parents put kids in washing machine as prank!

That is one very bad thing about these front-loaders with an electronic door lock. Once it locks, there is no stopping it, as they are designed to prevent opening while filled with water.

My father used to pull stupid pranks like that on us when we were kids. He even gave me a loaded handgun when I was a toddler and set me free.

I am sure the father is going to have nightmares for years to come, and the mother is going to beat his ass for years to come.....
Wirelessly posted

The mother was no better, she stood there and allowed the father to shove the kid in the machine. Such idiots.
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Wow. What an idiot father.

I agree...jeez...makes me wonder why even some people have children when they act like children themselves. If I had of witnessed something like this, I would have called the Cops...and kicked that man's azz down the street.
That's atrocious. I didn't watch the video- I have no interest in watching a child get tortured. Any word if the parents are facing charges?
What is wrong with some people?!
That's atrocious. I didn't watch the video- I have no interest in watching a child get tortured. Any word if the parents are facing charges?

im not sure we have wait to find out to says if judge or police will press charges on parents
These parents should lose custody and visitation rights of the child, period. That was a very dangerous thing to do to the poor kid and she/he could have been seriously injured or even killed. These are stupid parents who never matured.
Wirelessly posted

It wasn't the father. It was the babysitter and her friend. Last I have heard the mother of the boy wants to press charges. At first she said it was an accident and now she changed her mind.
OMG, the little boy is so cute. Thank God, he's alive. I watched the video and wow, the guy who put the baby inside the machine was so panicky and realized that it was the BIGGEST mistake he has ever done. Thanks to one of the employees for his quick thinking.