NRA offensive exposes deep U.S. divisions on guns

Anyone can be granny as early as 30 years old. So, I didn't say how old in the first place.
Study: Gun homicides, violence down sharply in past 20 years -
(CNN) -- Gun-related homicides and crime are "strikingly" down from 20 years ago, despite the American public's belief that firearm crime is on the upswing, a new study said Wednesday.

Looking back 50 years, a Pew Research Center study found U.S. gun homicides rose in the 1960s, gained in the 1970s, peaked in the 1980s and the early 1990s, and then plunged and leveled out the past 20 years.

"Despite national attention to the issue of firearm violence, most Americans are unaware that gun crime is lower today than it was two decades ago," the researchers say.

A Pew survey of Americans in March found 56% believed gun-related crime is higher than 20 years ago and only 12% said it's lower. The survey said 26% believed it stayed the same and 6% didn't know.

Chicago's record murder rate: Don't blame guns alone

The new study found U.S. firearm homicides peaked in 1993 at 7.0 deaths per 100,000 people. But by 2010, the rate was 49% lower, and firearm-related violence -- assaults, robberies, sex crimes -- was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993, the study found.

Those drops parallel an overall decline in violent non-fatal crime, with or without a gun, the study said.

In fact, gun-related homicide rates in the late 2000s were "equal to those not seen since the early 1960s," the study found.

Explanations for the drops the past 20 years aren't clear, the study said.

Video shows test firing of 3-D printed handgun

"Researchers have studied the decline in firearm crime and violent crime for many years, and though there are theories to explain the decline, there is no consensus among those who study the issue as to why it happened," the researchers say in a summary.

Despite the decline, the United States still has a higher rate of homicide than other developed countries, the study says. But America doesn't have a higher rate for all other crimes.

The United States also has a higher rate of gun ownership than any other developed country, the study said.

NRA's LaPierre says gun rights struggle a 'long war'

The Senate defeated a compromise plan to expand background checks on firearms sales as well as a proposal to ban some semi-automatic weapons modeled after military assault weapons.

As Congress grapples with major gun control legislation proposals, brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers and children write about the people they loved and lost to gun violence and how it changed their lives.

Hear from both sides of the gun debate as opinions clash.

It was a bit awkward the first time Kate Daggett asked the question.

Many Americans and lawmakers are in favor of continuing or expanding background checks on gun purchases, but few understand how the checks work.

Still stinging from the shooting deaths at Sandy Hook, Connecticut lawmakers approved what advocacy groups call the strongest and most comprehensive gun legislation in the nation.

It took fewer than five minutes for Adam Lanza to squeeze off 154 rounds, upending life in Newtown, Connecticut, and triggering a renewed national debate over gun control.

Background checks for guns?

Who should get them? Join the gun control debate and share your perspective on CNN iReport.

Before having children, she was a firm believer that guns were dangerous. Now this mother of three has a different perspective.

In the biggest fight over firearms since December's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school, gun-control advocates are poised to notch a victory in an unlikely place.

A former drug addict turned anti-violence crusader, and a man who lost his father in a temple shooting. These are just two of many in the conversation.

Where is the middle ground?

updated 1:22 PM EST, Fri February 1, 2013

At a town hall that brought all sides of the gun debate together, was there a consensus?

Sort of.

The federal background check system for gun buyers didn't stop a mentally ill man from buying a gun, which he used to kill his mother.

In disputes over the future of gun laws, people espousing different positions often literally don't understand each other.
Crime stats around the United States. Just a few examples. Some cities' crime have went down and others have stayed the same or went up a bit. Of course, not all crimes were caused by guns.




TCS and I attended a Friends of the NRA banquet last night. It was fun. We enjoyed the auction, guest speaker, and (yum) the catfish and shrimp buffet.
Crime stats around the United States. Just a few examples. Some cities' crime have went down and others have stayed the same or went up a bit. Of course, not all crimes were caused by guns.

Yes, the crime usually happen if there are lack of good education and job so it isn't gun issue, also they didn't address the education and job issue by passing gun control law or strengthening the gun rights.

Atlanta and New Orleans are in state that are gun friendly state but they have higher crime than in LA and NYC. Lack of education and job are problem, but oddly, the unemployment rate in California is just bad as Georgia and Louisiana.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

Crime exists because evil exists.
anyone got the 'print your gun' blueprints? I can access a makebot lol
Please elaborate for me.

You had to ask this now as I'm getting ready to go to bed?

Short version:
Humans like things to have easy solutions or complex ones if we can't figure things out. A conspiracy theorist will find a pattern in random sequences because he is looking for a pattern. On the other hand, a person who doesn't like complexities will go the other way and label it because of x(x is a simple catch phrase).

The truth is: Real life is a mixture of simplicity and complexity.

Lack of jobs causes crime(no simple solution), culture causes crime(belief of oppression), religion causes crime(differentiation to achieve superiority), lack of resources causes crime(starvation).

A simple: Don't take the pie I left in the fridge can cause crime.

And, the the average person doesn't need a thesis to tell them this, it's common sense.