ok, I'm officially freaked out...


New Member
Apr 27, 2006
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This thread has more to do with the actual operational procedure of implanting a CI.

I got curious, and so I started googling for information and pictures of cochlear implants. I never realized that an actual device was implanted into the skull. I can't imagine how freaked out I would be to wake up and realize there is an electronic device implanted into my head. For those who actually have CIs, does this bother you at all? Do the benefits of a CI outweigh the realization that you have a device sticking out of your heard?

Here is a picture that really hit me:

(not for the faint of heart)

MOD NOTE: Graphic image converted to clickable link.
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Awww! Don't be worried about it! While i don't have a CI ( i wear HA's) try not to think about it too much - sometimes wondering what's inside ur body can freak u out, but it's completely natural to feel this way. Over time those feelings will subside. Imagine how ppl with heart fibulators and other things feel?? At least that little device that lays on ur skull can't hurt u or make u die (ur skull won't conk out on u and stop functioning). The benefits def. out way the negatives in this area, but overall, just focus on the good things!! :)

And another thing! Looking at those pictures, they're obviously blown up, i know that the incisions aren't that big, lol. From what i've seen it's a small incision, which gets covered by hair. I wish u luck in feeling better about this!!!!
don't worry i am not go for CI cuz as i know have brain surgery is DANGEROUS
only i will go for HA only who cares if it didn't work it work for me to get the sounds to me like callling my name or ppl voices and cars in streets if i am crossing the streets
moonflower said:
don't worry i am not go for CI cuz as i know have brain surgery is DANGEROUS
only i will go for HA only who cares if it didn't work it work for me to get the sounds to me like callling my name or ppl voices and cars in streets if i am crossing the streets

um...this isn't brain surgery....
Er...a clarification is in order here. It is not brain surgery!!!! The brain is not involved in any way.

Now, to answer Guido's question...

1) No, it doesn't bother me at all and I don't notice anything different other than the slight "bump" over the ear itself.

2) The benefits definitely outweigh any thoughts about an implant in you. It has been totally worth the effort to get one...I can hear better than I ever heard in my life. It is really no different than a HA.
WHOA!! guildo made it a big deal.. It is not a brain surgery.. there are small incision behind the ear...

SxyPorkie :hyper:
SxyPorkie said:
WHOA!! guildo made it a big deal.. It is not a brain surgery.. there are small incision behind the ear...

SxyPorkie :hyper:

I don't think anyone is making a big deal about it. Someone was misinformed and called it "brain surgery", but they were corrected.

As for the pictures themselves, I can see why Guido would be squeamish. They are a bit graphic to look at. However, the surgery itself is relatively minor. People think it's brain surgery, because they make the incision on the head. The incision is actually behind the ear. I must admit that, I too, thought it was brain surgery, at one time.

Anyway, the "big deal" is not the surgery itself, but how those pictures LOOK. They LOOK NASTY, so I'd cut Guido some slack here. Nobody in their right mind wants to have surgery, no matter how minor it may be.
GROSS! u juss had to post up the pics didn't u? lol, wow, u should've at least given us a warning of the graphic images that were coming up..

yea..now that u posted those pics, and being a CI user, i am totally freaked out..lol..but hey, the benefits totally outweigh the physical aspect of the implant..i wouldn't be the person i am today if i didnt have the CI..god bless the invention of the CI..wut would i do without it..
The pictures are quite old. My daughters scars are not even close to the size of these. (See here)

But, great pictures to scare someone... (I have the link somewhere if anyone is interested...)
Cloggy said:
The pictures are quite old. My daughters scars are not even close to the size of these. (See here)

But, great pictures to scare someone... (I have the link somewhere if anyone is interested...)

Thank you, Cloggy. I'm a hearie, but I find this stuff facinating. I must tell you that I've seen A LOT of things, and it takes A LOT to bother me. However, seeing that did. So, I'm glad you posted what your daughter's scar looks like. It looks like it was still healing, too, which was good to see. If you know anything about scars, they tend to lighten with time, and become less noticeable. Also, given the location of the incision, simply covering the scar with hair, or the BTE would suffice, no?

Forgive my ignorance. I know a fair amount about CI's, but I don't know everything. :)
Y said:
Eeew these photos are making me sick

Me too! I'm glad I didn't see my own CI surgery - I'm so squeamish LOL! Still everything has healed up nicely and my scar is very small and unnoticeably tucked behind my ear. In all it has been a much more minor surgery than my caesarean section (my friend took photos of that but don't worry I won't post them on here).
cloggy oh i see i remmy one of my old classmate had CI had showed the scar he still had the scar even it was healed
scars still can show
Scars aren't really a big deal to me. (I don't have CI but have scars from other major surgeries). They're just scars. *shrugs*
LuciaDisturbed said:
Scars aren't really a big deal to me. (I don't have CI but have scars from other major surgeries). They're just scars. *shrugs*

I hear you. I also have had surgery, and I don't give a flip what my scars look like. Most of them were made when I was kid, anyway, and I can't do a thing about them, so stressin' over them is sorta pointless. :lol: