Obama's poll drops even further....continues cratering

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Obama is such a joke.. and this is surprising???
We knew that from the beginning. Wet behind the ears kind of guy. Still wet even now.

it's wet cuz you've been salivating a lil' too much. for heaven's sake - get off his back and let the poor bastard do the job
Same with G.W. Bush in past, hehe.

Yeah, Obama did it in 1 1/2 year versus Bush cratering at year 4. Besides, they were expecting the messiah to walk on water. Boy, were they disappointed. Once you see a charlatan you'd know.
Yeah, Obama did it in 1 1/2 year versus Bush cratering at year 4. Besides, they were expecting the messiah to walk on water. Boy, were they disappointed. Once you see a charlatan you'd know.

No matters about years.

Approval rating for Bill Clinton was less than 50% in 1993-1994 so what is your point?

Sorry, I don't see Obama as messiah.
No matters about years.

Approval rating for Bill Clinton was less than 50% in 1993-1994 so what is your point?

Sorry, I don't see Obama as messiah.

Obama is breaking record time here.
Not like Obama. He's failing.....miserably. And it was all his own undoing.

lol, see? you are protect your favorite conservative leaders and love to bash on liberal leaders.
It's a fact. Obama's job approval rating is dropping like rock unlike any past presidents in such a short time.
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