.