question about nightmare..

i don't know if i dissociate or not. i hear voices of the people who were responsible for my traumas and sometimes hear a specific event playing over and over again in my mind which i've been told is an auditory hallucination.

i'll ask my therapist and psychiatrist about dissociation when i see them next.

That is not dissociation.
i've had some time to think about things and have decided to let my therapist determine what exactly i need to work on. if i need to focus more on my rapid cycling i will, but if he thinks i need to concentrate on my ptsd as well, i will do that too. i'll leave it up to him since he seems to be the best one who is able to make this determination.
i've had some time to think about things and have decided to let my therapist determine what exactly i need to work on. if i need to focus more on my rapid cycling i will, but if he thinks i need to concentrate on my ptsd as well, i will do that too. i'll leave it up to him since he seems to be the best one who is able to make this determination.

That is a wise decision, Hear Again.