Part 2... I admit that I...........

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^Angel^ said:
I admit I'm not happy at this moment..... :squint:

I admit that I hope ^Angel^ is allright this time. :hug:
Aw Thanks IceteaRulz I'm fine really, Thanks :hug:

I admit I need a vacation! :giggle:
I admit that I am nervous my interview is next week!?! :Ohno:
I admit that I am kinda :pissed: at my SK2 because it cannot get any singal so I called Tmo and went to store too. I did tested it and my SK2 no good. :( So hafta replace it! DARN! I will have go without it for few days...DARN!!!!
Mama2AFTIV said:
I admit that I am kinda :pissed: at my SK2 because it cannot get any singal so I called Tmo and went to store too. I did tested it and my SK2 no good. :( So hafta replace it! DARN! I will have go without it for few days...DARN!!!!

I admit that u have used on SK2 24/7 :D
I admit that I am lucky to have a cellphone with text messaging. It is the best and cheaper than SK2.
I admit that I feel better after some support from AD members. :D
I admit that I can be a bit rude sometimes but that is only after I see rude or negative remarks from others.
I admit that I had dinner at Apple Bee's with a good friend of mine (been friends for almost 20 years) and my son went nutso during dinner time...geez! LOL!
I admit that I'm frigg'n HAPPY because my kids are gone out for watch movie theatre...
I'm deserved a break for 2 1/2 hours.. ehhehe hehe

I admit that I laughed so hard even hard that I cried when I watched a deaf video!!! Check out my video that I put down on Alldeaf!
I admit with the name callings on other thread just cracks me up!
I admit that I laughed too hard on deaf video! LMAO!!!
I admit that I am glad that I found the video and I decided to show it to Alldeaf! yayayayayay! :lol:
I admit that Roadrunner and I met Diehardbiker tonight , we met them at Oliver Garden for dinner then stop on the way to Blockbuster to rent movies....They went back to Cheri's and we went home....
I admit that it should go well as planned! :D (to Angel's post)
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