Paleo Diet - Have you tried this?

I'm not going to start a war on what's right to eat or what's bad to eat, lol.

But, I can say that when I started on Paleo, I wasn't 100%. Right now, I'm at 80/20. There are days I have cheat meals. It is about whole foods eliminating grains, processed foods and eat meats that are grassfed/organic, cage free/range free eggs. Dairy for most parts are ok but that would be considered Primal. Paleo is aimed at eliminating dairy.

Ever since I've been on it, I've lost some weight. My energy has skyrocketed and it constantly stay the same throughout the day without being tired. My body doesn't have any pain. I used to have a lot of back pains, migraines, and aching wrists. Not anymore.

I'm not even totally bought into the Paleo Lifestyle but with learning how they use the food, that's something I try to adjust to. It's all about moderation without having to wolf down those processed foods and GMO foods.
I'm not going to start a war on what's right to eat or what's bad to eat, lol.

But, I can say that when I started on Paleo, I wasn't 100%. Right now, I'm at 80/20. There are days I have cheat meals. It is about whole foods eliminating grains, processed foods and eat meats that are grassfed/organic, cage free/range free eggs. Dairy for most parts are ok but that would be considered Primal. Paleo is aimed at eliminating dairy.

Ever since I've been on it, I've lost some weight. My energy has skyrocketed and it constantly stay the same throughout the day without being tired. My body doesn't have any pain. I used to have a lot of back pains, migraines, and aching wrists. Not anymore.

I'm not even totally bought into the Paleo Lifestyle but with learning how they use the food, that's something I try to adjust to. It's all about moderation without having to wolf down those processed foods and GMO foods.
I still don't know why America hasn't banned GMO yet. Europe has already banned them a while ago. It's clearly toxic to us.

I still don't know why America hasn't banned GMO yet. Europe has already banned them a while ago. It's clearly toxic to us.


Agreed. It's clear. Monsanto is behind all this Genetically Modified Organisms/Genetically Engineered Foods. It's all about the power and politics trying to use the food supply to drive up the costs no matter how unhealthy it is.
If we can raise a bigger salmon at the generic level, without drugs I'm all for it. A genetically modified tomato should just be a genetically bigger tomato and we've been doing this for years.

You can't solve the food availability problem today, never mind what it will be like in the future by conventional means.
I still don't know why America hasn't banned GMO yet. Europe has already banned them a while ago. It's clearly toxic to us.


educate me!! :blushed:

What and why didn't amercian banned GMO? and what does GMO do? i know what does it stands for but what is it?
Agreed. It's clear. Monsanto is behind all this Genetically Modified Organisms/Genetically Engineered Foods. It's all about the power and politics trying to use the food supply to drive up the costs no matter how unhealthy it is.

so many kids are allergic to gluten, cheese, etc and are becoming obese/diabetic at rapid rate in a short time because of GMO and HCFS... and yet politicians are still quibbling around?

ridiculous. just bunch of monkeys and donkeys. :roll:

[ame=]Crazy Foreigner Has an Argument with a Goat - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Crazy Chimps Fighting at the LA Zoo (with a big stick)! - YouTube[/ame]
If we can raise a bigger salmon at the generic level, without drugs I'm all for it. A genetically modified tomato should just be a genetically bigger tomato and we've been doing this for years.

You can't solve the food availability problem today, never mind what it will be like in the future by conventional means.

sure we can solve food crisis problem simply right there, right now.

educate me!! :blushed:

What and why didn't amercian banned GMO?
profits. lotsa of profits.

and what does GMO do? i know what does it stands for but what is it?
food are genetically modified to yield better result. for example - corn. it's the most famous example.

as a farmer, when you raise a plot of corns, it's normal to have maybe 40-60% yield... meaning 40-60% of your corns are good enough to sell. rest - you have to get rid of it because it's rotten, half-dead, defected, eaten by bugs/pests/animals, etc. because of this - farmers are not making much profits. this is normal and has been like this for thousands of years.

now with GMO corns... farmer does not have to deal with pesticide or weather issue because GMO corn is designed and modified to withstand certain elements and farmer will know he'll get about 80%+ yield. this is not normal.

low yield (producing low amount of crop). high yield (producing a high amount of crop). having a nice arable land (meaning a land can be used to grow crops) is very tough to find and we do not have much arable land left in the world due to extensive deforestation, acid rain, drought, and pollution.

producing a high-yield crop in a low-yield (poor arable land) area is unnatural, unhealthy, and an abomination.
left is natural corn. right is "perfect corn" aka GMO corn.

Wirelessly posted

Unhealthy because it is modified to cause worms and pest stomach to explode. Now imagine what it will do to our stomach. Also eventually those corn will cross pollinate to natural corn and they all will come out modified. I am highly against GMO foods.
Wirelessly posted

Animals have been injected with hormones and look at the people today. Having large babies and kids hiting puberty at such young age. Imagine how modified salmon will affect us.
I'm lobbying against GMO foods. Small amounts are lethal to bugs and such but huge amounts can be lethal to humans, so hence why the organic and gmo arguments have gone wild nowadays.
I avoid GMO's as much as possible. Especially when shopping for us, I don't knowingly buy anything with GMO's in. That means looking at labels and avoiding things like refined sugar, corn syrup and corn starch. Now, eating out - that's much more difficult. I eat a lot of salads, avoid most commercial salad dressings, try to have less bread with sandwich by having half a sandwich or taking the top bread slice off <commercial bread is so full of crap anyway and very likely made with GMO grain>. I also bring a lot of my own food, especially when I know I'll be gone for several hours and get hungry, since I eat every few hours if I can.
If you are histamine intolerant, then paleo may not be the one for you, however you can modify it. It is very important to write a food diary to see if one of the foods affects your body. It is common quite several people tried paleo for a while discover the symptoms of histamines like low blood pressure, fainting, joint pain, muscle ache, severe cramp pms, insomnia, depression, skin rashes like roscea. Histamine intolerant is not well known right here in the US. Check European websites. It is very well known over there. Avoid spinach, tomato, egg whites, any fermented food, saurekraut, yogurt, strawberry, shellfish, tuna, Balsamic vinegar and vinegars.
If you are histamine intolerant, then paleo may not be the one for you, however you can modify it. It is very important to write a food diary to see if one of the foods affects your body. It is common quite several people tried paleo for a while discover the symptoms of histamines like low blood pressure, fainting, joint pain, muscle ache, severe cramp pms, insomnia, depression, skin rashes like roscea. Histamine intolerant is not well known right here in the US. Check European websites. It is very well known over there. Avoid spinach, tomato, egg whites, any fermented food, saurekraut, yogurt, strawberry, shellfish, tuna, Balsamic vinegar and vinegars.

I did not know this. While I don't have histamine intolerance, I found this very interesting. Thank you.
No problem. There are some misleading articles out there like if you experience histamine, they would tell you to eat citrus fruits aka vitamin C, but they're really histamine promoting.

As for fish, it spoils rapidly, so the only way to eat it is to catch it out of the water and eat it right away, so it won't build histamines. If you have any leftovers, you must freeze them immediately or otherwise they will build histamines.

I once read the paleo food diary post, and he had bad histamines, so he decided to eat raw meat stuff and avoid histamine food only. When he felt better, he can eat rich histamine food again in moderation, of course. It is a YMMV thing.