Pregnant again!


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Aug 20, 2007
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Ahh when I was 18 years old, had a pregnant with my first son. I told my parents. My mom didn't even mad, she just said DAMN! told you, you should've use birth control. And then she support me anyway, She really love my son sooo much and begged me to give her to adopt my son. I kept said no way! lol. So, I told my dad that I am pregnant, he got really pissed off and wanted me to get abortion. But I didn't get abortion. I kept the baby. Now he really love my son so much, obsessed with him.

And now I am pregnant again, for 2 months. I am 21 years old now. I was afraid to tell my dad, I planned to not tell him till he notice my belly grow. Since he always yelled at me everything what I did wrong. But my stepmom told dad, broken my promise :-( then dad got really upset, he wanted to hear it from me, not from stepmom. But he didn't even yell at me, and he keep telling me he's gonna love my 2nd baby and will support me. I was surprised. I thought he would really piss off again but I guess not, stepmom had talked with him and made him to not yell at me or be mad at me. I am really glad. Dad wanted me to tell him anything that's why he trying to not yell at me all the times cuz don't want me to stop tell him anything about me or afraid of him.

p.s. Anyone kno how to make me not being sick, being tired all the times, weak etc? I been really sick, tired, weak, no energy and had stomaches. I know it's normal for pregnant but why some of women isn't like that? How can I get away from those weak things?

Eat crackers...and some ginger ale or sprite or Sierra mist...just a sip every 5 minutes or so...and drink tons of water....

Did you have morning sick with your son? If not, it might be a girl? :hmm: Wish you a good luck with 2nd pregnancy! :)

If you felt 2 kids are enough, try put yourself on BC? Just an suggestions. :)
Congrats and sorry about that!! What about baby's dad?

Eat Crackers and little eat foods! :)

sometimes it helps me to eat, crackers, toast, sweet&sour hard candies like lemons, popicles, banana, pretzels and so.

ah, stay away from buffalo wings. :giggle: when i was pregnant about 2 months like you, my hubby made my favorite buffalo wings and i first saw buffalo wings. the result was that i ended up puking in the bathroom. He ate it all himself. After a year later, i RE love buffalo wings again. *whew*
Some people are just more prone to nausea then others when they are pregnant. U can ask your doctor for some zofran to help with sickness. In your first pregnancy did you have major problems with nausea after being prenant 20 weeks?
Some people are just more prone to nausea then others when they are pregnant. U can ask your doctor for some zofran to help with sickness. In your first pregnancy did you have major problems with nausea after being prenant 20 weeks?

I dont think if zofran is safe for preggy person? I did not look zofran up in google.

i was saying that is normal for any pregnant people to have morning sickness for a few months or throughout the pregnancy. It is only temporary.
Zofran is only pregnancy category B and is safest antiemetic for a pregnant individual in any trimester.
Congratulations. For morning sickness, years ago my doctor said keep saltine crackers and 7-up by the bed and eat that before getting up.

It did seem to help.
damienmommy - congratulation! and no sorry I don't know anything about preggie sickness.

Hey, it was a honesty. I have hear several happen on condom issues. Then later, they go ahead and make a life as parents in joy to announcement.

Whatever she said, she sound unexpected to have baby. It's good but it's upset for her parents to deal with it. So, it's obvious. I'm sorry, its hurt.
congrats on having another child. But you needd to tell your folks. Nothing worse then living in a lie and then when the time comes they have to know, they could be even more madder. Hopefully the father of the child is around to help out.
Congrats....uh I'm sorry I can't help you with those, as I never had it in my pregnancy. But I had exhaustion in my pregnancy and the only thing I can give you advice is to sleep as much as you can, like go to bed early , get up late and then take a nap whenever you can.
Congratulation! My daughter in law is still dealing with morning sick for last few weeks. I wish there is a way to make you feel better without getting sick.