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Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Man: He is not responsible for his actions. He is a victim of other people in society. He battles the past and hurtful experiences in childhood. He is sick.

Source of his problem: He struggles between his normal desires (id) and his conscience (superego), which his overly strict (mother/church) has created. He represses this deep inner struggle over what he feels and what society says is right. This man is poorly socialized.

Treatment: He must be taken back into his past to relive it through hypnosis, dream analysis and free association. This will allow the counselor to restructure the counselee's value system and relieve his conscience. He is now re-socialized.


Man: He is responsible for his sin. Yet, man wants to shift the blame to God, others, or Satan as Adam and Eve did. See: Gen. 3:12-13, Ez. 18:20, Gal. 6:5, Prov. 9:12.

Source of his problem: Man is a sinner by nature and seeks to live selfishly to fulfill the lusts of his flesh and mind. Man is dead spiritually. See: Rom. 5:12, Eph. 2:1-3.

Treatment: Man only needs to be saved to experience this transforming power of God. This redemption is God's treatment for the root problems of man. See: Titus 2:11-3:5. Man can't change his past. He must stop looking back, and re-focus his attention on the present. Forgive and reconcile with others today.


Man: Man is not a sinner, he is essentially good, he has all the resources he needs within himself to solve his own problems.

Source of his problems: Man has failed to realize his full potential as a human being. He hasn't done what he personally values most. He doesn't see his personal worth and has little or no self-esteem.

Treatment: The client must solve his own problems. The counselor repeats and restates the client's feelings and thoughts to help him find his own answers. The counselor never tells the clients what is right or wrong or what to do.


Man: He is essentially sinful, selfish, and corrupt. He cannot save himself or solve his moral problems apart from obedience to God and His Word. See: Prov. 30:12, Rom. 3:10-13

Source of his problems: Man has failed to come to Jesus Christ that he might have real life. See: John 5:40. Man has not esteemed Jesus to have any worth or meaning for his life, and so loses all meaning and purpose for his own existence. This was Solomon's perception after he had departed from the Lord. See: Ecc. 2:1-23.

Treatment: A man must be born again and be obedient to the Word of God to find solutions to his problems. He must follow what God tells him to do. Man's values and morals must be reconstructed according to and in harmony with God's values and morals (Is. 55:6-9) (Mark 1:15).


Man: Man is just an animal. He is conditioned to act the way he does. He is a product of his environment and not responsible for his behavior.

Source of his problems: He has not been trained properly. His behavior is conditioned by his bad environment.

Treatment: Man must be retrained. His environment must be rearranged to reprogram his responses through rewards and punishments.


Man: Man has been created in the image and likeness of God. He has the mental, moral, and spiritual capacity for fellowship with God. He has the capacity for obedience by choice to follow the will of God. He also was created to have dominion over the animals. See: Gen. 1:26-27, 2:15-20.

Source of his problems: He is controlled by sin and fallen short of the glory of God. See: Rom. 7:14-18, Rom. 3:23. Man's sinful nature is the fundamental reason for his bad behavior.

Treatment: Same as above, he must be born again. He must receive a new nature to enable him to live a new way because his environment will remain the same until Christ comes again.


Man: He is a spiritual being; that is, a god in his own universe.

Source of his problems: He is not in touch with his true godhood. He has relied on objective truth and not his experience.

Treatment: Reject the objective truth of the Bible. See that all religions are one. Realize your true potential as a god. Your experience is all important.


Man: He is a spiritual being created by God, yet he is not a god. He will die like all other created beings. See: Ps. 49:12, 103:14-16

Source of his problems: He has failed to acknowledge his sin and his need for a Savior. He has rejected the objective truth of God's Word. See: Luke 18:9-13, Rom. 1:25.

Treatment: Acknowledge your sin and receive Jesus Christ as the Way, Truth, and Life. See: John 14:6. Man must bring his feelings, thoughts, and experience into obedience to the objective truth of God's Word.

I. Is There Any Truth in Secular Psychology?

Yes! This is why psychology is so widely accepted in the world today. Psychologists can make valid observations of human behavior. Yet it is their interpretation and application of these observations that many times are not Biblical and result in ungodly counsel. They have observed certain truths about man, but these truths are distorted because of man's rebellion against God.

A. Is there any truth to Freud's teaching? Yes.

1. People do have great influence upon our lives, for good and evil (1 Cor. 15:33) (Prov. 12:26). Yet, they are not to blame for my life today.

2. People do struggle with their conscience (1 Tim. 1:5) (1 Tim. 1:18-19). Yet their conscience can be cleansed by the blood of Christ, not hypnosis.

B. Is there any truth in Rogers' teaching? Yes.

1. He wanted people to make responsible personal decisions (Rom. 14:5). Yet, these choices must be in harmony with God's Word.

2. Counselors must be good listeners (Prov. 18:13). Yet they also must teach and encourage to action.

C. Is there any truth in Skinner's teaching? Yes.

1. Changing your environment does help to change you (Prov. 5:8) (Prov. 22:24-25). Yet, you also need a change of nature.

2. Rewards and punishment of behavior is Biblical (Matt. 6:4) (Matt. 7:1-2). Yet again, man needs a change of nature to fully change his behavior.

II. Why Can't You Mix Secular Psychology with Biblical Truth?

A. You cannot do this because the basic beliefs about man are contradictory to Biblical truth. Freud says that man is not responsible, he is sick. Rogers says man is not a sinner, but essentially good. Skinner says man is just an animal with a bad environment. These beliefs will translate into contradictory counsel.

B. If you did try to mix these human beliefs with divine truth, you would be adding to or undermining some Biblical truth.

C. In doing so you would be misrepresenting the Lord Jesus Christ.
Remember I'm neutral to any beliefs but I beleive in Psychology.

I have to go home now and will back for further posts...
Yes, there are different perspective. God gave us a mind. All of grew up in different enviroment. The point is we are a sinner and human, our mind is polluted by different ways like, what we see, what we were involved, how we were raise and stuff. God has given talent to psychologist, but must be founded in the Word, that is christian psychology. And there are christian couselors. Many christians chouselor or psychologist that has the point of views which secular couldn't, but that's based on individual christians. As Roman 12 1-2 says " Dear friends, God is good. So I beg you to offer your bodies to Him as a living sacrifice, pure and pleasing. That's the most sensible way to serve God. Don't be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him." 2 Timothy 3:16 says " EVERYTHING in the Scriptures is God's Word. ALL of it is USEFUL for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live." The Word will help u psychologically by the help of the Holy Spirit. Have to have the whole message, not by picking one part and use it wich is contridicting the other verse. Like need to be trained and carefully cautious based on who is teaching. Surrender all to Him and let Him show you each step. Smile
Be careful how you think your life is shaped
by your thoughts. (Proverbs 4:23)
Liebling:-))) said:

for example... study of mind (psychology)
Let's suppose if a mean guy "think about"
murder his wife, then this might lead and happen
as a sin.
Y said:
for example... study of mind (psychology)
Let's suppose if a mean guy "think about"
murder his wife, then this might lead and happen
as a sin.
Now, you sound like something out of Star Trek. There was an episode about that on Star Trek: Voyager. ;)

What happened was that this woman bumped into another woman and thought out "Jeez, what a rude woman!" Afterwards, that woman was killed. The planet they visited consisted of people who could read minds. Because of that, it became illegal to think negative thoughts for they could lead to crimes and murder. Since the murder couldn't have happened unless a person thought about it and that thought was supposedly fed by this woman who thought "Jeez, what a rude woman!" Therefore, she was arrested. Of course, the story came out differently... but the concept was interesting. ;)
oh Gosh.. that is very complicated it would takes pages and pages of explaining. Psychology and Bible does not exclude one another.

Liebling:-))) said:
Remember I'm neutral to any beliefs but I beleive in Psychology.
Huh? If you "believe in Psychology" then you are not "neutral to any beliefs."
Reba said:
Huh? If you "believe in Psychology" then you are not "neutral to any beliefs."

Yes, I beleive in Psychology and respect people's beliefs what they beleive differently than me. I see nothing wrong to ASK you questions if I see something "different", "not sense", "why" etc. INSTEAD of against you. I would agree with you if I see something sense.

Definitions: - Neutral

1. taking no sides: belonging to, favoring, or assisting no side in a war, dispute, contest, or controversy

2. without distinctive qualities: possessing no distinctive quality or revealing no attitude or feeling
She was careful to explain the problem in neutral terms.
hottiedeafboi said:
Yes, there are different perspective. God gave us a mind. All of grew up in different enviroment. The point is we are a sinner and human, our mind is polluted by different ways like, what we see, what we were involved, how we were raise and stuff. God has given talent to psychologist, but must be founded in the Word, that is christian psychology. And there are christian couselors. Many christians chouselor or psychologist that has the point of views which secular couldn't, but that's based on individual christians. As Roman 12 1-2 says " Dear friends, God is good. So I beg you to offer your bodies to Him as a living sacrifice, pure and pleasing. That's the most sensible way to serve God. Don't be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him." 2 Timothy 3:16 says " EVERYTHING in the Scriptures is God's Word. ALL of it is USEFUL for teaching and helping people and for correcting them and showing them how to live." The Word will help u psychologically by the help of the Holy Spirit. Have to have the whole message, not by picking one part and use it wich is contridicting the other verse. Like need to be trained and carefully cautious based on who is teaching. Surrender all to Him and let Him show you each step. Smile

Christian psychologlists?

I know Psychologlist are supposing to be neutral to any issues and help patients with mind and soul. Psychologlist is not allow to influence his/her patience with his/her beleifs but consider/focus their own feelings.

Psychology and bible beliefs are strict separately.
I don't believe in psychology stuff. Sorry to say. :)
Y said:
for example... study of mind (psychology)
Let's suppose if a mean guy "think about"
murder his wife, then this might lead and happen
as a sin.

No, I feel that you are being mislead to this.

Psychiatrists and psychologists knows enough about the human mind and soul in real life than bible books because the author (man) didn't know you as person enough.

It's Psychiatrists and psychologists's job to focus where their patients behavior comes from and heal/improve their patients's bad behavior etc. It's same example what they did with my son. They give me many tips how to improve his ADD behaviors. It's not just ADD but many more than that they help to make people understand where they come from.

I would not do what the bible says because bible didn't know me.
Liebling:-))) said:
No, I feel that you are being mislead to this.

Psychiatrists and psychologists knows enough about the human mind and soul in real life than bible books because the author (man) didn't know you as person enough.

It's Psychiatrists and psychologists's job to focus where their patients behavior comes from and heal/improve their patients's bad behavior etc. It's same example what they did with my son. They give me many tips how to improve his ADD behaviors. It's not just ADD but many more than that they help to make people understand where they come from.

I would not do what the bible says because bible didn't know me.

The bible is God's Speakin'. The Bible is God's Holy Word. He is talkin' to you through the bible.

How did you learn about God/Jesus if, it wasn't for the bible ?
Liebling, I think you are confuse with all of this by depend on your feelings, believing in the mind, believing by seeing, as lot of post you have said got so much contradictions and doesn't make any sense. Yes, there is christian psychologist, and no, christians psychologist does not make a patient to believe. There is secular psychologist and christian psychologist, tho have different view, now similar to secular, same as christians doenst have all the same point of views. But as of strong biblical foundation psychologist (they don't quote bible verses except when patient ask for it, whatever the patient face and ask ), has some evidence than secular when most secular seem that make sense. The mind is a powerful thing, if God fully control the mind and also allowing God to take over my mind is a good thing, take everything out of ur mind include God like yoga or relaxation is very dangerous thing. In a daily doing, ask God for renewing mind (Romans 12:1-2). Belieiving God without believing the Bible has foundation and guide and doesn't make any sense. There are number of ways why some people don't read the bible,. That is couldn't read, fall on person false saying what seem make sense and seeing thought contradictions and etc. Really, the Bible seems contradiction, but it isn't. Because have studying beginning to the end, and make all sense. Its not one day thing, its a daily process God is speaking to you thru Holy Spirit by His Word-the Bible. Only God interesting is you by giving up all of urself and give to the Lord (Romans 12:1-2). Its like a hidden treasure. And its worth it.
Liebling:-))) said:
Remember I'm neutral to any beliefs but I beleive in Psychology.
Yes, I beleive in Psychology and respect people's beliefs what they beleive differently than me. I see nothing wrong to ASK you questions if I see something "different", "not sense", "why" etc. INSTEAD of against you. I would agree with you if I see something sense.

Definitions: - Neutral

1. taking no sides: belonging to, favoring, or assisting no side in a war, dispute, contest, or controversy

2. without distinctive qualities: possessing no distinctive quality or revealing no attitude or feeling

The reason I say you are not neutral is because you say that you believe in Psychology. That is a belief. If you were truly neutral you wouldn't take sides. You are taking the side of psychology vs. the Bible. You favor psychology over the Bible.

Psychology is not a neutral belief. Psychology possesses distinctive qualities.

If you want to believe in psychology, that's your right. Just honestly admit that it is not a neutral belief.

Anything that is a belief is NOT neutral. Neutral means "I don't believe (or support) psychology or the Bible; I'm not taking sides."
Reba--I'm just trying to understand this, but do you feel that there IS a place for psychologists? I'm having a hard time telling from your posts whether you're against certain psychologists or the field as a whole.

Myself usual, it's not an either-or matter for me between science and religion. As with my stance on evolution, it's a matter of having an appropriate framework and thus not looking at the science decontextualized from God. I do think they have a place and some of their tools can be useful in conjunction with seeking God's wisdom.

I DEFINITELY think those with mental illnesses should be able to receive medication and/or counseling as appropriate.

Also, psychologists can and do help not only with those who have mental illnesses, but those who may need some help coping with past trauma or who have disruptive bad habits. I think they can be helpful in recommending practical things to do that may help the person to heal.

I do not, however, believe in the far-fetched stuff like Freud. He's only right about one thing: that sometimes we're affected by things we don't realize consciously. But he's wrong about the perverse specifics he suggests.

I don't believe in excluding God, though. Prayer is certainly part of the process, and I actually think God may even help one to select the appropriate treatment. I see psychologists the way I do medical doctors--if you seek His cousel, I believe God can do miracles through them just as he does through medical doctors.
Liebling:-))) said:
II. Why Can't You Mix Secular Psychology with Biblical Truth?
B. If you did try to mix these human beliefs with divine truth, you would be adding to or undermining some Biblical truth.
You know, I don't hear psychologists, psychiatrists or other mental health professionals counselling people that they can't receive psychological therapy and remain religious. Psychology and Religion are not mutually exclusive. It's only religious extremists who claim this. I really don't see what they think they are protecting unless they don't want a good psychologist to expose a bunch of their BS brainwashing.
Google CCHR, the Citizen's Commission of Human Rights.

They have tonnes of stuff against Psychologists, who number one treat humans like their animals, and not created from spirit or have a spiritual being.

Two, if people did have a mental illness - why don't they talk about clearing the aura's or spiritual illnesses, or prescribe yoga and do the Emotional Freedom Technique or Qigong. Many Psychologists do that in their spare time but have some morbid fascination in the study of mental illnesses, which are usually labels made up out of hot air in most cases.

Ask the Pshchology field to describe the Psyche and they don't even know the exact definition, and the guy who created this field back in 1870 thought humans were animals!

November 2003 by Neil Bauman, Ph.D.
First published in Audiology Online and Healthy Hearing December 1, 2003.

I believe in secular humanism. I believe that politics should be secular and should focus on liberty. Religion must have no place in government as it may not be compatible with the concept of liberty. Democracy is not truly essential, its the liberty we should be going after, not democracy.

The democratic majority has been wrong many times. For example, in America, most people were whites so since they were the majority, they could vote to discriminate blacks legally. They just didn't like blacks. They ignored the fact that blacks don't want to be discriminated; they wanted the equal opportunity.

Now, with gay marriages, many heterosexuals voted to pass antigay amendments with complete disregard for gay people. MOST gays want gay marriage. I hope someday, the gays will be recognized and be able to marry legally.

That's why democracy is'nt always right. Sometimes it takes justices to see the problem and ignore the majority for the good of the minority.
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