Police Say Woman Stabbed Husband's Penis

I don't blame the wife

It is possible that her husband is a drunken wife beater and ... possibly raped her often. As for the wife, she sees the penis as a weapon .. as a symbolic. In that POOR country, she was unable to escape from the abusive environment at home. She had no where to go for help but stuck at home. It is no joke out there. I hope the wife will not get a severe punishment from the court.
*restrains self from laughing*
Yeah, I know it's not that funny, could be very serious, but...
obviously, the woman is a crazy she-devil.
I prey for that poor guy's tool.
I am not sure if it is able to work as tough as before.
my only input is its stupid to stab on the penis how wou ld the woman feel if the man stabs on the pussy or the boobs? still think its an joke? just consider it can happen to both women and men alike women still have something down there to stab on so does men
Cut the "willie" off!
Cut the "willie" off!
Cut the "willie" off!
Interesting to note how people will run a crusade if it involves animal abuse, but joke about people abuse

Same thing for child abuse...we will run a crusade with that too.

The reason for it is cuz I think it is about adults who are capable of taking care or defending themselves while animals and children can't physically defend themselves when being abused.

For adults, they have a choice..leave the abuser whether it is a woman or a man but like someone else said...people are too emotionally incapable of leaving the abuse so I dont know what else to say cuz I have never been in an abusive relationship before. :dunno2: if I would be in the same shoes if I was in an abusive relationship.

I have to admit, when I read about the woman stabbing the penis, I did chuckle a little bit cuz the first thought that came in my mind was "Bobbit"
that really painful in man's penis if i marry nice man i dont going stab that man's penis HELL NO!
Sorry to hear that news.....If he is drunkard, achololic beverage wipes all vitamins in the body....that is why he lost his control..... achololic beverages should be banned....... i think that man will cut that woman who cut his penis in the next life. that is tit for tat for recycling life...