Random Vents.....

My already fat pregnant ass split open my favourite jeans today! Boo!

That's not a fat pregnant ass doing that, it's all that baby joy just busting out! ;)
anyone wanna get rid of my headache for me? went to bed with it, got up with it... uuugggghhhhh
You who have been here for years probably see a lot of this... but I just need to say:

For those of you who want to be my AD friend, you need to have posted something. It's just creepy having requests from out of nowhere.

Maybe not just from nowhere; Nigeria comes to mind. :lol:
i hate working in the late evening. i have no choice! i love to be with my kids in the morning yet i get cranky this am. :lol: soon kids get older then i ll work earlllly in am and then go home earllly. Looking forward to it, i will say 5 to 7 more years to go. :hmm:
^^^Yes, that's how it works. It's like losing weight - someone else somewhere gets it!
On the day, I fought with my ex hubby about the money, the Halloween card mysterly appeared and my daughter has it. Maybe I should fight with him again so the $90 will show up, heh?
^^^A fight for $90? Maybe if you have him roughed up, you'll see some real cash, LOL!
My blood sugar has been out of whack for the last two days. Yesterday I passed out in church in front of everyone during the scripture reading, and I tried all day yesterday to get it back to where it should be but I was hit with the runs and I couldn't keep anything in me for very long. It was literally just pass right through me. I would eat and 15 mins later I would have to go number 2. This morning I still felt funny and I woke up with a migraine headache which I suspect it was triggered by the blood sugar drop and so I ate a bit of breakfast with my coffee. I came home from work and I slept like a log. I woke up and got a small bit of dinner and now I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. I've been sneezing my head off and I've got the chills. So now I'm in bed under the blankets on my laptop.
My husband (again) the champion bull-shitter in all of Texas - welllll, today I finally went to the dr for a bad problem. The dr would not let me drive home so I had to call my darlin' from work to get me to take me to the labs across town. Here we go! I mean that - oh no - here we go. While the lab techs were doing the abdominal doppler (ahh dear Jesus, why, oh why did I have to see AND understand him say this?)
"Ya'll ain't never gonna find my cufflinks up in there!"
(Yes, he is still alive)
Both my HAs are breaking. So I go full deaf for a while. no biggie.
I had a chuckle, sorry! :lol:
Hope you've conjured up an sweet revenge on your hubby.
Besides, hope the health issue will ease up for you soon.
My husband (again) the champion bull-shitter in all of Texas - welllll, today I finally went to the dr for a bad problem. The dr would not let me drive home so I had to call my darlin' from work to get me to take me to the labs across town. Here we go! I mean that - oh no - here we go. While the lab techs were doing the abdominal doppler (ahh dear Jesus, why, oh why did I have to see AND understand him say this?)
"Ya'll ain't never gonna find my cufflinks up in there!"
(Yes, he is still alive)

:laugh2: Your husband is a master! :bowlol:

(btw, hope you are feeling better soon!)