online schools


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Mar 4, 2014
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has anyone had any positive or negative experiences with online high school. I think online schooling will be the best way for me to finish high school and my parents agree, but there are just so many of them and I'm not sure how it would work. We are asking for resources from them, but my counselor at school is trying to tell my parents there will be no way for me to do it online. I can't see that... There has to be.
Thank you, my mom found that one too, I'm going to look at their sample lesson (mom didn't see that, but they are supposed to call her tomorrow she thinks) tonight to see if it will work. The meeting with my counselor was awful today and she told mom I really should just get my GED, but I want more than that.
Thank you, my mom found that one too, I'm going to look at their sample lesson (mom didn't see that, but they are supposed to call her tomorrow she thinks) tonight to see if it will work. The meeting with my counselor was awful today and she told mom I really should just get my GED, but I want more than that.

Does your counselor think people that are deaf or hoh are not capable of taking a full high school course ? Good for you , don't let anyone get in your way of going as far as you want with your education . I was told to drop out of high school by my principal , he said I was wasting his time and my teachers time and taxpayers $$$! SOB!!
Does your counselor think people that are deaf or hoh are not capable of taking a full high school course ? Good for you , don't let anyone get in your way of going as far as you want with your education . I was told to drop out of high school by my principal , he said I was wasting his time and my teachers time and taxpayers $$$! SOB!!

She thinks with being deaf (refused to let me into honors classes even though my catholic school was a prep school and I already know everything that's being taught) and with having a baby I won't be able to do anything. But I am not OK with that. And told her so.
Can you contact your former school and see if they have an online school (or homeschooling) program they recommend?

There are a LOT of online, remote learning and homeschooling options available now. If you'r current counselor isn't helpful, contact the school board/district directly for information.
I know several homeschooling families that have successfully used online programs for high school.
Can you contact your former school and see if they have an online school (or homeschooling) program they recommend?

There are a LOT of online, remote learning and homeschooling options available now. If you'r current counselor isn't helpful, contact the school board/district directly for information.

I am not sure how helpful her former school will be given the attitude she told about in her introductory thread. See what I have bolded in the quote below. I am really upset that how the guy and gal were still treated so differently now that it is 2014.

He is no longer my boyfriend... The moment he mentioned abortion, I left him. I still don't see how it is rape though... I willingly has sex... He didn't force me.

And he hasn't done anything to help. His family tried to get mine kicked out of our church. Both of our actions got me removed from my school while he got to stay. I am very lucky and thankful for my mom and all the help her and my dad have given me and will continue for me and my baby. I know that if they hadn't have adopted me my life would have been so much different and much more bleak.

I'm still going to school, i just had to transfer from my catholic high school to a public one and we are looking at my options for finishing high school. I will graduate and I will go to college.
Can you contact your former school and see if they have an online school (or homeschooling) program they recommend?

There are a LOT of online, remote learning and homeschooling options available now. If you'r current counselor isn't helpful, contact the school board/district directly for information.

They won't exactly help... But the link I was given that my mom had already requested info for was actually really good. My concern was the lack of captions... But this one had them! Waiting to see what they say when mom talks to them today.
I am not sure how helpful her former school will be given the attitude she told about in her introductory thread. See what I have bolded in the quote below. I am really upset that how the guy and gal were still treated so differently now that it is 2014.

Some things don't change in the catholic church.
They won't exactly help... But the link I was given that my mom had already requested info for was actually really good. My concern was the lack of captions... But this one had them! Waiting to see what they say when mom talks to them today.

There are different versions of online schooling. Some are called virtual schools, some are called distance learning, and some are called online classes. Some include lectures, some are mostly book and power points. Some require more parental hands on than others. It might take some trial and error to find out which method works best for you. A lot of the success of a program depends on your own motivation.

Some programs provide a lot of timely one-on-one feedback and support, some don't. Make sure you get one with good support.
A Beka is really poor. If you went from a Catholic school to A Beka you'd be shocked. A Beka is taught from an evangelical Christian perspective. Everything is. You can't learn sets in math, either, for some bizarre evangelical Chrisitian reason. If you want your learning to be dumbed down, use A Beka. A lot of the homeschooling stuff online has a "Christian perspective" and frankly, if you want to go to college avoid those programs unless you plan to go to Liberty College or Patrick Henry College.
A Beka is really poor. If you went from a Catholic school to A Beka you'd be shocked. A Beka is taught from an evangelical Christian perspective. Everything is. You can't learn sets in math, either, for some bizarre evangelical Chrisitian reason. If you want your learning to be dumbed down, use A Beka. A lot of the homeschooling stuff online has a "Christian perspective" and frankly, if you want to go to college avoid those programs unless you plan to go to Liberty College or Patrick Henry College.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with a curriculum that has a Christian world view.

My daughter graduated from a Christian high school, and I've never heard of them not teaching about sets in math. The students take state exit exams and SAT's just like everyone else.

Graduates go on to all kinds of colleges and universities, Christian and secular, public and private.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with a curriculum that has a Christian world view.

My daughter graduated from a Christian high school, and I've never heard of them not teaching about sets in math. The students take state exit exams and SAT's just like everyone else.

Graduates go on to all kinds of colleges and universities, Christian and secular, public and private.

You are right, a christian corricuculum is not wrong. My mom talked to the Arizona virtual, and she seemed fairly impressed! Hopefully this means I can try it.
You are right, a christian corricuculum is not wrong. My mom talked to the Arizona virtual, and she seemed fairly impressed! Hopefully this means I can try it.
Good. :)

Also, each year you can re-evaluate the program and change to another one if you want. I know of other families who have also done that.

Of course, each state has additional requirements.
No, but A Beka teaches everything from an evangelical Christian perspective, specifically dominionism, and it leaves out basic education as a result. In 2005 or something like that the University of California won't accept students who used A Beka as their "education" because it doesn't cover even the most basic high school level math and science.

The problem isn't that it's a Christian based system, it's that it sticks to a very strict kind of education based on one Christian perspective that leaves the students with an inadequate education. Bible teaching is more important than anything else in this curriculum. The person who is coming from a Catholic educational background is going to find that this religious group has a thing against Catholics and that the material is very poor and they have likely passed the material years ago as it is too simple.

I just found this article from several years ago but the material has not changed since then: An informal analysis of the "A Beka" dominionist curriculum

The curriculum isn't accredited, either. The place that gives it it's accredits is a group that accredits any curriculum that teaches that evolution is wrong and pays the fees.