Scammer on this forum?

I was toying around with the scammer and they decided that we were meant to be together and said that they have a lawyer who will put my name onto a record of marriage and contact me tomorrow. I bet that's the real scam. They even said that they want to see me for Christmas and New Year's. :eek: They said that when I asked them what they were going to do at this time of the year. I was expecting something about Halloween or Thanksgiving. Looks like they don't know about those holidays in Nigeria. They also said they wanted to get into bed with me. :crazy:

I tripped up the scammer by talking about favorite animals and trees with them not understanding the Latin names of the species. I asked them if they saw moose and bobcats since the scammer's claimed home is in far upstate New York. They said they were afraid of getting bit by those. Yeah right, if they were really from there, they'd mention hitting moose with cars, not moose biting them. Next time, I should give some names of animals or plants that are disgusting and see if the scammer claims to like them. :lol: The scammer gave favorites like monkeys and tigers, something everyone in the world would know about, not anything like Rhus typhina, which they appeared to pick at random from the list of favorite plants I gave, along with Populus tremuloides. I asked what the first one looked like and what was cool about the second one and they didn't describe those plants because they were one-dimensional Nigerian scammers, not real characters.

They also asked for the nearest airport, so I told them that they were all far away. I asked them if they've been to New England and they said no. What a liar or shut-in. Even I went to New England four times before moving here. They also claimed that Gallaudet was in California again and that they majored in banking and finance stuff. Yeah, useful stuff for a scammer. :roll:

They were also copying and pasting quotes just like those on this page.
Not surprising... Remember "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is".

I have dealt with scammers many times and I can smell them easily. Now u see why I limit myself with my profile. I wish I can say everything but again, making noises invites trouble. So I dont want any troubles with others.

Seriously, once I had this person claimed that she is from Russian and fall in love with me without even meeting me. She said long but sad story about her family. I don't believe any of them. She asked me many questions, my answer was I don't have savings, I am always broke, and my bank refused to give me check due to bad credit history, and I live in gov't housing. As soon as I said this, she immediately left and have not spoke to me. WTF? Thanks to my phony profile, got her red flagged. So :madfawk: at scumbag scammers.
I blocked them. They told me that they wanted me to help manage a company that processes gold. :eek: Of course, they'd want to take my money and tell me that it's for the company. I asked what company and they said Lisa Gold. I found a real place in this country named Lisa Gold & Diamond. Of course, the scammer said it was their place, but the picture of the person there doesn't look like the fake picture the scammer sent me and the company is in the States, not Nigeria. So the scammer is lying about being associated with that company.

It was so easy to trip up the scammer because they don't know anything about the places they claim to live in. There was no mention of fall foliage when I asked about what they liked to see outside at this time of the year. They also said that they liked to go swim at a beach, so I asked what place, so they picked a river in New Jersey. That was stupid because the hamlet they claimed to live in is in far northern New York and the scammer claimed to not travel out very much. I also asked them what major road and what river ran through their town and they never answered me, so they're too stupid to look at a map.

They told me that they were at church today and that they told their pastor. I couldn't find the church that they claimed to go to anywhere near their claimed location.

I had enough fun with them, so byebye they go into my blocked list. :bye:
yeah, I saw that some scammer or fool person tried to click aim on the top of avatars. First time, I got one of these fool person on aim. She added both sn on my aim and yahoo messenger. That why she wanted to looking for long term relationship grrr... I don't believe that they can read deaf's profile for dating on AD. Several days later, I thought that she was hearing person when she told me that she was deaf. Now, I know that she lied to me. I went to block her sn on both aim and yahoo. Also, I removed my sn of aim on my profile and they won't get me anymore. Any AD member can contact me on PM only. oh, boy.. Why scammer still pretend to be deaf on any deaf website such as, AD and anything.

If you want to remove your sn of aim or yahoo on your profile, they can't get you for fake dating. That :crazy:
yeah, I saw that some scammer or fool person tried to click aim on the top of avatars. First time, I got one of these fool person on aim. She added both sn on my aim and yahoo messenger. That why she wanted to looking for long term relationship grrr... I don't believe that they can read deaf's profile for dating on AD. Several days later, I thought that she was hearing person when she told me that she was deaf. Now, I know that she lied to me. I went to block her sn on both aim and yahoo. Also, I removed my sn of aim on my profile and they won't get me anymore. Any AD member can contact me on PM only. oh, boy.. Why scammer still pretend to be deaf on any deaf website such as, AD and anything.

If you want to remove your sn of aim or yahoo on your profile, they can't get you for fake dating. That :crazy:

Yep, I checked on my AD's personal page, that someone left a message for a dating, I simply delete the message and put the reason "Long distance relationship didn't work"

Also, I have my anti-spidering bots script in my own webpage and astrospace deepspace IRC webpage that preventing snatching information about my nickname in it. You can find Anti-spidering bot script in "Favorite Helpful".