Please Read

Actually, she's right. was one of the most anti-CI sites I ever went to. I stopped posting there years ago when more deaf forums started popping up. Thank god for having more choices in what forums to post at.

The anti-CI rants you see here are nothing when compared to the anti-CI rants at Yes, we do get it here and it can get bad sometimes. But let's just be grateful and it's not where they let any anti-CI rants get by and shun the CI users at all costs.

Wow..that's not good.

I am sorry that some of you are feeling that way but like I said before in another thread there is always gonna be people against CIs and people against the Deaf community and ASL. I went to a forum with UTube featuring a girl with a CI who was talking. The posts posted by hearing people and oral deaf people were some of the most hateful against ASL and Deaf people who use it. I was shocked but that's life. Oh well.

Again, I hope things get better for u all here on AD.
I understand what you saying, i really do. :)

But, they're entitle to their opinions, take a look at Religious forum, many people believe in different Religious. You'll have some who are anti-abortion, pro-life, pro-choice, some who believe in theory of Evolution, some who opposed gay marriage. I could go on and on, But I'm sure you understand my point. But, that's the way it is in life, You are going to have disagreements made by other people. I see it happening around me every day.

The important thing is that you know what you want in life, if you're happy with your cochlear implant that's all it should matters who cares what other people would think. Their opinions shouldn't effects your life. You should just not get too distracted by their negative opinions.

There are balance of positives and negatives in cochlear implants threads, not just negatives. You can't focus only on positives because it’ll never be 100% positive. :)

:gpost: and very well said!
I understand what you saying, i really do. :)

But, they're entitle to their opinions, take a look at Religious forum, many people believe in different Religious. You'll have some who are anti-abortion, pro-life, pro-choice, some who believe in theory of Evolution, some who opposed gay marriage. I could go on and on, But I'm sure you understand my point. But, that's the way it is in life, You are going to have disagreements made by other people. I see it happening around me every day.

The important thing is that you know what you want in life, if you're happy with your cochlear implant that's all it should matters who cares what other people would think. Their opinions shouldn't effects your life. You should just not get too distracted by their negative opinions.

There are balance of positives and negatives in cochlear implants threads, not just negatives. You can't focus only on positives because it’ll never be 100% positive. :)

Wow..that's not good.

I am sorry that some of you are feeling that way but like I said before in another thread there is always gonna be people against CIs and people against the Deaf community and ASL. I went to a forum with UTube featuring a girl with a CI who was talking. The posts posted by hearing people and oral deaf people were some of the most hateful against ASL and Deaf people who use it. I was shocked but that's life. Oh well.

Again, I hope things get better for u all here on AD.

I remember that, it was awful how people were responding to the people who advocated ASL and such. But there were some people who were hostile toward the hearing people too as well. It's a two-way street, and they get all worked up and sling mud at each other.

In the end, they don't come to a resolution or anything. So the argument was rendered worthless. :-/

I am a firm believer that all children (including hearing children) can benefit from learning more than one language during their childhood. Studies have shown that people who are bilingual or fluent in more languages tend to be better off than the average person.
I remember that, it was awful how people were responding to the people who advocated ASL and such. But there were some people who were hostile toward the hearing people too as well. It's a two-way street, and they get all worked up and sling mud at each other.

In the end, they don't come to a resolution or anything. So the argument was rendered worthless. :-/

I am a firm believer that all children (including hearing children) can benefit from learning more than one language during their childhood. Studies have shown that people who are bilingual or fluent in more languages tend to be better off than the average person.

I agree..

Good point..I am starting to come to that conclusion about debating the oral-only approach. I guess I came in AD thinking I can use my experiences to change the world..what an ego I had! LOL!

It is nice to learn though.:)

Sorry for off topic.
Cheri, that is my point. We are all entitled to our own opinions... why are we all attacking each other?
I have a CI in my right ear, and I joined this forum before I was implanted. It disturbs me to read the vehemently anti-CI threads all over this board. The bottom line is CI's are not for every deaf person! Those who have chosen to implant themselves or their children do it because they truly believe and feel that it is best for themselves or their child. Those of you that feel comfortable enough to live your lives completely deaf, that's awesome, I applaud you. That does not mean that you should be borderline rude and aggressive to those who desire CI's. The deaf community should work together and be supportive of one another, CI's, HA's or no aid alike.
You cannot choose what is best for someone you do not know. Perhaps the deaf person lived in the totally hearing world all their lives and suddenly lost their hearing, they should be encouraged to do something so drastic in the world of prosthetics and medicine, they need your support and acceptance in their choice, whether or not YOU would do it.
Thank you for reading.

:gpost:! I agree with a lot of what you said here and I would like to see more of agreeing to disagree instead of arguing back and fourth. :dizzy:

I'm all for a healthy debate!! :fingersx:
Cheri, that is my point. We are all entitled to our own opinions... why are we all attacking each other?

When two parties have strong opinions about the topics being discussed it can lead to personal attacks and could possible make inappropriate comments. It happens. Sometimes it's hard for people to remain respectful and keep an open mind on a topic that is being discussed. Many people have jump to the wrong conclusions. It happens all the time, to be honest. :)
When two parties have strong opinions about the topics being discussed it can lead to personal attacks and could possible make inappropriate comments. It happens. Sometimes it's hard for people to remain respectful and keep an open mind on a topic that is being discussed. Many people have jump to the wrong conclusions. It happens all the time, to be honest. :)

No kidding?
We're all in the deaf community, we should be helping each other, not be content with arguing between ourselves.
Thank you Banjo!
And Lucia, I'm not saying its nonexistent......just saying that its a lot better then it used to be. Besides, what is anti CI? I sometimes feel like if I post to someone about taking a "conservative" view on CI (ie that it should only be used when hearing aids give really poor results), some people may see me as anti CI. Not at all............I'm more taking the "everyone's different, approach. Even audis say that not everyone responds the same to hearing aids/being implanted.
No kidding?
We're all in the deaf community, we should be helping each other, not be content with arguing between ourselves.

I agree but Cheri is right also that sometimes people's feelings become so strong about something and start becoming personal. We are humans so we just have to learn from our mistakes.

I know that I am not perfect and I say things without thinking and end up offending someone. I know that I have very very strong opinions about all deaf children having rights to equal access to language and the educational system and I have gotten into personal attacks with others but that doesnt mean I hate the other person or whatever. Just let the debate go too far and just have to learn from my mistakes.

As for those who are truly anti-CI and who really attack people for having CIs, I cant speak for them about why they feel that way. Maybe they need more understanding about CIs?
Thank you Banjo!
And Lucia, I'm not saying its nonexistent......just saying that its a lot better then it used to be. Besides, what is anti CI? I sometimes feel like if I post to someone about taking a "conservative" view on CI (ie that it should only be used when hearing aids give really poor results), some people may see me as anti CI. Not at all............I'm more taking the "everyone's different, approach. Even audis say that not everyone responds the same to hearing aids/being implanted.

Agreed...I have a more of a "conservative" view on CIs but I dont think that makes me anti-CI. If someone feels that it does, oh well.