Our Church had a fellowship for the deaf . . .

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Oct 21, 2004
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and the interpreters at the house of the directory of our deaf ministry. We had almost 30 people there. 9 of the 11 deaf in our church were there! The good news is that after the fellowship, a deaf couple that has been coming to our church received Jesus as their personal Saviour! What a blessing. Our church has now seen 5 deaf people get saved this year already.

Have a wonderful day!
That is nice. There are Church for the Deaf in Memphis, but I have never gone there. It is nice to have Church for the Deaf.
babymakerdaddy said:
a deaf couple that has been coming to our church received Jesus as their personal Saviour! What a blessing. Our church has now seen 5 deaf people get saved this year already.

Have a wonderful day!

Praise the Lord!
Yes, praise the Lord! :)
That's great!!

Wonderful to have more and more being add to God's family! :)
Amen! God gets the glory over one sinner that repents, we're just vessels to bring the Good News, that's all. We should not be keeping a scorecard, however, regarding how many get saved...if you're doing that, that, my friend, is your reward. The Bible doesn't tell us to keep numbers, it tells us to send the Gospel.
babymakerdaddy said:
and the interpreters at the house of the directory of our deaf ministry. We had almost 30 people there. 9 of the 11 deaf in our church were there! The good news is that after the fellowship, a deaf couple that has been coming to our church received Jesus as their personal Saviour! What a blessing. Our church has now seen 5 deaf people get saved this year already.

Have a wonderful day!

That's wonderful news, babymakerdaddy! Your church deaf community is sure to be growing! Praise the Lord!
Praise The Lord !!!!! God Bless !!!! :) :thumb:
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