Plan for Labor day weekend?

We cancel to go to county fair because my friend is not well. :(
I am staying home and doing nothing. Monday I'll do some homework, and maybe pick blackberries! (Too bad they don't come with phone, texting, and internet access. :D )
im going have bbq at my grandmother's home or my uncle's house but we have wait and see!

and also my mom told me that her work have serious patient come to Arkansas from Louisana anywhere in city of Louisiana like New Orleans or whatevers and her boss wont let her go because of red alert! so my mom got home from woek i didnt know that i thought she staying at work all longers but i got mistakes! OOPS! since 2005 of Katrina they NOW Gustav! i watch news and weather about that got nearly Louisiana because of hurricanes for second times.
On Labor Day (Monday), My husband and I rented a motor boat with two oars to go fishing on the lake. Later we took our over 30 years old nephew to help us drive the motor and so we three had a grand time fishing, but no fish as the fishes is not there to bite. :lol: We got back about 8:30 pm at the dock. So I am a little bit late on my AD news. Tomorrow I am going to college right here on the Island so Labor Day is over. Hope to see you around. Love you. :D
Ikea store is my favorite!!!!!

I'm going to IKEA furniture store today, I just need to get some stuff for living room.

Sunday For family party then on Monday, I will stop by friend's place for BBQ party and chat for few hours or so then I'm going home early because I have to get up early in the morning.

Thanks Jasmine for reminder everyone about safety holiday on Labor Day.

Take care Everyone! :)