!!!!our Current Apt From Hell!!!!


Active Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I was working from 4pm to 1am (Monday) earlier today (technically yesterday), after my lunch break, I went back to work and few minutes later, got a emergency email, aim from my boyfriend Cody aka Oakley that our apt is flooded. So I asked co-manager if I may be excused which I shouldn't since me and my co-worker will be closing the office tonight as usual but co-manager understood and let me go home... I droved hurrily to my mom's condo on my way home, and borrowed more than 5 or 6 towels and she followed me to our apt here, saw the building hall had couple wet spots beside the kitchen wall to apt building hall and our kitchen floor was flooded onto the 3/4 of dining area (thank god it's still empty area). Cody somehow contacted the after hour emergency maintenance guy to come to help cody out while I was on way home. Maintenance guy told Cody that he did contacted a carpet guy to come between 10pm to 10:30 as carpet guy was still busy and it's 12:45am, no carpet guy here yet... I called and left msg for maintenance man about carpet guy not show up twice... grr no answer yet... yet I'm still awake and waiting... Anyone got some advices or experiences to apartment policy, etc? Tell me... Landlord's gonna hear from me in the morning 8am sharp and I'll pull her to our apt to see what our damn problems is... we had problems when we moved in, and it's kept increasing to some things around apt and now major problem came up... maintenance told Cody that we might have to move to another unit so he can tear up the kitchen wall I think... Cody and I felt like we just move into an apt from HELL! :pissed: if landlord, IN ANY WAY, doesn't cooperate with me, I'll contact her authority and perhap fill a lawsuit or something or something... GRR!!!!! Again if anyone got some advices or experiences related to apartment problems, policies, etc? that'll be great! as of this moment Cody and I are calm but still :pissed: :pissed: Now i need sex to calm myself more!
OH MAN !!!!!!!! that SUCKS!....... if u could try and be calm til tmw morning i ll be more thn happy to get all spec info and not only that my dad's the pipe enginer and hes done apartment buildings when they were being build sounds like one of the pipes blew when u got flooded in!
javapride said:
OH MAN !!!!!!!! that SUCKS!....... if u could try and be calm til tmw morning i ll be more thn happy to get all spec info and not only that my dad's the pipe enginer and hes done apartment buildings when they were being build sounds like one of the pipes blew when u got flooded in!
yeah I'm calm but inside my feeling's ready to blow up like a volcano but hope thing will go out okay in the morning... otherwise I'm gonna talk to the higher authority and report on landlord... :( oh well I'm alright though
Check your lease and see what it says as it should be in the fine print elsewhere. In my apartment, I'm required to carry a certain line of renters insurance and my lease specifically says that they are not responsible for any damage...that is what renters insurance is for. I don't know that their lease would hold up in court, but I'm sure lawyers were involved in its drafting.

Check your lease and see what it says about damage from floods, fires, vanalism, etc.

BTW, I didn't know carpet people would come out at midnight LOL...
Taylor said:
Check your lease and see what it says as it should be in the fine print elsewhere. In my apartment, I'm required to carry a certain line of renters insurance and my lease specifically says that they are not responsible for any damage...that is what renters insurance is for. I don't know that their lease would hold up in court, but I'm sure lawyers were involved in its drafting.

Check your lease and see what it says about damage from floods, fires, vanalism, etc.

BTW, I didn't know carpet people would come out at midnight LOL...
there is a 24-hour emergency carpet cleaner, but they haven't showed up yet, and we ain't gonna pay a cent cuz the flood came from inside the wall behind the refridge so it have nothing to do with us...*sigh*
Oh boy!, I had my kitchen sink flooded from a drain backed up, it's was other resident was doing dishes or in dishwasher from above of my apt unit. I put drain stopper and fill up a water of sink full and I look for my favorite maintenace guy. I wrote "Drain backed up and filled up of my kitchen sink from other above of my apt". Then he get a small sewer cleaner machine to sweeping the drains, and put the pipe back on and run a water, that still filled up and it's not good.. he called my landlord to get permission to call a Emergency Rooter services, she says OK'd and called in a emergency rooter service.. the rooter guy came into my apt with very large sewer machines. Whoa these sewer machine very LOUDLY motor and scrapping noise thru the pipes, I can feel the wall sound like "scrapping and thumping" sound.. so upstair resident came to my apt, "What the hell noise in the wall???" I says "come in and see the emergency rooter guy doing cleaning a drain out", He says "Oh, okay and sorry about it". Rooter guy worked in 45 minutes and finally cleaned out, and water run down the drain it's work great whew!, but rooter guy say "No charge on you and it's was in the parking garage sewer pipe clogged"., (Mines is 3rd floor.).. Landlord pays for emergency rooter services.. below of my apt unit is totally empty no one lives in there (Kicked out for reason), and the 1st floor is a garbage machine with large dumper bins.
OUCHIE OUCHIE!! that flood came all from ME! OOPS!! go ahead and kick my :booty:

I'm sorry to hear all of those happening to you guys! Hope things will work out for u both soon to have it all fixed!!!! *HUGS**
Yup your right about renter insurance. It is effective ONLY if the landlord is found not neglected to the problem. If Landlord neglected the orignal problem and caused the damages on your property, you could sue for the damages. But it is very difficult to prove unless you had "Paper trail" with local inspector and file enough complaint against Landlord, then there is good chance.
I'd be NUTS if this happens, already happened to me with my tenant dumping too much noodles in drain pipe, clogged about 3 feet long!!! She thought garbage disposal will take care of these problem, DEAD WRONG! Pissed me off BIG time. Its history anyway.

Also other reason for renter insurance is that IF you, the tenant caused fire, the landlord's insurance WILL sue you for the damages. Happened to my friend, her landlord insurance company sued her for 55 thousand dollars because the investigator found that she accidently left "Hot" cigs and that it fell into trash can. I couldn't believe this, that is why I no longer trust NOBODY! It has nothing to do with my friends, I just can't trust their insurance company's attorney! So your choice, go ahead for Renter's Insurance with approx 15 dollars a month premium or take risk hoping NOTHING happens. It would save ALOT of your trouble if any of unwanted event occurs (Including Identity thieves).

Taylor said:
Check your lease and see what it says as it should be in the fine print elsewhere. In my apartment, I'm required to carry a certain line of renters insurance and my lease specifically says that they are not responsible for any damage...that is what renters insurance is for. I don't know that their lease would hold up in court, but I'm sure lawyers were involved in its drafting.

Check your lease and see what it says about damage from floods, fires, vanalism, etc.

BTW, I didn't know carpet people would come out at midnight LOL...
nozobo said:
I was working from 4pm to 1am (Monday) earlier today (technically yesterday), after my lunch break, I went back to work and few minutes later, got a emergency email, aim from my boyfriend Cody aka Oakley that our apt is flooded. So I asked co-manager if I may be excused which I shouldn't since me and my co-worker will be closing the office tonight as usual but co-manager understood and let me go home... I droved hurrily to my mom's condo on my way home, and borrowed more than 5 or 6 towels and she followed me to our apt here, saw the building hall had couple wet spots beside the kitchen wall to apt building hall and our kitchen floor was flooded onto the 3/4 of dining area (thank god it's still empty area). Cody somehow contacted the after hour emergency maintenance guy to come to help cody out while I was on way home. Maintenance guy told Cody that he did contacted a carpet guy to come between 10pm to 10:30 as carpet guy was still busy and it's 12:45am, no carpet guy here yet... I called and left msg for maintenance man about carpet guy not show up twice... grr no answer yet... yet I'm still awake and waiting... Anyone got some advices or experiences to apartment policy, etc? Tell me... Landlord's gonna hear from me in the morning 8am sharp and I'll pull her to our apt to see what our damn problems is... we had problems when we moved in, and it's kept increasing to some things around apt and now major problem came up... maintenance told Cody that we might have to move to another unit so he can tear up the kitchen wall I think... Cody and I felt like we just move into an apt from HELL! :pissed: if landlord, IN ANY WAY, doesn't cooperate with me, I'll contact her authority and perhap fill a lawsuit or something or something... GRR!!!!! Again if anyone got some advices or experiences related to apartment problems, policies, etc? that'll be great! as of this moment Cody and I are calm but still :pissed: :pissed: Now i need sex to calm myself more!

awww you poor things... :( :hug:

i have never encounter these problems... except for bugs.. i had flies swarming ALL OVER MY APT one day.. it reminded of that movie i forget the name of it... they came from upstairs cuz there was a hole or something so they got in and were able to get into my apt.. it was CRAZY AND GROSS so i called the landlord/maintenance... they came immediately.. it is funny cuz ever since SOMEONE DROVE RIGHT INTO THE OFFICE OF MY APT IN THE SPRING OF 2001... people at the apt/maintenance would/did anything for me in A FINGERSNAP!!! LOL cuz they were intimated (sp?) by my dad and also were afraid of A LAWSUIT too!!! :rofl: so i was lucky if i had any problem or complaints... they were at my door in a jiffy... :rofl:

**** it is IMPERATIVE you guys get RENTERS INSURANCE the minute you moved in!!! so you are protected and covered NO MATTER WHAT!!! ****

and also like taylor said.. read the FINE PRINTS which is a PITA and can be OVERLOOKED EASILY cuz of the difficulties of reading it, etc... but it is a MUST!!!


diehardbiker65 said:
I'd be NUTS if this happens, already happened to me with my tenant dumping too much noodles in drain pipe, clogged about 3 feet long!!! She thought garbage disposal will take care of these problem, DEAD WRONG! Pissed me off BIG time. Its history anyway.

So your choice, go ahead for Renter's Insurance with approx 15 dollars a month premium or take risk hoping NOTHING happens. It would save ALOT of your trouble if any of unwanted event occurs (Including Identity thieves).

that is right.. it is not that costly to get renter's insurance... it will save your ass!!! even if you don't think you need it.. but it is better to be safe than sorry!!! i know many people who don't have it... and if the whole apt goes up in flames.. you LOSE EVERYTHING LIL FOOKING THING! SO LISTEN TO US!!!

speaking of garbage disposals.... not just noodles.. never put the STEMS of anything in there!!! or it will "CROAK".. one time my mom broke her garbage disposal cuz she put in the stem of bananas in there!!! and also another time a friend put in a whole lemon peel in (her sink was brand new and it broke!!!) sheesh.. i personally HATE GARBAGE DISPOSALS!!! i don't trust them at all... cuz you don't know what goes in there or not... so i just throw everything in the trash... except for little crumbs or something :lol:
Yup losing everything, and DON'T forget that is if your found at fault for causing the damage, the insurance company that covers the building CAN SUE you for the damage on the top of your losses. That is because Insurance company have to pay for the replacement on the building that was damaged by fire. Even if Landlord is so sweet, and caring... his or her insurance company's attorney is just cold hearted. So if you had renter insurance, your protected from that cold hearted attorney.

Don't forget the Identity thieves. They are on rise on alarm rate, and if thieve hits your identity it takes ALOT money, resources, headache to restore your credit. With Renter's Insurance or homeowner's insurance, they take care of the mess for you.

So think again, 15 dollars a month (Homeowners anywhere from 20 to 50+ dollars a month) is too much?

FeistyChick said:
that is right.. it is not that costly to get renter's insurance... it will save your ass!!! even if you don't think you need it.. but it is better to be safe than sorry!!! i know many people who don't have it... and if the whole apt goes up in flames.. you LOSE EVERYTHING LIL FOOKING THING! SO LISTEN TO US!!!

speaking of garbage disposals.... not just noodles.. never put the STEMS of anything in there!!! or it will "CROAK".. one time my mom broke her garbage disposal cuz she put in the stem of bananas in there!!! and also another time a friend put in a whole lemon peel in (her sink was brand new and it broke!!!) sheesh.. i personally HATE GARBAGE DISPOSALS!!! i don't trust them at all... cuz you don't know what goes in there or not... so i just throw everything in the trash... except for little crumbs or something :lol:
FeistyChick said:
speaking of garbage disposals.... not just noodles.. never put the STEMS of anything in there!!! or it will "CROAK".. one time my mom broke her garbage disposal cuz she put in the stem of bananas in there!!! and also another time a friend put in a whole lemon peel in (her sink was brand new and it broke!!!) sheesh.. i personally HATE GARBAGE DISPOSALS!!! i don't trust them at all... cuz you don't know what goes in there or not... so i just throw everything in the trash... except for little crumbs or something :lol:

Oh hahaha, I haven't had problem with them since 2 years cuz two things happened. My tenant moved out, and we are alone as a family, and that I redo the plumbing so if this S**T happens again I just open the plug and clean them out (Haven't happened yet). My gf is fgood at it, knows what to dump in and what NOT to dump in.
Awww, Nozobo and Cody. I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble!

Take care of insurance matters...have sex...re-arrange your place...have sex again...make sure you make a list of any and all damages...dry all those towels...have sex again...

;) Life has a way of throwing us those curveballs...all we can do, really, is try to deal with things one way at a time, and make the most of it. :)
Nathan and Cody I know how you both feel. I don't understand why it took that long to wait for a carpet cleaner, when you having a flood in your apt. I would be totally pissed as much as you would be. Nobody would want to sank their own feet in damp carpet.

I only found one that could help you maybe. Looks like they charge money through.


But, I suggest you to call the City where you live, the building dept. they would contact the Health dept. for you and the landlord would have to redo the whole apartment or subtract a month off of rent for what you been through. I do know that building dept. in your city will fine your landlord if he/she refused to repair the problem within 24 hours. Since it's might be past 24 hours for you, They will have someone do it for you, Like they did snaked the sewer out for me when I had a flood while the Landlord wouldn't do it after 2 days later. Ugh!

Or, You can call the tenant rights information near ur hometown to know your rights they would provide you numbers of lawyers that you can sued your landlord for his neglect the care of his tenant
Taylor said:
...BTW, I didn't know carpet people would come out at midnight LOL...
Yes, they will. Especially ones that are certified for carpet restoration services. The customer will have to pay extra for water damage clean-up, more than just regular carpet cleaning. The pros know how to work with insurance companies. The clean-up usually involves:

1. extracting (sucking out) the water from the carpet surface

2. pulling up the edges of the carpet and sticking the end of an air mover (powerful fan blower) underneath; this will "float" the carpet and dry it and the pad from underneath

3. leaving the air mover (blower) overnight, or until the area is completely dry (usually the company charges a rental fee for the blower, by the day)

4. tacking the carpet back down

5. cleaning the carpet (there will usually be dirty water lines from the flooding)

6. spraying for mold and mildew, as needed

To protect your furniture, move it out of the rooms, or set the legs on styrofoam blocks; otherwise, the water can "wick" up into the wood.

Make sure your walls and cabinet interiors are checked for water damage. Walls "wick" or soak up the water, sometimes several feet.

If the water damage was the result of sewage back-up, and it really soaked it, you might want to replace the carpet.
Reba said:
Yes, they will. Especially ones that are certified for carpet restoration services. The customer will have to pay extra for water damage clean-up, more than just regular carpet cleaning. The pros know how to work with insurance companies. The clean-up usually involves:

1. extracting (sucking out) the water from the carpet surface

2. pulling up the edges of the carpet and sticking the end of an air mover (powerful fan blower) underneath; this will "float" the carpet and dry it and the pad from underneath

3. leaving the air mover (blower) overnight, or until the area is completely dry (usually the company charges a rental fee for the blower, by the day)

4. tacking the carpet back down

5. cleaning the carpet (there will usually be dirty water lines from the flooding)

6. spraying for mold and mildew, as needed

To protect your furniture, move it out of the rooms, or set the legs on styrofoam blocks; otherwise, the water can "wick" up into the wood.

Make sure your walls and cabinet interiors are checked for water damage. Walls "wick" or soak up the water, sometimes several feet.

If the water damage was the result of sewage back-up, and it really soaked it, you might want to replace the carpet.

the water came from inside the wall so it seem landlord is paying everything for us to get it fixed, they threw out the foam underneath the carpet, torn it up and dry the carpet then spray for mold or something, then it's being blow dry right now, so tomorrow carpet man will come to finish up and fix the carpet goodness there's nothing in dining area, except carpet whew...
Nozobo and Oakley,

I'm sorry to hear that ur in a situation that ur struggling to resolve with. I hope you can resolve that issue as soon. I had almost the same thing happened at my apt that I live at right now. It got flooded from the water coming from the lobby and seeped into my apt and got my carpet and all wet. It was caused by a malfuctioning pipe. They came soon as possible and used the carpet dryer blow for a few days until it was right time to remove it because they have equipment to tell if the humidity on the walls are back to normal.

Have a good luck dealing with it and hope you can teach them a nasty lesson for not showing up.
sequoias said:
Nozobo and Oakley,

I'm sorry to hear that ur in a situation that ur struggling to resolve with. I hope you can resolve that issue as soon. I had almost the same thing happened at my apt that I live at right now. It got flooded from the water coming from the lobby and seeped into my apt and got my carpet and all wet. It was caused by a malfuctioning pipe. They came soon as possible and used the carpet dryer blow for a few days until it was right time to remove it because they have equipment to tell if the humidity on the walls are back to normal.

Have a good luck dealing with it and hope you can teach them a nasty lesson for not showing up.
Thanks everyone for a comfort comments... I think I ought to be more super nice to landlord so that way I dont try to have any problems with her from now until end of my lease.... there was nothing I can do from water floood last night except call for emergency maintenance guy until office is open to call carpet people... oh well now i'm in a better mood....
^^ It's good to hear that ur in a better mood and good luck once again. :)
Glad to see it is working out now,:thumb: Yes, the landlord should pay for it because it wasn't your fault if the water came from inside the walls. It's the landlord's building so he is responsible for that. Glad he is fixing and paying for it all for you guys. Did the Landlord find out what was leaking behind the walls? Did they repair that too before putting on new carpet?