Nucleus freedom rechargeable


Active Member
Jun 23, 2003
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Hey guys-

I checked out the cochlear website.. notice that nucleus freedom have rechargeable batteries, NEW mini BTE which is smaller than orginal, and colors to pick any colors u want and put them off, take them off its cool colors!

wish i get those.. seems like i'll have to pay them myself while new implantees get them free *groans*
You can see if your state will help pay for a new cochlear implant then you can get the batteries for free. I know it is a pain to have to go buy hearing aid batteries. I don't have CI but I have BTE so I have to buy size 675 and it is very hard to find where I live and I am thinking of buying batteries over the internet. I think AllDeaf does sell hearing aid batteries. I am not sure which ad it was and I saw it before when I was just lurking on AllDeaf but did not sign up yet.
JohnnyE said:
I don't have CI but I have BTE so I have to buy size 675 and it is very hard to find where I live and I am thinking of buying batteries over the internet. I think AllDeaf does sell hearing aid batteries. I am not sure which ad it was and I saw it before when I was just lurking on AllDeaf but did not sign up yet.

If you are in USA then Wal-mart, Target, Walgreen, OSCO, Fry's, Safeway, Alberston, BestBuy, Wegmans, Tops, Publix, WinnDixie and all hearing aid shops even ask your audiologist. OH, I almost forgot... Radio Shack!

No, AllDeaf don't sell batteries, it was just a ad for batteries sold by a company that is not AllDeaf.
JohnnyE said:
You can see if your state will help pay for a new cochlear implant then you can get the batteries for free. I know it is a pain to have to go buy hearing aid batteries. I don't have CI but I have BTE so I have to buy size 675 and it is very hard to find where I live and I am thinking of buying batteries over the internet. I think AllDeaf does sell hearing aid batteries. I am not sure which ad it was and I saw it before when I was just lurking on AllDeaf but did not sign up yet.

I buy my batteries over the internet. I live in Australia but buy them from the US because I get a 50% saving! And the great thing is that postage is only $5.50 because they don't differentiate between national and international customers. I love it when I get a bargain.
I live near none of those stores and I have to order hearing aid batteries over the internet. I have to go to my audiologist's office but they carry batteries that last about 2 or 3 days that is it. That is why I am wanting Enegrizer hearing aid batteries but I am alittle concerned it is very hot outside so I want to wait until I order a box of hearing aids that will be sent thru the mail maybe this Sept or Nov to make sure batteries stay cool and fresh.
Really? Where's website? I wanna to take a look! I haven't got my CI yet but I will one day. And can get that what I liked! YAY!


DeafSCUBA98 said:
Hey guys-

I checked out the cochlear website.. notice that nucleus freedom have rechargeable batteries, NEW mini BTE which is smaller than orginal, and colors to pick any colors u want and put them off, take them off its cool colors!

wish i get those.. seems like i'll have to pay them myself while new implantees get them free *groans*
Why don't you ask your cochlear as to some options that you can do to help make buying batteries easier? They may have some connections. I know of a girl who had her batteries sent home regularly from the state or something similar. Ask the company, you never know if there's something much easier for you. Yep, you can apply for Medicaid to see if they will pay for a new one to help make your life easier. It doesn't hurt to apply and see if you qualify for extra help. Nothing to lose at all.
A friend of mine order his batteries from Europe and it last him a bit longer. I'll ask him for the website. And let you know. He said reasonable price but not sure how long the box last him. So I will do the same and keep it last for few months than buy it every week or so!
Too bad there aren't any rechargeable hearing aid batteries size 675 which would save me lot of money on batteries.
I can't wait until Freedom release for Nucleus 22.




When would release for Nucleus 22?
I thought you can replace that for new one because we dont need another sugery but get the new btes?
FelixKat930 said:
I thought you can replace that for new one because we dont need another sugery but get the new btes?

Yea, no need to re-surgery but only can replace new BTE.

I doubt insurance would cover to take re-surgery for people who have Nucleus 22, I means just replace new implant into new freedom including MRI safe.
FelixKat930 said:
I thought you can replace that for new one because we dont need another sugery but get the new btes?

As Vol stated, you won't need to replace the implant itself. They build them with a great deal of redundancy (meaning you should never see a point if ever that the hardware (BTE) or software will use all the capabilities of the implant). This is very nice to know as the upgrades is via the hardward and/or software. They really don't want mess with the cochlea any more than they have to. So, you will either get the hardward (i.e., BTE) and/or software upgraded.
ClearSky said:
Why don't you ask your cochlear as to some options that you can do to help make buying batteries easier? They may have some connections. I know of a girl who had her batteries sent home regularly from the state or something similar. Ask the company, you never know if there's something much easier for you. Yep, you can apply for Medicaid to see if they will pay for a new one to help make your life easier. It doesn't hurt to apply and see if you qualify for extra help. Nothing to lose at all.
i do not quaitify for any state help, insurance. because of my income is above the federal limits.
I asked my Doctor to find out which CI device is better, they said the Body Worn is better than the other device... I don't know much about this but Im in the process of trying to get one soon hopefully... ((keeping fingers crossed))
Boult said:
If you are in USA then Wal-mart, Target, Walgreen, OSCO, Fry's, Safeway, Alberston, BestBuy, Wegmans, Tops, Publix, WinnDixie and all hearing aid shops even ask your audiologist. OH, I almost forgot... Radio Shack!

No, AllDeaf don't sell batteries, it was just a ad for batteries sold by a company that is not AllDeaf.

I cant remember where I got this site, but the one person had tried a couple different implant batteries and got the best results from the ones that cost around $90 for a years supply. but you could purchase a couple packs of the different batteries and see which work best for you. they also carry HA batteries if that's what you need.

I have not had to purchase any yet so can't verify how well their service is.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
Hey guys-

I checked out the cochlear website.. notice that nucleus freedom have rechargeable batteries, NEW mini BTE which is smaller than orginal, and colors to pick any colors u want and put them off, take them off its cool colors!

wish i get those.. seems like i'll have to pay them myself while new implantees get them free *groans*

I'm hoping that since the bottom piece of one of my processors is cracked that maybe they'll let me replace it with the smaller one. Not sure how I managed to crack it but I've only had it for about 3 months so it should still be covered by warrenty.
RoyalMajesty said:
I asked my Doctor to find out which CI device is better, they said the Body Worn is better than the other device... I don't know much about this but Im in the process of trying to get one soon hopefully... ((keeping fingers crossed))

I have a freedom bte and it's great. I personally wouldnt have (so didn't) chosen a body worn processor because to me they seem very inconvient. Someone hear chose a BW as one of their processsing units and doesn't seem to use it much anymore, exactly why does you dr. say the body worn is better? Rechargeable batteries and easier access to the controls? Before you decide you really need to know what each company offers and what option fit your lifestyle best.

Oh and good luck. :)
Jag, my 2 1/2 year old daughter has the freedom. I would think the body worn would be considdered better because of the battery life and ease of controls.

To the initial poster, Just so you know, its only the batteries in the bodyworn that are rechargable. If you use it BTE only, you will have to use the traditional hearing aid batteries. The body worn comes with 4 aaa rechargable batteries. You use 2 bateries at a time. You can get about 40 hours of use per charge. The supplied AAA batteries have a life of about 1 year.

If you use the freedom in a body worn configuration, you must take into consideration that the cable and body worn portion are still very new. When we got our bodyworn unit last fall, we were told that the bw and cable were not yet approved by the F.D.A., we were fielding them for the fda. We had a couple of cables fail. Freedom asked us to return the damaged cables so they could study them to figure out why they failed. We had two cables fail within 4 months. I think I figured out what led to the failres. We were putting the bodyworn unti in a small pouch that we sewed to our daughters clothes. They were positioned in a manner which caused the cable to be coiled up with alot of bends in the cable. When we got the 3rd cable, I changed how the BW was carried. We moved the pouch so the cable would not be bound up. We havent had a failure since.