Ohio boy hospitalized after 4-day Xbox marathon


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Apr 22, 2007
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A 15-year-old Ohio boy collapsed after a four-day Xbox marathon, his parents say.

The boy was locked in his bedroom for the majority of the weekend playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, a "first-person shooter" game.

According to NBC's Columbus affiliate, the boy collapsed several times on Tuesday, hours after emerging from his room. He was hospitalized and treated for severe dehydration.

Jessie Rawlins, the boy's mother, told WCMH-TV that he turned very pale and his lips "became a disturbing blue color."

"I was very scared," Rawlins said. "I thought he was going to die. He just fell over three times."

The boy is expected to recover, but won't be playing video games anytime soon. "The Xbox is gone," Rawlins said.

The dangers of hardcore gaming and so-called video game addiction have long been debated.

In 2007, the American Psychiatric Association considered including "video game addiction" in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), but decided against it.

In 2009, an Ohio teenager was found guilty of murdering his mother and shooting his father after they would not allow him to play Halo 3. His defense team argued that he was addicted to the video games.

Earlier this year, a Taiwanese teenager collapsed and died at an Internet cafe after playing Diablo 3, an online video game, for 40 consecutive hours without sleeping or eating, according to local media reports. A similar death was reported in South Korea in 2005.

Dr. Mike Patrick, an emergency physician at Nationwide Children's Hospital, told the Associated Press he recommends common sense when gaming: "Get plenty of food and fluids, take breaks for physical activity, and put the controller down now and then to get some decent sleep."

Ohio boy hospitalized after 4-day Xbox marathon | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
Im watchin local news and just saw his mother...the boy wants to give up his xbox. :lol:

I used to play video games at home but not for four straight days..smh
There were a similar incident with a chinese girl who Refused to sleep, eat or use the bathroom for weeks while playing WoW. While i can understand how the games can be addictive ( I am a hardcore gamer, but not a unreasonable one.) just.... REALLY??? Some parents are just very irresponsible. Kids should be montiored if strange behaviors such as hints of Self neglection, lack of socialization and moods changes. That should have raised the red flags. I used to spend 12 hours a day for 2 years On WoW. (yeah it was bad at one point) But i grew out of it. It is sad these teenagers won't have that chance.
I used to be hardcore game player. Not any more. I hope this the Xbox has been sold and money used for other items.
I had too many chores to even come close to that. In today's world, that sounds like child neglect.
I am glad that my kids learned to set a timer and get up and move every 30 minutes for at least 10-15 minutes.
Wirelessly posted

Scary thing. Good thing he's alright.
Wow. That's just asinine.

I may never will be able to understand this but how can one be addicted to video gaming? I'm not a gamer, obviously. But, to sit down all day/night long to play video game has to be a psychological issue or mental warp of some sort? I don't know. I'm just trying to figure that out in my head why it went too far?

It's good to know the boy came out of this alright.
Umm... shouldn't the mother have been aware of what her son was doing? If she wanted to allow him to play games for 3 days straight, she should have been ready to check on him frequently and provide him norishment needed.
He should have took this venom injection to allow him to awake for more than 100 hours.

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and don't forget to check their website :lol:
^^^fuck vemon??!! crazy shit, the worlds getting crazier and crazier
Umm... shouldn't the mother have been aware of what her son was doing? If she wanted to allow him to play games for 3 days straight, she should have been ready to check on him frequently and provide him norishment needed.

If they had practiced family dinner time with everyone sitting around the table, and kept the computer in a public area of the house, then maybe this wouldn't have happened.

Kids shouldn't be allowed to hole up in their rooms for hours at a time.
I wonder if these guys go into the game with the intention of not eating or sleeping for days on end? I only play the Sims once every few months because it's such a time sink, and sometimes I get so into it that I lose track of time and forget to eat. But intentionally neglecting to fulfill your body's fundamental needs for the sake of gaming is really insane.
I wonder if these guys go into the game with the intention of not eating or sleeping for days on end? I only play the Sims once every few months because it's such a time sink, and sometimes I get so into it that I lose track of time and forget to eat. But intentionally neglecting to fulfill your body's fundamental needs for the sake of gaming is really insane.
Maybe when starting such a game, the player should set a timer so that won't happen.
As a Gamer and a former hardcore gamer.... I can tell you that a timer WILL NOT WORK . It is a good idea but when you play games, you are in a different world and do not care about a lot of things. What you need is a person to push you off your ass and take away the controller... well at least for me yeah...