Question to moms who are deaf...


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
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Hi again! I have a new question for the wonderful moms who are deaf. I am the mother of 4 and am interested in mothering as an occupation (probably because I'm studying to be an occupational therpist :eek3:). How did you manage with your first baby? How did you know when they were crying? I would like to be able to help others who are learning to be a new mom and any ideas you have would be wonderful! Thanks a million!!! I really appreciate you all!!! :ty::ty::ty::
I am a mom of two. My HAs help me with the crying but if I am in the other room or sleeping, I have a baby monitor that flashes whenever the baby cries. Not that difficult to take care of children. I go thru the same issues as hearing mothers go thru...potty training, temper tantrums, injuries, milestones, homework, and more...

I'm a deaf mom of 3 children, I used the baby cry signaler which is a device that alerts you immediately when your baby starts crying, you plug the device into an outlet in your baby's room and then plug one or more receivers in your bedroom or anywhere in the house..It works great, since it helps me a lot...Now that they have new baby cry signaler devices, that may be much better than the one I used to have....

They can buy it at Harris Communications - products for deaf, deafness, hard of hearing, hearing impaired, and hearing loss. , - Sonic Alert Sonic Sitter Baby Cry Signaler
I'm mother of 3 and 1 on the way anytime due..
I've nursery my 3 children by helped the baby signals flash light when I sleep or anywhere the around rooms. When Baby cries will adapt with baby signals send to receiver signals flash light alert. That very helpful lots.
I am mom of 9 years old son. I didnt use any materials. My son's crib was in our bedroom. My husband is a hearing. He can hear if my son cried. He will get me up so I can take cafe of my son. No problem at all.
Hi again! I have a new question for the wonderful moms who are deaf. I am the mother of 4 and am interested in mothering as an occupation (probably because I'm studying to be an occupational therpist :eek3:). How did you manage with your first baby? How did you know when they were crying? I would like to be able to help others who are learning to be a new mom and any ideas you have would be wonderful! Thanks a million!!! I really appreciate you all!!! :ty::ty::ty::

I'm a single deaf mother of two, and I used a baby cry singlar just like Angel did. :)
I am a single mother of a beautiful 5 months old baby girl and I use signals device called the baby crier and viedo monitor to know when the baby crying or fussing or playing. But I also have cochlear implant device that also help me hear my baby pretty clearly. Having a first baby can be pretty rough hard job for a while but it get easier with time.

So, speaking of how deaf mothers know their babies cries way back before any speical device was made, I have no idea. If there anyone here older motherse or grandmother that are deaf, I am sure they will tell us. :)
Don't you wonder what people did before they had those wonderful devices?

I slept in every 2 hours and checked on my each baby at that time I don't have a device. I am a mother of 4 children. Of course, I am deaf. All of my children are fully grown up now. :)
I am a single mother of a beautiful 5 months old baby girl and I use signals device called the baby crier and viedo monitor to know when the baby crying or fussing or playing.

Oh cool , I've heard about these video monitor, wish they had it at the time I had my three children....that's neat!!
they probably got off of their butts and walked over to check on the baby every so often..... :dunno:

That is true, according to my older deaf friends. Another method was tying a string to the baby's foot and attaching the string to either parent's wrist. I am not sure if that method was safe in the first place but my former co worker said it worked like a charm for her. She is 72 years old and raised 4 children along with her deaf husband.
In my time.. i had no technology for flasher of any kinds.... i had baby sleeping in bassinet next to my bed.. my hand inside the bassient.. when a baby cried.. it sort of shook the bassient.. that wake me up and see what she or he needed... checked the diapers.. my time i had no pampers.. real cloth diapers... i had to wash diapers everyday...

when a baby started to sleep all night.. i put them in regular crib... i had no problem at all.. i guess it is mother s nature... no need to learn... no one taught me how to take care of my babies...
Most of the time I used ha's practically normal sometimes overnite with a device signal light for the baby's cryin only in master bedrm not all over each rooms becuz we didn't have that kind of modern for baby alert.
I am HOH and profoundly deaf in my left ear. I learned to sleep with my functional ear up instead of the other way around, plus I had a baby monitor that flashed whenever she cried. The only downfall to that was that everytime a semi-truck drove by the house it would send the monitor to full tilt - red flashing and a high pitched beep that drove me up the wall to no end at night. I just finally chunked it since it was useless where we lived and learned to 'tune in' to anything resembling the sound of a baby. During that time I became a very light sleeper. She was almost two years old before I started getting restful sleep again.

But as Shel said - deaf moms go through the same thing as hearing moms do - we just have to make adjustments for a hearing world.
Oh cool , I've heard about these video monitor, wish they had it at the time I had my three children....that's neat!!

Yep they have viedo montiors now at and baby"R" us store or any store now for viedo montiors. It cool. I love so I can keep close eyes on my baby. :) :ugh3: