Relay Opr Called Me Asshole!

I think you are going to all this trouble for nothing. I would be more concerned with breaking confidentality than with a relay operator that used bad language towards you. Here is what I think happened here that is I think you abused that relay operator with your attidute and the way you were and no, he was not wrong to snap at you if you were an asshole towards him. I think he did everything to be nice to you and why are you calling on relay there in the first place with Nordica if you don't like their business dealings? You could have chose another relay operator company. You may cry , point a finger and stomp the floor that the relay operator used a bad word. Un-professional , maybe but that relay operator is 100 % Human person with emotions and thoughts compassion and wants to help you. I think you are blowing alots of hot air which in the process people will end up hating you for what you have done to them than if it was an actual and real serious incidient like breaking confidentality and that kind of thing.

I agree w/ you. That why whenever I m doing such important call, I would write down relay operator's id # .

For this topics, dont be crybaby. Just seek help and redail to get diff operator. Be appreciate that we have relay service to help us out. Without them, we wld have to be very dependent on hearing people to do the calls for us. Forget it.