This is Buffy (black, at back) and Willow (dilute tortoiseshell, in front). Willow raised Buffy when Buffy was 4 weeks old and Willow was 2 years old. They were inseparable for several months (then Willow weaned Buffy, who is still pissed about it). Buffy's a little hellion, who suffers no fools, but Willow's the exception. Buffy gives Willow a bit more leeway than the rest of us (cat, dog, human) get, lol. Buffy is 7 and Willow is 9. Gads, where does the time go?
Molly is almost 5 (in July), and she's an absolute sweetie. Of all the cats we've ever had, Molly's the most gentle, kind soul. She's also skittish and reserved, so it kinda balances out, lol. She's picked me as her favorite person, so I'm the only one who really gets to see the sweetheart inside. Everyone else gets treated to an aloof air, if she hasn't turned and hoofed it because she thought she was going to get stepped on or something. She's also the only cat who likes Jake, my dog (he's thrilled about it, but still doesn't quite know how to respond to her affections, lol. He was raised by hissy, scratchy, pokey cats)
Jake's my 12 year old Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix. Still going strong, though he's becoming more and more "speckled" with lumps and bumps, and he likes sleeping more than he used to. But for 12, he's doing fantastic.
Some other random shots: