Obama-McCain Debate Part I

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McCain really wants to win the war. I just don't feel like he explained clearly why we need to continue this war.

McCain wants to vote against wasteful spending except for things like veteran support. That's good, but what if he votes against something that is not wasteful spending? Like disability? He may have his idea of wasteful spending while it is not wasteful for other people who need it.

We need new ideas to get the economy going. The war's taking a toll on the economy. I think McCain also said that he wants to increase the military people for the war.
McCain really wants to win the war. I just don't feel like he explained clearly why we need to continue this war.

McCain wants to vote against wasteful spending except for things like veteran support. That's good, but what if he votes against something that is not wasteful spending? Like disability? He may have his idea of wasteful spending while it is not wasteful for other people who need it.

We need new ideas to get the economy going. The war's taking a toll on the economy. I think McCain also said that he wants to increase the military people for the war.

It's not 'continue this war', it's finish it in victory instead of pulling out in defeat. As he stated, there are many hundreds of soldiers who have reenlisted so they could stay there to help our country succeed at getting Iraq up and running for itself. If we leave before they have fully functioning government there, than we've failed and would most likely have to go back. My sister and her husband were both in the USMC, she served 2 times in Iraq, and her husband served 3 times, and they both agree we're doing the right things there. Her husband saw firsthand what we only learn stories about, with iraqi people coming up to them and thanking them, and hugging or kissing them.

As for the wasteful spending, McCain said keeping programs like veteran support and other important programs, and then for an example of an unneeded program I believe he talked about millions spent on studying cow DNA or something, and I'd have to agree with that 100%. It reminds me of millions spent in the 90s to study cow farts. I'm sure he wouldn't include disability or something like that as wasteful spending, but he does know it needs restructuring, just as we all should know that. I'm too tired too look up any facts right now though, it's been a long day for me.

And yes we do need new ideas for our economy, like fixing the earmarks issues and not raising taxes and adding hundreds of millions in new spending (when asked what he'd cut spending, Obama actually named 3 things totalling like $800 million that he'd add to spending).
I support 100% gay rights, including marriage, support abortion based on woman's choice, end of drug war, such as legalize on marijuana and respectful to immigrant rights but not for illegal, also I'm favor into universal health care.

For fuel issue, I'm against on drilling in ANWR but offshore, it's depends on coasts, I'm favor into strict emission regulation, such as increase mpg, alternative fuel or other energy source for vehicles.

Thnx for responding, I almost missed it. For me, on same issues, I have no problem with civil unions among same sex couples. I already stated my opinions on abortion up above. As for the drug war, I do believe 100% that marijuana should be legal, not only for medical purposes but also for recreational use, because it is less harmful than alcohol and not addicting at all. In regards to immigrants, I think things are fine already as all immigrants I have known (my father's gf is a woman from the Philipines and both her and her son are immigrants, and I've known many mexicans) have no problems, but we do need to be stricter on illegal aliens and do not grant them the same rights as citizens of this country or immigrants (especially illegals should not get disability or unemployment, etc). I think our healthcare system needs a lot of work, but it has been proven many times that socialist medicine does not work, so we need another solution.

About fuels, I believe "all of the above" with drilling on and offshore as long as respect the enviroment, as well as working on all alternative fuels. Natural gas is a good alternative for vehicles as well as other needs, but converting cars to use it is still expensive and should not be forced upon us. My favorite car I owned was a '71 Mustang and I would love to have one again, but I would never try to use an alternative fuel for it.

Probably most important to me are national security, the economy, and future technologies including computers and our space program.

Sorry, I don't mean to sidetrack this thread, just wanted to likewise respond for Foxrac with my beliefs. Please resume our regularly scheduled topic already in progress. :wave:
Thnx for responding, I almost missed it. For me, on same issues, I have no problem with civil unions among same sex couples. I already stated my opinions on abortion up above. As for the drug war, I do believe 100% that marijuana should be legal, not only for medical purposes but also for recreational use, because it is less harmful than alcohol and not addicting at all. In regards to immigrants, I think things are fine already as all immigrants I have known (my father's gf is a woman from the Philipines and both her and her son are immigrants, and I've known many mexicans) have no problems, but we do need to be stricter on illegal aliens and do not grant them the same rights as citizens of this country or immigrants (especially illegals should not get disability or unemployment, etc). I think our healthcare system needs a lot of work, but it has been proven many times that socialist medicine does not work, so we need another solution.

About fuels, I believe "all of the above" with drilling on and offshore as long as respect the enviroment, as well as working on all alternative fuels. Natural gas is a good alternative for vehicles as well as other needs, but converting cars to use it is still expensive and should not be forced upon us. My favorite car I owned was a '71 Mustang and I would love to have one again, but I would never try to use an alternative fuel for it.

Probably most important to me are national security, the economy, and future technologies including computers and our space program.

Sorry, I don't mean to sidetrack this thread, just wanted to likewise respond for Foxrac with my beliefs. Please resume our regularly scheduled topic already in progress. :wave:

You are, exactly, American. You are me.
Very nice, SimpleMan, very nice, indeed.
I watched their debate carefully on German TV because both American TV (I have 2 American progammes) don´t have subtitles...

My personal view on their debate is :

McCain´s lack of his intelligent in the debate example: He repeat several times " he doesn´t understand...." He should use those respectful word: "I disagree" or "I respectfully disagree".

Obama´s response to foreign policy questions with his eloquent manner but McCain? How can McCain win on foreign policy when he doesn't know Spain is a member of NATO?

McCain looks to the past. Obama looks to the future. Obama spoke about issues and McCain spoke about emotions... McCain feel uncomforable and emotional when he spoke about the past a lot but where´s his plan for the future?

McCain aviod to look Obama when he speaking and Obama look respectful at McCain when he speaking...

Obama use those word "middle class" or "working families" several times... McCain?

Yes I have to give Obama right for blame 8 years Bush administration policy. Well, if the Americans want Bush's politics to continue then vote McCain. I can´t see any difference between the political views on Mc.Cain and Bush. Obama has very different views about USA future. To me, Obama moviate the future for America´s country.

I was not surprised when I saw their debate on TV because my philosophy POV about them and their pesonality, manner, etc for long months before their 1st debate comes, is correct...

OBAMA = substance, fair, respectful, mature.

McCAIN = rhetorical, avoiding, belligerent, immaturity.

That´s all what I have in my personal opinion.

You're right Liebling, not even one time that McCain had talked about the struggling of the middle class families--that looks bad on his part in my opinion. Obama is a much better speaker than McCain is, but I have a hard time trusting Obama. :dunno:
I watched their debate carefully on German TV because both American TV (I have 2 American progammes) don´t have subtitles...

My personal view on their debate is :

McCain´s lack of his intelligent in the debate example: He repeat several times " he doesn´t understand...." He should use those respectful word: "I disagree" or "I respectfully disagree".

Obama´s response to foreign policy questions with his eloquent manner but McCain? How can McCain win on foreign policy when he doesn't know Spain is a member of NATO?

McCain looks to the past. Obama looks to the future. Obama spoke about issues and McCain spoke about emotions... McCain feel uncomforable and emotional when he spoke about the past a lot but where´s his plan for the future?

McCain aviod to look Obama when he speaking and Obama look respectful at McCain when he speaking...

Obama use those word "middle class" or "working families" several times... McCain?

Yes I have to give Obama right for blame 8 years Bush administration policy. Well, if the Americans want Bush's politics to continue then vote McCain. I can´t see any difference between the political views on Mc.Cain and Bush. Obama has very different views about USA future. To me, Obama moviate the future for America´s country.

I was not surprised when I saw their debate on TV because my philosophy POV about them and their pesonality, manner, etc for long months before their 1st debate comes, is correct...

OBAMA = substance, fair, respectful, mature.

McCAIN = rhetorical, avoiding, belligerent, immaturity.

That´s all what I have in my personal opinion.

Yup, exactly, great point, Liebling.

I don't want have other republican in office again, it has been done for almost 8 years and seems don't make America so better but more worse, such as mortgage/credit crisis, also I don't like most of republican's views except for gun rights, I'm fully support for gun rights.

2008 election will going to be very bigger like in 2000 election.
You're right Liebling, not even one time that McCain had talked about the struggling of the middle class families--that looks bad on his part in my opinion. Obama is a much better speaker than McCain is, but I have a hard time trusting Obama. :dunno:

McCain mentioned nothing of the middle class. Probably because he doesn't think that the middle class exist in this country.
:ty: Foxrac & Cheri,

Yeah, Foxrac...

Yes, I understand your view over Obama, Cheri but it´s important to follow your feeling either you want McCain or Obama to be President of USA.
McCain mentioned nothing of the middle class. Probably because he doesn't think that the middle class exist in this country.

He has made it clear from the beginning of his campaign that his concern is not with the largest portion of the population of this country, but with the wealthy.

Just a different perspective here:

Spending 10 billion dollars monthly on this war when we have serious domestic issues... ridiculous.

We are not 'spending' 10 billion a month - We are 'borrowing' 10 billion a month..in the name of 'We don't have any choice, it's national security'

If the war stops tommorrow - congress will 'NOT' borrow that much money for domestic issues...it's not a high enough priority.......especially since we're going to borrow 700 billion to bail out the thieves on Wall St.

That's not to say the Iraq war should continue......I just don't think anyone should hold their breath or believe that if the war stops, we're going to have tons of money to fix domestic issues...........or even the money to support the plans of either candidate........! :doh:
That is hardly "existential".

Oh yes it is still. We are still under constant threats from terrorists. We use our intelligence agencies to gather and examine their activities and seize opportunities to stop them from making 9/11-style attacks on U.S. and western allies soil on 24/7 daily basis.

I will tell you why I am telling you here in PM.
So, whichever candidate talks the most about "the middle class" will be the better President? Or does it mean the one who talks the most about "the middle class" is just a better campaigner and speech maker? :hmm:

Don't forget that talk is cheap, and action is costly.
...Yes, I understand your view over Obama, Cheri but it´s important to follow your feeling either you want McCain or Obama to be President of USA.
Um, no. Voters should follow their heads, not their hearts. Voters are selecting a President to lead their country, not a date for the prom.
Oh yes it is still. We are still under constant threats from terrorists. We use our intelligence agencies to gather and examine their activities and seize opportunities to stop them from making 9/11-style attacks on U.S. and western allies soil on 24/7 daily basis.

I will tell you why I am telling you here in PM.

I don't disagree with your point. But it is still not an "exitential" threat. McCain used the word improperly to begin with.
McCain did make one reference to the middle class but I am trying to remember the line....dang...
McCain did make one reference to the middle class but I am trying to remember the line....dang...

Oh well. If you remember, just type it up. Off subject, I just hate his laughing. He needs to be serious to help us otherwise, we will vote Obama.

Uh, do you remember the line yet? I'll wait to read your comment.
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