please pray for abby.


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May 17, 2004
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umm I know I don't post much. and I didn't kow where to put this topic.... so I though general would be best. I'm more of a lurker.... so It might be strange asking you all this but the more people who pray, the better. well, I'm crying as I type this right now.... my best friend, abby has cancer. :cry: I found out today. shes been in the hospital for about a week and a half now, doing tests. abby is the nicest, coolest person I have met in my life and I love her to death. shes my best friend and she has cancer! :( why would god do this? and thats a restorcial question, dont answer that. so, I ask you all, please pray for abby.
aww.. you have our prayer....

why would God do this? you are not only one person in whole wide world...
I asked many things "why... why"..
thats part of life... we learn to face bad, sad, hard or horrible times.. just have faith and miracles do happen..

:Hugs: take care gf..
Aw :( I'm really sorry to hear about your friend Abby, I lost my grandfather from cancer too, but God should never be blamed since He didn't cause her to get cancer, it happens to anybody really and sometimes we all lose someone we love but the memories never dies, it will be with us for the rest of our lives....

Cherish every moment you have with her, and keep praying as I will too....

hang in there girl :hug:
Oh that's sad.
Hope your friend is a real fighter and beat this dreadful disease.
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear about the cancer. Yes, I know the cancer is a terrible word.

I pray that your friend and sure that your friend will fight to beat cancer.
Truly sorry about your best friend got cancer... Don't give up your dream and kept your goal faith best interest for your best friend needs supportive as moral more. I'll be very happy pray for your best friend's lifespan.

Tell your best friend, don't let give up their goal dream come true and kept patience goes through will come and improve better recovery beat the cancer.

I will put her in my prayer for her strength and fighting hard on her cancer..

My son recover from his cancer too.. He's a fighter and a warrior. Hope they help her soon..

Do you know what kind of cancer was it ?

I am praying for Abby, for healing, strength, and grace.

I am praying for you, her good friend, that you will also have strength and grace to comfort and support your friend.

I pray peace to you both. :hug:
:( My brother survive from his germ cells cancer when he was 14 years old. He went through surgeries, chemo, and staying at the hospital for two weeks a month. It been going on for 6 months and he was in lots of pain and suffer. My parent and sister and I take turn to stay at the hopsital with him. He is cancer free for three years now.

I did blames god but it was not his fault. God already know about our health and future. That is what I believe. I am not member LDS church and I already know about god ways.

Keep your faith and I pray for your best friend. That is why I wear yellow wristband "LIVESTRONG" for all the people who have cancer or survive from cancer. :)
oh i am very sowwy to hear abt that... i will pray for ur best friend... hey girl, just be strong and be there for her too... allright?? i know it hard on u for that so just be pray and be strong for her allright.. :hug:
My prayers and thoughts will be on your good friend...please do hang in there and being 'there' for her whenever she needs a friend nearby. Do take good care!
:( I am so sorry to hear about Abby. She is very lucky to have you as a best friend to care about her so much. Abby will be in my prayers. Be there always for Abby as she will need you now more than ever. Be there to support her, encourage her, especially when she feels sad and down. God works wonders when we turn to him in prayer. So pray all you can, because that is what God wants. I also pray that Abby will be strong throughout this whole ordeal, and tries to keep a positive attitude.
Keep us informed on how Abby is doing. I will pray for you too!! It's hurting you to see your best friend go through this. Please take care of each other always!!! Love to you both!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think I know her. She lives in Maryland and she is a student at Gallaudet University and am I right?
je_suis_chic said:
she does live in maryland but not student at gally.

I think I know her. She was a Gallaudet Student last year right? If not then I don't know her. But I'll pray for her. It is up to God's decision.
Im very sorry to hear about your best friend. Will pray for your best friend. Be there for her for her strength. Tell her not to give up.