Questions on my ASL Homework

I wonder--do students query other forums for homework help, or is this unique to ASL classes? That is, do math and science students make their initial posts at AllNerds dot com homework questions? What about English students? Do they join AllGrammarNazis dot com just to get homework help? :dunno:
I wonder--do students query other forums for homework help, or is this unique to ASL classes? That is, do math and science students make their initial posts at AllNerds dot com homework questions? What about English students? Do they join AllGrammarNazis dot com just to get homework help? :dunno:

Roughing up of newcomers is a perfect way for people to come to the wrong conclusion about the deaf community. As previously mentioned, hearing people can be part of the community as well. Although I appreciate the comments of several the the participants in this thread, several of your members are doing more harm to the community image than good.

I appreciate the answers I did get, but I really wish I had not had to be verbally abused to get them. This site comes highly recommended by me Deaf friends. I was not expecting what I found.

To answer Reba, yes. I ask for help everywhere I can find it. I have learning disabilities and need the extra help sometimes. However, all AllNerds dot com or AllGrammarNazis dot com, I am not treated this way.
Roughing up of newcomers is a perfect way for people to come to the wrong conclusion about the deaf community. As previously mentioned, hearing people can be part of the community as well. Although I appreciate the comments of several the the participants in this thread, several of your members are doing more harm to the community image than good.

I appreciate the answers I did get, but I really wish I had not had to be verbally abused to get them. This site comes highly recommended by me Deaf friends. I was not expecting what I found.

I'll show you the way.... But I am sure even your "Deaf friends" would caution against you pissing me off....

Oh wait, you already have.

Toughen up, little pal. There IS a FAQ here covering this very topic. Take a few minutes to do a search.
I wonder--do students query other forums for homework help, or is this unique to ASL classes? That is, do math and science students make their initial posts at AllNerds dot com homework questions? What about English students? Do they join AllGrammarNazis dot com just to get homework help? :dunno:

Reba, we didn't have the Internet when you and I were undergrads :) -- think of it as a really big study group.
(And less succinctly...)

AllDeaf is one of the most concentrated resources for people searching for information about the Deaf Community online - I know when I was looking for info on it, this was the first (active) site that I found where you could easily hear from and interact with d/Deaf on both issues that interested and concerned the Deaf Community as well as just in general.

Other subjects are much less likely to have such a high web concentration, but I'm sure if you actually found an active AllGrammarNazis forum with as much grammar concentration as you do for ASL/Deaf Community at AD, they would be constantly inundated with new members signing up to get homework help and then instantly leaving.

It need not even be merely scholastic subjects. I'm a moderator on a forum dealing with hacking a specific video game. We get the exact same people there, who join up, beg for someone to do something that they don't want to learn how to do themselves, and then immediately leave after either getting help or finding out that someone else isn't going to do it for them, never to return again.
...To answer Reba, yes. I ask for help everywhere I can find it. I have learning disabilities and need the extra help sometimes. However, all AllNerds dot com or AllGrammarNazis dot com, I am not treated this way.
Those are real websites? I thought that I made them up! :laugh2:
Posts from Hell, if I pissed you off, I apologize. That was not my intent. I am a bit pissed off too. However, I am unlikely to get an apology.

Reba, those are not real sites. I just used your example to make my point.

Thanks go to all of you who treated me with respect.

~nuff said
Roughing up of newcomers is a perfect way for people to come to the wrong conclusion about the deaf community. As previously mentioned, hearing people can be part of the community as well. Although I appreciate the comments of several the the participants in this thread, several of your members are doing more harm to the community image than good.

I appreciate the answers I did get, but I really wish I had not had to be verbally abused to get them. This site comes highly recommended by me Deaf friends. I was not expecting what I found.

To answer Reba, yes. I ask for help everywhere I can find it. I have learning disabilities and need the extra help sometimes. However, all AllNerds dot com or AllGrammarNazis dot com, I am not treated this way.

Of note: AllDeaf isn't just "the Deaf Community". AllDeaf is an Internet Community. Go look around online. Almost any online community you see, who receives a fairly large influx of users who ignore the many common topics like FAQs, stickied threads and the like, and repeatedly do the same thing over and over, react anywhere from mildly annoyed to outright hostile.

So, take a number, get beat up a few times and grow a slightly thicker skin, and we'd be glad to have you - if you're willing to stay.
Reba, we didn't have the Internet when you and I were undergrads :) -- think of it as a really big study group.
No internet as an undergrad for my BS in political science, true. But during my ITP years we did have (dial-up) internet. :lol:

However, I never belonged to any study groups either (nothing wrong with them; I just worked alone). I know colleges in recent years are putting more emphasis on team projects rather than individual work.
Posts from Hell, if I pissed you off, I apologize. That was not my intent. I am a bit pissed off too. However, I am unlikely to get an apology.

Reba, those are not real sites. I just used your example to make my point.

Thanks go to all of you who treated me with respect.

~nuff said

Dude. We get about 10 people doing this EVERY WEEK. You need to realize this.

Then coming out saying that we have no respect for "not doing other people's homework" is a bit juvenile. So, yeah, that's why the Deaf people here aren't exactly answering.
The search feature at the top of the page is your answer. Also try Google.

No one is going to spoon feed you in the real world. I bet that you can do it.
No internet as an undergrad for my BS in political science, true. But during my ITP years we did have (dial-up) internet. :lol:

However, I never belonged to any study groups either (nothing wrong with them; I just worked alone). I know colleges in recent years are putting more emphasis on team projects rather than individual work.


Sweet, now I just need to wait 5 hours for this 50x50 picture to download!
...We get the exact same people there, who join up, beg for someone to do something that they don't want to learn how to do themselves, and then immediately leave after either getting help or finding out that someone else isn't going to do it for them, never to return again.
I think that's the real irritant. No one likes to feel that they are being used and discarded, like a Kleenex.

Sweet, now I just need to wait 5 hours for this 50x50 picture to download!


Dial up, RIP.

Dial up, RIP.

Hey, I still remember the first time we got that at home (early to mid-90s, I think? I was in grade school still). That shit was awesome, except for the fact that I always wanted to get online in the middle of the night and the modem was so frakkin loud that my parents would know instantly that I was getting on the computer.

Dial up, RIP.

It doesn't seem very long ago that I used to travel with extra phone cords so I could dial-up from hotel phones -- I'm probably still paying some of those bills.