Ok we found out, now comes the hard part...

First of all, I want to say I'm sorry for what you and your family are going through, you all will be in my thoughts and prayer. Second of all, I know what you are going through as I have lost my mother due to Cancer in 2001. If you need to talk to me about anything, you are welcome to send personal message to me and I'll be glad to talk to you, or help you in any way. After all I do know what you are going through as I have already went through it.

Once again, I'm sorry for what you and your family are going through. No one should have to go through it.

Yes I know what chemo theray is about. My MIL had been through after breast cancer surgery like what your mom did. She did it successful... I know it´s pain but it´s worth to battle against cancer.

My thought with you and your strength for your mother and hope everything goes positive for her... :hug:
I am sorry about your mom get so sick from chemo. I just found out that my aunt's chemo did not block her cancer in bone so do not know what will happen to her so your not only one to deal with this now. I feel very bad for u and my aunt.

Your mom will probably feel like she'd rather die than to continue chemo, but keep persevering, my dear. Still praying . . .
Oh, im so sorry to hear about your mom, Steph..i hate to
hear about that..I know it is so distressing and heartbreaking
for you and your family to have to deal with that but with
our prayers for her, i know she will get strength and comfort
from God.
I will pray for her and for your family too! Im sure everything will
be alright..God bless!
I'll be praying for your mom and as well as your family. Hang in there, God wont hand you more than you can handle.
how is your mom today? hope she feels better after all those chemos.