Recent statements by Catholic church about bible

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The Heretic said:
You can call something false because it is not true according to some standard, but you can't beg the question and claim something else is true by referring to its "truth."

Crazymanw00t said:
What standard were you speaking of?

The standard is whatever standard you decide to use. That's what "some standard" means.

Crazymanw00t said:
I use the Bible as my standard because the Bible is Words of God. Therefore if something isn't from the Bible and it must be false. If something came from the Bible and then it must be true. "Sola Script" and it means only scripts.That is whole point with the Calvinism.

You don't need to say :doh: during the debate and that is not very polite.

How is it known that the bible is the word of a god? For that to actually support the bible's truth, the information that the bible really is the word of a god has to come from outside the bible with evidence to support it. If it is said that the bible is the word of god because the bible says so and that the bible is true because it is the word of god, it's a circular argument. There needs to be outside support, otherwise, it's saying the bible is true because it says it is true because it says it is true because it says it is true...
Saying that everything I say is true doesn't force everything I say to actually be true.
How is it known that the bible is the word of a god? For that to actually support the bible's truth, the information that the bible really is the word of a god has to come from outside the bible with evidence to support it. If it is said that the bible is the word of god because the bible says so and that the bible is true because it is the word of god, it's a circular argument. There needs to be outside support, otherwise, it's saying the bible is true because it says it is true because it says it is true because it says it is true...
Exactly!!!! GOOD point! If the old stories of all nations, all cultures etc were simlair to the stories told in the Bible, then I could have a little more reason to believe that Jesus lived to save us. Yet there are MANY MANY religions, with many many different stories........
Hey, I believe that the Bible teaches valuable things, and I believe that Jesus was a Teacher.....BUT at the same time I believe that Jesus was NOT the ONLY Teacher.....Other religions and faiths have valuable lessons and teachings too!
deafdyke said:
...Other religions and faiths have valuable lessons and teachings too!
Question: If other religions and faiths have teachings that contradict each other, how can they all be valid?

Answer: They can't be.
deafdyke said:
Agreed.....but there are tons of interpretations of the Bible.....There's no ONE RIGHT way to interpret the Bible!

Honestly, I never understand why you are using the interpreting words. How can you call it as interpreting if I just points out with the verses and cross-over and then it explains everything. It is not called interpreting for your information.
RedFox said:
The standard is whatever standard you decide to use. That's what "some standard" means.

How is it known that the bible is the word of a god? For that to actually support the bible's truth, the information that the bible really is the word of a god has to come from outside the bible with evidence to support it. If it is said that the bible is the word of god because the bible says so and that the bible is true because it is the word of god, it's a circular argument. There needs to be outside support, otherwise, it's saying the bible is true because it says it is true because it says it is true because it says it is true...
Saying that everything I say is true doesn't force everything I say to actually be true.

Ok I believe in Bible as Word of God. Maybe you don't and that is nothing I can do expect the holy spirit pierces in your heart that the Bible is Word of God.
Crazymanw00t said:
Ok I believe in Bible as Word of God. Maybe you don't and that is nothing I can do expect the holy spirit pierces in your heart that the Bible is Word of God.

So, do you believe in the bible as the word of a god as a postulate? Why does it seem self-evident?
I don't consider it self-evident. If the holy spirit is the one who would show that it's true, it should visit me. I haven't met it yet. I used to think that I felt it, but it could've been suggestibility. The other believers suggested that so and so feelings and thoughts were the holy spirit visiting, so I did too. For the holy spirit to have my attenion, it should appear to multiple independent witnesses. They should not have social and peer pressure on each other suggesting that certain things are true just because of the majority believing in them. It should appear outside of their bodies and minds where they could communicate with it and physically measure it in some way so they know that they aren't hallucinating, talking to themselves in their heads, or projecting characteristics of their minds onto a nebulous, imagined entity. Then once the entity that calls itself the holy spirit shows that it exists independently of human minds, it would have a better chance of having my attenion.
Reba, so if we have many different religions, then how does that make Christianity THE ANSWER? If cultures and societies all had simalir stories about a leader who comes to save the world.....then that might lend a little legitimacy to some people's instinstance that Christianity is the ONLY REAL RIGHT religion.

Crazymanwoot......The reason why we have different churches is b/c people interpret verses and things differently. Even on Christian messageboards people can get into arguments about the meaning or how to interpret the different verses. Most of the stuff in the Bible isn't straightforward like.....oh I dunno....God saying "Thou shalt not kill".....There are no deonominations which disagree on THAT, but there is a lot of arguments about stuff like God's view on women pastors, or whether guys should have long hair or stuff like that.
1 Samuel 16:5-7
"And he said, Peaceably: I am come to sacrifice unto the LORD: sanctify yourselves, and come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Jesse and his sons, and called them to the sacrifice.
And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said, Surely the Lord's anointed is before him.
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart."

So, that sum up pretty much that God looks at the heart of all men ( people ). He is not lookin' at their appearance on whether if, men had their long hair, or long beard, or whatsoever. Same thing that goes for women - should they cut their hair or wear their pants. God looks at the heart. Not the looks or people's appearance. :)
Good resource

For the sincere seekers on this thread, as well as all who have come to the realization that Jesus died on the cross to save them from the penalty that their sins deserve: I would recommend an excellent internet site that gives HUNDREDS of proofs, reasoned arguments, and intelligent answers to questions about Jesus, the Bible, Creation/Evolution, and the gospel. There is a good section also dealing with 'supposed' contradictions/errors in the Bible.

Also, for those who are sincere skeptics about the existence of a creator, I highly recommend this entertaining and challenging link:

CyberRed said:
So, that sum up pretty much that God looks at the heart of all men ( people ). He is not lookin' at their appearance on whether if, men had their long hair, or long beard, or whatsoever. Same thing that goes for women - should they cut their hair or wear their pants. God looks at the heart. Not the looks or people's appearance. :)

Yep! :thumb:
God looks at the heart. Not the looks or people's appearance.
Cyber, that's what I was saying in all the homosexuality threads. God does not look at the outside....He looks at the SOUL and the HEART of a relationship! He sees that my love for my girlfriends matches the love that hetro folks have in their relationship. The outside DOESN"T matter!
If God doesn't care about people's appearance then He won't care if I love guys or girls!
Sorry for going offtopic.......
deafdyke said:
Cyber, that's what I was saying in all the homosexuality threads. God does not look at the outside....He looks at the SOUL and the HEART of a relationship! He sees that my love for my girlfriends matches the love that hetro folks have in their relationship. The outside DOESN"T matter!
If God doesn't care about people's appearance then He won't care if I love guys or girls!
Sorry for going offtopic.......

Well, DeafDyke -- I don't think if, you really understand what the scripture means. God spoke of the heart -- meanin' that if, there's an obedience and what not. God looks on the heart to see, if there's sin involved or not. That's what God exactly means by these scripture. I am sure Reba will explain these scripture to you what it exactly means. I am not goin' to argue on this part, because I know you will not listen anyways. You just keep repeatin' on what YOU believe what it means via sayin' that "God is love". So, I just let you what YOU believe. I believe in somethin' else differently than yours. No hard feelings here. :)
RedFox said:
... If the holy spirit is the one who would show that it's true, it should visit me. I haven't met it yet. I used to think that I felt it, but it could've been suggestibility.
The Holy Spirit is not a "feeling" or an "it". The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity, which includes God the Father, and Jesus Christ. Since the time of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit enters the body of the born-again Christian at the moment of salvation, and stays there. The Holy Spirit communes with the Christian's spirit, to encourage, convict, and give understanding to the Scriptures.

Until a person accepts Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit can only convict the heart from the outside. Acceptance of Jesus as Savior is fully voluntary, and fully a conscious decision. It is not a nebulous feeling; it is a very specific decision at a specific point in time. That event is called "born again" or "salvation" or conversion" or "new birth". At the moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit enters and dwells within. The power of the Holy Spirit's influence on a believer depends on the surrender of resistance by the believer. That includes confessing sins immediately, feeding the new nature within with pure thoughts and actions, and starving the old nature by avoiding sinful influences.
deafdyke said:
Reba, so if we have many different religions, then how does that make Christianity THE ANSWER? If cultures and societies all had simalir stories about a leader who comes to save the world.....then that might lend a little legitimacy to some people's instinstance that Christianity is the ONLY REAL RIGHT religion.
Jesus Christ is not a "religion"; He is THE Savior. There are many religions all over the world but there is only ONE Savior.

Even if you don't accept Jesus Christ as THE Way for you, you must realize that there cannot be a few, several, or many "ways" because they contradict each other and cancel each other out. How can you believe Jesus was a "good teacher" if you snear at His teachings? It is not logical.
Yes, but Cyberred, WHERE is the sin? HOW is it a sin? I understand 100% WHY and HOW the major sins/transgressions against God (meaning the Ten Commandment stuff) dishonor Him. BUT, how does love between two consenting people hurt Him? Do you believe that God looks at biracial couples and says that there love is a sin or wrong or bad? There are a lot of people who say that's true....I doubt you think that way....BUT why do you think that two people of the same sex is wrong? Can you explain WHY it's a sin?
Like killing someone.....hurts another human beyond repair, comitting adultery with someone hurts them emotionally, and so on and so on......
Cyberred.....homosexuality MAY be a sin......but then again, so is a lot of other things. Did you know that wearing mixed fabrics is a sin according to the Bible? I think if it IS a sin, it's probaly a MINOR sin on the par of telling a lie or whatever.
RedFox said:
The Roman Catholic Church could easily say the same thing about other churches and religions: "Those other churches and religions are false churches and religions. They teach false doctrine and gospel. Sorry, that is truth." What is needed is evidence rather than unsupported assertions.

Reba said:
The Holy Spirit is not a "feeling" or an "it". The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity, which includes God the Father, and Jesus Christ. Since the time of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit enters the body of the born-again Christian at the moment of salvation, and stays there. The Holy Spirit communes with the Christian's spirit, to encourage, convict, and give understanding to the Scriptures.

I used the word it in the sense of entity because I was thinking of it in the most general terms because it didn't show itself to me as a clearly defined individual, but more like the Force in Star Wars, at least the good side. ;) The word it could be taken to mean that the entity is a thing lower than a person in worth. To avoid confusion, I'll use the word entity.
Since it is claimed that the holy spirit is actually a person that enters the body of the saved, I'd believe that such an entity exists if multiple independent obsevers can detect the entity entering people with no social or peer pressures between the observers that would cause them to suggest to each other that it had to be the holy spirit no matter what.

Reba said:
Until a person accepts Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit can only convict the heart from the outside. Acceptance of Jesus as Savior is fully voluntary, and fully a conscious decision. It is not a nebulous feeling; it is a very specific decision at a specific point in time. That event is called "born again" or "salvation" or conversion" or "new birth". At the moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit enters and dwells within. The power of the Holy Spirit's influence on a believer depends on the surrender of resistance by the believer. That includes confessing sins immediately, feeding the new nature within with pure thoughts and actions, and starving the old nature by avoiding sinful influences.

I recall saying that I was a true Christian and being sure of things such as the Christian god's existence. It seemed crystal clear at the time, althrough it wasn't based on physical evidence. I used the word nebulous because the holy spirit's entrance had not been seen in a quantitative way, making it nebulous from that perspective. The possiblity exists that people had acted like they were saved without having such an entity enter them. Things like calling oneself saved, confessing sins, etc may not necessary be from the holy spirit. To make sure, we'd need a way to detect the entity entering people with the observers described above. Then we could find how many claimed salvations actually had the holy spirit involved instead of trusting the saved people and the people around them, who could act out of suggestibility.
Then once the holy spirit had been shown to be real, I could ask it questions about things like why there are so many churches and religions and about what the Catholic church just said about parts of the bible not literally being true.
RedFox said:
\I recall saying that I was a true Christian and being sure of things such as the Christian god's existence. It seemed crystal clear at the time, althrough it wasn't based on physical evidence. I used the word nebulous because the holy spirit's entrance had not been seen in a quantitative way, making it nebulous from that perspective.
Will Reba follow the Christian script and insult you by claiming that you were never a "real" Christian? A gambling man would see this as an easy bet.

Of course, you can always counter with the No True Scotsman fallacy, but i'm afraid that would be another missing pearl. :doh:
Crazymanw00t said:
For year and years that the Roman Catholics were following the Bible and then it drifts away for some reasons.
This is weak. I think you need to study history some more, and i recommend Hans Kung's A Short History of the Catholic Church. Kung's book is very concise, yet thoroughly researched and stands up to every scrutiny.

For example Justification through good works. Of Course the Church leaders were responsible for whole that drifting the Bible to worldliness. The Church Leaders are responsible to runs the church and spread the gospel. If the Church Leader made some mistakes and it will messes up with the gospel, doctrine, church, and put vain in God’s word.
I think you need to remove those Protestant eyeglasses and see clearly the pattern of church leaders, beyond the rhetoric. If you can do this, you can speak without resorting to distortion and one-sided polemics like this.

Martin Luther spoke against Roman Catholic for whole their false doctrine and gospel that they told to everyone in past. Martin Luther re-read the Bible and clear up all those false doctrine and gospel. Martin Luther wanted everyone to be able to read Bible and follow it exactly.
This is somewhat of an oversimplification.

Martin Luther originally was convinced of witchcraft and saw nChristianity as a constant battle against Satan. There was an anxiety during the age of Reformation (if you dont mind me using textbook oversimplifications here) and Martin tried to address this anxiety by articulating a new religious awareness.

There was no "corruption" of the Church, nor was there a decline of religious fervor. In Europe there was a renewal of religious enthusiasm that allowed people to criticize the abuses they had taken for granted. In other words, all the ideas of the reformers came from the medieval and catholic theologies. they did not articulate a new conception of God at all.

The rise of "individualism" in europe helped creeate a radical revision of religious attitudes, in the 16th century, and this in turn meant people moved from expressing their faith in external and collective ways to an internal mode, and explored the interior consequences of religion.

But for Luther, he stopped believing that God could be appeased at all:

Although I lived a blameless life as a monk, i felt that i was a sinner with an uneasy conscience before God. I also could not believe that i had pleased him with my works. Far from loving that righteous God who punished sinners, i actually loathed him. I was a good monk, and kept my order so strictly that if a monk could get to heaven by monastic discipline, I was that monk. All my companions in the monastery would confirm this. ... And yet my conscience would not give me certainty, but i always doubted and said, 'you didn't do that right. you weren't contrite enough. you left that out of your confession.'

(Reformation Thought, by Alister Mcgrath)

In other words, Luther's GOd was essentially a wrathful deity. nobody, not even the saints, prophets, none of them could endure the divine anger, for it's not enough to just do your best, because God was eternal and omnipotent: "His fury or wrath towards self-satisfied sinners is also immesurable and infinite." (Commentary on Psalm)

The observance of the Law of GOd or the rules of religion cannot save anyone, for the Law is limited to accusation and terror - we are inadequate through and through. Instead of a message of hope, the Law was basically the wrath of God. Since man cannot save himself, God provides the justification - that was Luther's doctrine of justification - where the relationship between the sinner and God was restored. Luther remained pessimistic for the rest of his life (see his THeology of the Cross) and even he didn't think the existence of God could be proved.

John Calvin and Martin Luther were on same page. John Calvin, he just pointed out from the Bible with the five points (TULIP) to show everyone the roots from the Bible. Therefore Calvinism is following the Bible because Calvinism believes in sola script (only scripts).
John Calvin is more important than Luther, in the long run.

However, the later day theology of predestination is the result of the elimination of paradox and mystery of God, no longer poetry but logical. Once the interpretation of the God of bible is literal, instead of symbolically, the idea of God becomes impossible. The deity, being literally responsible for everything that happens on earth, inspires impossible contradictions and a vision of God as a despotic tyrant.

What standard were you speaking of?
Whatever standard of truth you suppose in the first place. If the bible is your standard of truth, then by what truth did you determine that the Bible was true? you can't refer to it without begging the question, just like Redfox so aptly demonstrated.

I use the Bible as my standard because the Bible is Words of God. Therefore if something isn't from the Bible and it must be false. If something came from the Bible and then it must be true. "Sola Script" and it means only scripts.That is whole point with the Calvinism.
I'm aware of Calvinism, and by the way, it's sola scriptura, and i'm also aware of its limitations.

You don't need to say :doh: during the debate and that is not very polite.
I'm not a polite man, for i am no politician who speaks from both sides of my mouth. I feel something i use an emoticon to express it, and since i am posting on alldeaf, the visual emoticon carries more punch than mere words. :thumb:
deafdyke said:
Yes, but Cyberred, WHERE is the sin? HOW is it a sin? I understand 100% WHY and HOW the major sins/transgressions against God (meaning the Ten Commandment stuff) dishonor Him. BUT, how does love between two consenting people hurt Him? Do you believe that God looks at biracial couples and says that there love is a sin or wrong or bad? There are a lot of people who say that's true....I doubt you think that way....BUT why do you think that two people of the same sex is wrong? Can you explain WHY it's a sin?
Like killing someone.....hurts another human beyond repair, comitting adultery with someone hurts them emotionally, and so on and so on......
Cyberred.....homosexuality MAY be a sin......but then again, so is a lot of other things. Did you know that wearing mixed fabrics is a sin according to the Bible? I think if it IS a sin, it's probaly a MINOR sin on the par of telling a lie or whatever.

Ok, let me ask you a question :

Do you think it's ok to stay with the same sex ( woman to woman/man to man ) after askin' for God's forgiveness over and over when the same sex still live together and continue their sin ( to engage the same sex in bed ) ?
I know some Christians have their own sins, but they repent themselves after wrongfully sin by askin' God's forgiveness - and, sin no more. I am talkin' about 2 different things in whole pictures. One is homosexuals/lesbians - and the other "common" sins. The "common" sins are that some Christians can change for the better and not do them no more after confess their sins to God and ask for forgiveness.
The other part about homosexuals/lesbians ..that's another story. They keep continuin' their sins by livin' together after askin' for forgiveness for their sins. That don't work this way. But, if your askin' me about some Christian people who live together without marry, I will say that they'll have to marry otherwise they will not live together. God will forgive them ( speakin' of the opposite sex - not the same sex if you get my drift ).

My boyfriend wants me to live with him and I told him that I can't. I have to follow what's right in the heart. It's why I had to fly back home to Alaska in April after remodelin' this house ... unless, if he wants to marry - then, it will be a different story. I don't think it is fair for some Christian friends to bring up this issue about "livin' together" without marry, because it will make them to gossip. God forbids gossip ! It will make them to look bad. That is not good. It's best to be honest with God rather than facin' consequences.
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