Obama supporters?

Because people are stupid and their priorities are fucked up.


but with universal health care.... people are taking even MORE money from you and me via taxes. get it?

At least I know that the taxes are going for healthcare and not for something idotic like the Iraq war.

Exactly. I would much prefer that my taxes assist a child living in poverty to get preventive health care services, than my tax money be used to blow children up.

Good comeback!

I think I explained at other thread that unemployment rate in Germany was decrease from 13% to 7,5% now.

During counsellor Helmut Kohl´s time, economy was bad... He is the same as McCain who support rich people... It make Germans go out of Germany to buy things cheaply that´s how hurt economy... He lost election to counsellor Gerhard Schröder. He work on Kohl´s debt and tried to improve unemployment rate and economy but he failed... Now counsellor Angela Merkel did it sucessful to reduce unemployment rate and improve economy. We buy German things to support economy.

Well one has to remember Germany's history. Afterall Chancellor Kohl incorporated East Germany and thus took on their unemployment, debt, and financial woes and added that to West Germany's issues.

You would have skyrocketing unemployment, debt, etc. All the Germans really cared was to have their country re-united and not split.

If the Koreas did what Germany did, same situation.
This is a misleading information.

11% of healthcare insurance was being taken out of my monthly wage. It´s between 10% and 13% in different healthcare insurance companies in Germany.

I never heard that 50% tax out of monthly wage for healthcare.

Remember, USA is very huge country and have more health crisis, skyrocket of overweight and obesity that cause cost more for medical, same with cancer from smoking and other much more, even we don't have enough funds to support universal health center, also war has been not largely take out of fund, mostly are from China that where big trading and other that cause we are in more debt.

I was talk about 50% at total, including federal tax, SS tax, state tax, city/county tax and universal health tax in combined for more than $50,000 per year, it could be for us since see explanation on above.
I have to ask you. How long can the government keeps paying for unemployed people? Is there a time limit? We do have same program in here to help the unemployed.

then he should be Governor of Illinois!!! I'm sorry but President of United States is far more big deal than governor job. You're talking about the fate of the world - especially military. Look at JFK. Young and inexperienced... and what happened? yea there you go. I can live with Obama being a Governor but President? no sir. Not yet. Prove it to me first. Everybody's gotta start at bottom. Apparently - Obama's being arrogant.

Yeah, let's look at JFK. Inexperienced militarily? Ever read PT 109? Young, yeppers, and responsible for instituting more social support programs and human/civil rights changes than any President that came before.

Obama may not be a JFK, but he's as close as this ciuntry has come for a long long while. Thank God.
None of these so-called "arguments" against universal health care make sense. They're all the same regurgitated shit that I've heard from right-wingers.

I am sorry to tell you that they are correct in some parts based on my experience in using both Canada's universal health care and American health care systems.

Of course, all Americans especially poor, elderly and disabled deserve to be provided with full insurance.

The problem is insurance companies. The Congress need to act to force them cover all medical and drug costs for all Americans with reasonable rates.

Yup, Royale is right, that's true about how universal health center works.

It has nothing with right wing about universal health center issue at big time, also there's mixed of moderate and left right are against on universal health center, depends on situation.
Remember, USA is very huge country and have more health crisis, skyrocket of overweight and obesity that cause cost more for medical, same with cancer from smoking and other much more, even we don't have enough funds to support universal health center, also war has been not largely take out of fund, mostly are from China that where big trading and other that cause we are in more debt.

I was talk about 50% at total, including federal tax, SS tax, state tax, city/county tax and universal health tax in combined for more than $50,000 per year, it could be for us since see explanation on above.

Please read post #756. It completely explains the rationale behind Obama's health care plan, and the financial implication contained in the plan.
Please read post #756. It completely explains the rationale behind Obama's health care plan, and the financial implication contained in the plan.

Sorry, jillio, I'm not buy Obama's bullshit about everything.

#756? there's no #756 post, we are on #748.
Yeah, let's look at JFK. Inexperienced militarily? Ever read PT 109? Young, yeppers, and responsible for instituting more social support programs and human/civil rights changes than any President that came before.

Obama may not be a JFK, but he's as close as this ciuntry has come for a long long while. Thank God.

uh.... that's not what I'm referring to. I'm talking about JFK as Commander in Chief. What a shitty-ass job. He nearly brought us to actual Cold War.
Okay - I re-wrote my pervious post because my comment was messed up by accidently push a button "enter". I made a new post.


First thing I thought you guys were talked about optional incomes ,so never mind...

Some people don't need a lot of medical insances. Some people don't have ones because they don't want to. They have a reason. Yes, I'd aware the healthcare inscance or other medical income types are importance. Yes, I know people don't stay healthy forever.

That point is, is it really fair for healthy people to pay various taxes, for healthcare insances, if they don't need much medical care insances?

I'm going to get my SSI soon because I'm almost out of money so... I already have my appointment for open job on next month since I don't want SSI but I have no choice because $$$. I don't think it's truly awful choice... Really, I don't. Other insances, SSI is not always greedy and/or selffishness... some people have a good reason why they may need it. I don't understand why you guys thought all people with SSI are so greedy or/and selfish... Puyo have a reason why he has his SSI...

Well, if it's REALLY a bad choice then I'D RATHER TO END MY LIFE THAN I COULD SUFFER NO MONEY AND BEING REJECTED BY DISCRIMATIONS (SP). Yes, they can make other ways to prevent deafies/poories from getting a new career.

I don't know what happen to us if Obama's plans effect on our futures once he becomes a president. The most worser part is against protection of born-alive babies laws (I already post it with some links here). I'm not surprise IF he makes paritcal birth abortion law a legal again. Well, I honestly appreciate Obama for he wants to improve USA. That's great but - no and BIG no-no. I don't care if you think I am an ignorant or whatever you want to look down on me for. I just don't trust Obama at all. He's poor taste, imo.

I'm surprise some of you guys assumed me as McCain supporter. Um... I'm not yet. :ugh3:
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And I'm not buying your bullshit either. You're exactly the kind of voter that the McCain campaign is looking for.


I'm not buy your bullshit either. ;)

You don't know about me at general.
Liebling paid 5.5% for unlimited health care for herself and her family. My son paid 1.5% for someone else's health care, and had none of his own. That's the fact that you seem to be ignoring.
Your son will pay an even higher percentage as Americans age, and the birthrate for American workers declines. Same for Social Security. Fewer people paying into it, and more people taking out from it.
I'm just gonna throw in my opinion, that even though I really hadn't been watching any campaigns nor do I really know who McCain or Obama is, but what I do know is that the MAJORITY of the US does not like President Bush AND that Bush had lost the popular vote back in 2000 (of course there's still confusion about how the hell he won presidency when he lost the popular vote) and far too many ppl do not support the war in Iraq. So consider all that and I'm sure that the majority will not follow the candidate (from what I read would be McCain) who supports Bush. Bush had made far too many mistakes during his presidency and refused to fix his errors or admit that he made any mistakes. All he wants to do is just jump into war with one country after another after another (i mean first Afghanistan, then Iraq, now possibly Russia?!) While he's at it he may as well just declare war on China since he's moving farther to the East. Bush is a fucking psycho, but he doesn't care for all he does is go on vacation over 40% of the time as president.

If anyone supports McCain, well then they most likely support the fall of the US. It's because of Bush (as an individual) that the world views all of us (Americans) as a bad country. However, it's not guaranteed that whoever wins the most votes will be president cuz there's some fucked up system that will elect the president itself just like back in 2000 election.

So there's my opinion and my point of view of this debate
The only universal thing universal health care will provide is..... that it will universally suck!!!

What it will provide us with is:
1. Higher costs than we have today
2. Much worse service
3. Longer delays in getting care
4. shit shit shit shit

This is same shit that President Johnson tried in the 60's... you know - his "war on poverty." Well it didn't work back then... and it certainly won't work now. Socialism doesn't work. Socialism is why European countries have a lower standard of living than Americans do - well in terms of wealth and luxury. This will be yet another step down the road to "equal poverty for all." here's a funny thing - you know... you pay taxes for public education even though you don't have any children in the school... And public schools in the US is such a shining example to that methodology, isn't it? yea same thing for universal health care.

Why should the government provide everything for you? The government should certainly not provide everything for you but it should make sure its population are healthy. If I live in a country, I should expect to be able to survive in it... no matter how much I earn.

Yes America is competitive, democratic and capitalist in nature. The current health care system unfortunately favors the rich over the poor. If you can't afford to pay for an operation, you're either left to die or you're made even poorer. I'm aware of that. That's why it's logical to have a combination of public/state-funded health care for the poor and private health care for the rich - that should be a good balance. America has hundred of charities and teaching hospitals that are required to help even those without health insurance. Surely, you're not going to be getting a $1,000 MRI the next day or having the most highly esteemed surgeon doing your knee operation but you will get treated.

It's a simple math! If you take the same number of working people who are all paying for their own health care in a private system.... and then BAM!!! switch to Universal health care - all of a sudden... they're paying for everybody. Then the average quality of care will go down for everyone. It's a socialism!!! remember - everyone is equal - both rich and poor. Health care will be no different.

Government-funded health care = universally poorer health care. there is no disputing the numbers. A private system, like our current one, is not perfect. I understand that. But you make exceptions for the disabled and you offer assistance to the poor including free care at one of the many charity hospitals around the nation. Someone find me an example where the government runs an industry more efficiently than a competitive market. oh wait..... there isn't one!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: It's just like the police. I don't get to pick and choose the police department or its police officers as my public safety officer. I get what the government gives me because of my taxes. If I don't feel that it's not adequate security for me... then I can choose to hire my own security. If I can't afford my own security then I got to STFU and be happy with the police that I get.

While the idea of universal health care is one of the utmost ideals we can aspire to, it does not work. Look at any country that has it or tried to implement it. It's a big nightmare for everyone involved and the overall quality is horrible/mediocre. Universal health care is a beautiful idea but in reality... it just DON'T work especially in USA.

I don't want my hard-earned money going to some asshole who refuses to work and not stop being a drug addict. So tell me why these destitute deserve a free health care? What did they deserve to get a free ride? I work my ass off all years long. Same with my gf, my family and my friends. We're all lower to upper middle class people and we don't get a damn thing for free.

Where is the logic in giving away health care to these leeches? Yea people like Liebling and Jillio will say <whiny voice> "they're human beings too!!!" Well I'm a human being too and I'm tired of paying tax tax tax tax to pay for these freeloaders! :madfawk:

That's why I emphasize on PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. R-E-S-P-O-N-S-B-I-L-I-T-Y. As a self-earner... with a pretty good outlook of my own future.... Universal health care? Fuck that! Get your own. Just like I did. I used to be fucked. But hey I worked my way out of it. and it was a bitch. Tough love sucks. But it really is the best way. I hated my parents when I was young because they would not make it easy for me. But now i am glad they did not coddle me. If they had, I would expect the world to owe me that which I do not have. :nono: NO NO NO!!! Instead - I work hard to provide for myself and my future family. I expect nothing from my government and I will be pleasantly surprised if I get something from them... like stimulus package. This is my life. I am not sitting around waiting on them.

Try it :cool2:
Blah blah blah blah.

That's my response to the garbage about universal healthcare that you posted.
Sorry, jillio, I'm not buy Obama's bullshit about everything.

#756? there's no #756 post, we are on #748.

Sorry about that. #734. So, then I guess you'd rather make an uninformed decision. Figures.
Your son will pay an even higher percentage as Americans age, and the birthrate for American workers declines. Same for Social Security. Fewer people paying into it, and more people taking out from it.

No doubt about that. That is why something needs to be done now.
Blah blah blah blah.

That's my response to the garbage about universal healthcare that you posted.

And garbage it is. Simply more rantings from the uninformed.:roll:

do you really understand Obama's plan? Did you just read the highlighter of his plan and got all giggly and excited? Do you really understand the economic behind it? How in the shit-fuck hell is government going to pay for it???? I don't understand what's there you can't understand. Under Obama's Health Care plan - we're going to pay even MORE than now. MUCH more. FUCK THAT! NO SUCH THING AS FREE BREAD FOR FREELOADERS! :madfawk:

Better go back to college and sign up for ECON 101. Maybe this will help -
Clinton, Obama, Insurance
For Democrats, Pragmatism On Universal Health Care
They've Got You Covered?

I pray to god you don't make me break it down into 1st grade language for you if you can't understand the basic economic breakdown and the fineprints of Obama's OUTLANDISH health care plan.
do you really understand Obama's plan? Did you just read the highlighter of his plan and got all giggly and excited? Do you really understand the economic behind it? How in the shit-fuck hell is government going to pay for it???? I don't understand what's there you can't understand. Under Obama's Health Care plan - we're going to pay even MORE than now. MUCH more. FUCK THAT! NO SUCH THING AS FREE BREAD FOR FREELOADERS! :madfawk:

Better go back to college and sign up for ECON 101. Maybe this will help -
Clinton, Obama, Insurance
For Democrats, Pragmatism On Universal Health Care
They've Got You Covered?

I pray to god you don't make me break it down into 1st grade language for you if you can't understand the basic economic breakdown and the fineprints of Obama's OUTLANDISH health care plan.

I'd match my comprehension against yours at any point in time on any day of the week. No problem.:cool2:

You are fulfilling the old Chinese Proverb again, jiro. Slow down on the attacks. They show that you are out of ideas AGAIN.